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Wednesday, July 23, 2008



Portraits of Adventure: The Exciting Lives of Others [PICS]

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 09:30 PM CDT

A new photographic exhibition at the Royal Geographic Society in London showcases 60 rarely seen images that capture the true spirit of adventure through the lens of leading landscape, portrait, action and travel photographers

The Ten Ugliest Cars Currently Sold In The United States

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 09:20 PM CDT

Automakers spend lots of time and money designing, redesigning and test marketing their new vehicles to make certain they'll capture a potential buyer's imagination. It doesn't always work. We asked you just days ago if new cars were getting uglier and there was no real consensus, but one look at this list of the top ten ugliest new cars sold in th

The Best 6 SNES RPGs

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 09:10 PM CDT

A look back in the past at the best RPGs to be released on the SNES. This article was originally going to be another top 5 but he couldn't get the list down to 5, thus these are the top 6 RPGs to be released on the SNES.

Is Christopher Nolan the Newest Greatest Director Alive?

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 09:00 PM CDT

After breaking box office records this weekend with the newest Batman installment, The Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan may just be the newest Greatest Director Alive.

Kernel space: Full disclosure for security holes

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 08:50 PM CDT

Even the most casual observer of the linux-kernel mailing must have noticed that, in the shadow of the firmware flame war, there is also a heated discussion over the management of security issues. There have also been some attempts to turn this local battle into a multi-list, regional conflict. Finding the right way to deal with security problems i

Apple Launching App Store Beta Program

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 08:40 PM CDT

Apple is finally going to start rolling out a new beta program in the next few days. Details are slim, but it seems like Apple is capping the total number of beta participants at 100 per app. In order to download a beta app, users will need to submit their iPhone's SN to the developer, who will then need to flag its eligibility in the store itself.

A guide to where NFL players are now

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 08:30 PM CDT

With Jason Taylor heading to Washington and Jeremy Shockey bound for New Orleans, NFL fans will have to get used to the odd sight of those star players in new uniforms.But that's the NFL, where rosters are shuffled and reshuffled every season. A look at some of the familiar faces in new places this season:

The Naked Nirvana Baby, 17 Years Later

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 08:20 PM CDT

Imagine if millions of people had seen you naked before you were old enough to say "embarrassing." That's the story of Spencer Elden, who you may know as the little baby floating towards a dollar bill on the cover of Nirvana's 1991 album, Nevermind.

Must See: Flash Of Genius Trailer

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 08:00 PM CDT

Corporations have time, money, and power on their side. All Bob Kearns had was the truth.Based on a true story, starring Greg Kinnear and Lauren Graham, revolves around a college professor and how his innovative idea is stolen by a big corporation without giving him compensation for it and how he fights back.

8 Great Villains We Want in the Next Batman Movie

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 07:50 PM CDT

With The Dark Knight set to break box-office records, a sequel is almost certainly in the works. With Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckhardt's masterful performances as The Joker and Two-Face, respectively, finding another villain or two to ably face off against the caped crusader, while staying true to Christopher Nolan's darker tone won't be easy.

5 Rare & Expensive Nintendo DS Games

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 07:40 PM CDT

The Nintendo DS has been available for less than 3 years, but there are already five rarities that collector's clamoring for.

Digg partners with Facebook to 'Connect' users

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 07:30 PM CDT

Today we're announcing more details around the new Facebook Connect feature. This feature will allow anyone who currently uses Facebook to seamlessly become a Digg user and start sharing and Digging stuff right away.

Cool Futuristic/Concept Gadgets That Really Inspires

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 07:20 PM CDT

About 10 years ago, we didn't really expect the 1.4mb 3.5 inch floppy to evolve into flash drives 10x smaller with storage capacity as big as 32gb. These concept gadgets you see before you today, have extremely high chance of getting into production anywhere in the future.

REID: Obama Would Revisit FISA/Spying Bill if Elected

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 07:10 PM CDT

While Barack Obama confused and even angered many of his progressive supporters by voting for the FISA domestic surveillance "compromise" bill, granting immunity to the telecoms who helped President Bush's program of warrantless spying on Americans, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says FISA policy would be "revisited" if Obama is elected Presiden

Amazing Biking Skills

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 07:00 PM CDT

Biggest Rabbit I have EVER Seen

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 06:50 PM CDT


NFL Top 5s: Finding the league's best players

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 06:40 PM CDT

USA TODAY is ranking the top five players in the NFL, among today's players and among those active in the Super Bowl era.

So... Where Does ‘The Dark Knight’ Leave Us?

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 06:30 PM CDT

Not surprisingly, The Dark Knight has done sublimely well at the box office. We knew it was going to happen, but maybe we didn't know just how well it was going to do. Given the way the world works, however, this means that there will almost definitely be a third movie in Christopher Nolan's reinvention of the Batman franchise.. ***SPOILER ALERT***

Electric cars look appealing, but where will you plug it in?

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 06:20 PM CDT

The Chevy Volt is due out in 2010. Others are working on plug-in hybrids as well. What happens to the power grid if too many drivers plug in their cars during the day, and how will apartment or condo dwellers juice up if they don't have access to a garage with an outlet?

Why We Still Need the iPhone App Black Market

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 06:10 PM CDT

We need more than Apple's official app store—we still need jailbreaking, Installer.app and the best unauthorized third-party apps to make the iPhone an ultra-powerful open platform we really want. Here are the roadblocks.

Weird Al Parody of Bob Dylan's Subterranean Homesick Blues

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 06:00 PM CDT

The amazing thing about this is that the whole song is in palendromes...and good ol' crotchety Allen Ginsburg hobbling in the background

8 Awesome Beer Commercials and why we love them

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:50 PM CDT

Theres a certain soft spot in every mans heart when it comes to beer commercials. They can lift the mood when your team is losing, give us a chuckle, and make us want another beer all at the same time. Today we're going to honor some of the best.


Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:50 PM CDT

Too much informationssssssssssss

Escape from the Tardis? Lost Doctor Who tapes found

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:50 PM CDT

The creator of the Dr WHO theme passed away in 1961 but an amazing treasure-trove of 267 tapes were found in her attic, including a techno track written in the late 60's that sounds like it could have been released this year. An amazing find for music and sound geeks.

Electric Cars Are Inevitable ...and Essential

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:50 PM CDT

The electrification of the automobile is not only inevitable, advocates and experts say, it is essential because plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles offer our best chance to address global warming, achieve energy security and move us beyond oil.

Morgan Spurlock's "30 Days of Night"

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:40 PM CDT

The "Super Size Me" creator becomes a dark child of the night for his latest installment of "30 Days."

A Cheeseburger's Carbon Footprint

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:40 PM CDT

It's pretty damn big. Americans should cut back on the cheeseburger diets. It doesn't just make you fat.

Turn Your Ubuntu Hardy to Mac OSX Leopard

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:30 PM CDT

You can't really turn a Linux system to a Mac, but you definitely can make your Ubuntu Hardy looks like a Mac OSX Leopard.

Hot Girl Wheelie Into Faceplant

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:20 PM CDT

20 Amazing Works of Art Made From... Garbage! [PICS]

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:20 PM CDT

Why waste money and add to the world's waste by buying art materials when there are so many strange and interesting objects out there to use for design projects instead?

New York state passes video game labeling law

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:10 PM CDT

Video games sold in New York state must clearly label ratings for violent content under a law signed on Tuesday, which rights groups criticized as likely unconstitutional.

Rogue San Francisco sysadmin coughs up passwords

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:10 PM CDT

San Francisco City Council regained access to its own computer network today after Mayor Gavin Newsom convinced network administrator Terry Childs to give them the passwords.

When Geeks and Stained Glass Collide [PICS]

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:10 PM CDT

these days it's not often you're treated to stained glass artwork that hasn't been used to illustrate passages from the fact-filled bible, so when i came across the stained glass version of mega man last week i quickly decided to find out whether any other geeky stained glass windows exist. sure enough, after a frustrating search, i found some.

Novak Tries to Hit-and-Run After Knocking into Pedestrian

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:00 PM CDT

Conservative pundit Robert Novak "was cited by police after he hit a pedestrian with his black Corvette in downtown Washington, D.C. Novak initially "drove away from the scene," but turned around when "a bicyclist stopped him and said, 'You hit someone.'" Novak claimed: "I didn't know I hit anybody." But this is completely contrary to what happened

McCain On The Run: Cancels Press Availability

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 04:40 PM CDT

Marc Ambinder reports that John McCain's one press conference of the week has been abruptly canceled: The one scheduled McCain press conference of the week has just been canceled, we are told. No word as to why. After a week of constant mistakes, McCain runs from the press.

BitTorrent Users Seek Compensation from Comcast

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 04:40 PM CDT

Comcast is facing a nationwide class action lawsuit for cutting off the BitTorrent traffic of their subscribers. The lawsuit aims to stop the misleading advertising used by Comcast, and to compensate BitTorrent users for the disruption to their service.

Making a Bitchin' First Aid Kit

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 04:30 PM CDT

It's probably a good idea to keep a first aid kit on hand for any sort of emergency, ranging from a scraped knee to an accidental decapitation. If you're anything like me, you don't want just any first aid kit in your house. You want a first aid kit that looks like it could kick a little ass if it had to. Look no further.

Apple may be moving the MacBook to sub-$1000 territory

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 04:30 PM CDT

Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer's talk of "future product transitions" during the recent earnings call has opened the way for a lot of speculation. MacBooks under $1,000 for back-to-school seems like a pretty good bet.

The Best, Weirdest, Most Wonderful Gadget Designs of 2008

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 04:20 PM CDT

The 2008 International Design Excellence Awards are in, and they come loaded with tons of weird and wonderful gadgets. We have picked the best, the weirdest, and the most wonderful, from laser liners that look like evil bots, to Star Trek-ish wall-mounted home server enclosures, to self-propelled sprayers, and NYC condom dispensers.

Lieberman Praises Hagee, Compares Him To Moses

Posted: 23 Jul 2008 04:10 PM CDT

Yesterday, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) spoke at the controversial pastor John Hagee's Christians United For Israel Washington-Israel Summit. Lieberman, however, says he still has the utmost respect for the pastor, who once said that Hurricane Katrina was punishment to New Orleans for hosting a gay pride parade.

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