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Friday, May 30, 2008



Second Blender open movie

Posted: 30 May 2008 08:40 PM CDT

Big Buck Bunny, the second open movie created with the open source 3D content creation suite Blender, is now available as free download to everybody. Download it now and see if it surpasses Elephants Dream, the first open Blender movie.

Home owned by rapper 50 Cent burns down - PHOTOS

Posted: 30 May 2008 08:20 PM CDT

Looks like it was a pretty big fire.

Stupid Secretary--WTF

Posted: 30 May 2008 08:00 PM CDT

This morning, I had to deal with one of our HR secretaries, and it was déjà vu.When I first started to work for this place I was in HR. I had passed my interviews and was doing paperwork as part of the hiring process. The HR secretary and I had the following conversation:

MythBuster: Lost Finale Bombs Were Crap, But I Know Endgame

Posted: 30 May 2008 07:50 PM CDT

In an instant expert analysis Lost geek Adam Savage traces the chemistry of those 500 pounds of C4, and explains why the space-time continuum from last night's Season Four finale changed his theories on the future of our favorite sci-fi show.

McCain Declares Mosul Quiet on a Day 3 Suicide Bombers Hit

Posted: 30 May 2008 07:40 PM CDT

VIDEO: Speaking about Iraq at a townhall event on Thursday evening in Greensdale, Wisconsin, Sen. John McCain declared, "I can tell you that it is succeeding. I can look you in the eye and tell you it's succeeding. We have drawn down to pre-surge levels. Basra, Mosul and now Sadr city are quiet." McCain was wrong on two points.

Who Are You in Sex and the City?

Posted: 30 May 2008 07:30 PM CDT

Four ladies, but only one can be Carrie Bradshaw.

Desktop Wallpaper Calendar: June 2008

Posted: 30 May 2008 07:20 PM CDT

Desktop wallpapers can serve as an excellent source of inspiration. However, if you use some specific wallpaper for a long period of time, it becomes harder to draw inspiration out of it. That's why we have decided to supply you with smashing wallpapers over 12 months.

5 Innovative Ways the Gaming Industry is Screwing You

Posted: 30 May 2008 07:05 PM CDT

With any exciting and new industry, there are all sorts of previously unheard-of ways to screw the customer. Video games are no different. As the technology changes, the rules start to get blurry, and publishers are eager to see just how much they can get away with.

Obama campaign used party rules to foil Clinton

Posted: 30 May 2008 06:50 PM CDT

Unlike Hillary Rodham Clinton, rival Barack Obama planned for the long haul. Clinton hinged her whole campaign on an early knockout blow on Super Tuesday, while Obama's staff researched congressional districts in states with primaries that were months away. What they found were opportunities to win delegates.

Newton's Second Law in NSFW (PIC)

Posted: 30 May 2008 06:40 PM CDT

Hot, Very hot.

Poll: New York Dems Say Obama More Electable Than Clinton

Posted: 30 May 2008 06:30 PM CDT

Oh Oh... Hillary's own state of New York is turning it's back on her now.

The iPhone patent: Steven P. Jobs, inventor

Posted: 30 May 2008 06:20 PM CDT

The US Patent and Trademark Office has revealed a mammoth document that can only be described as The iPhone Patent, a 371-page spectacular that covers Apple's handheld multi-touch UI paradigm in excruciating detail. Steve himself wasn't the least bit shy about taking credit atop an entire column of company A-listers for inventing the iPhone's ...

New Incredible Hulk Pics

Posted: 30 May 2008 05:37 PM CDT

Universal Pictures has provided Latino Review with a batch of new images from "The Incredible Hulk" starring Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, Tim Roth, and William Hurt. The film is directed by by Louis Leterrier.

The Top 20 Highest Paid Soccer Players in the World

Posted: 30 May 2008 05:12 PM CDT

How many of these can you guess?

2 Year Relationship, What Should I Do to Get Over Her?

Posted: 30 May 2008 05:11 PM CDT

Another Crane Collapse In Manhattan

Posted: 30 May 2008 04:52 PM CDT

A crane has collapsed at a construction site near 91st Street and First Avenue. Initial, unconfirmed reports say two people have died.

Japanese woman caught living in man's closet

Posted: 30 May 2008 04:40 PM CDT

He became suspicious when the food started disappearing. But she lived there FOR A YEAR.

Carville: I Think Obama Will Win General Election

Posted: 30 May 2008 04:30 PM CDT

Prominent Hillary supporter James Carville diverges from the Hillary campaign message on several key "electability" questions in an interview with TPM Election Central. "If he gets what Kerry got he will still win the election, because the dynamics have changed," he says.

Young Hillary Clinton

Posted: 30 May 2008 04:20 PM CDT

Last video was taken down for unknown reasons... Is this the first time Hillary Clinton has refused to drop out of a race? Never before seen footage of a Young Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

High gas prices promote 'digital nomad' lifestyle

Posted: 30 May 2008 04:10 PM CDT

Evolutionary biology teaches us that evolution happens not by constant, steady change, but in sudden leaps and mutations. Likewise the evolution toward being able to work from anywhere. A recent tectonic shift -- in this case, high gas prices -- is making the world safer for extreme telecommuting.

OiNK Investigation: Police Start Making Arrests

Posted: 30 May 2008 04:01 PM CDT

TorrentFreak has received information which suggests that British police have made good on their claim that they would go after ex-users of OiNK. Last week, several officers arrested at least one individual for the seeding of a single album. It is believed police are in the process of arresting and questioning others.

Hillary: "I'm the Most Fiscally Responsible Candidate"..LOL

Posted: 30 May 2008 03:50 PM CDT

"If you will vote for me next Tuesday, you are voting for the most fiscally responsible candidate in this race on either side of the aisle," Clinton saidNo this is not from The Onion.... She just said it to voters in South Dakota

Controlling your fertility via remote

Posted: 30 May 2008 03:42 PM CDT

A new device, which can be implanted into any man, will let the user turn his sperm on or off at any time, via remote control.

The Comic Book Movie Double Standard

Posted: 30 May 2008 03:30 PM CDT

So, I'm looking at this Minutemen photograph, just now released to the public to promote Zack Snyder's Watchmen. It looks pretty much like it should. And yet, I don't really care. I'm still pissed that Watchmen is being made at all. But why?

U.S. Butterflies on the Decline

Posted: 30 May 2008 03:17 PM CDT

In this country, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has designated 23 species as endangered or threatened. Butterflies play a key role in plant reproduction, transporting pollen from flower to flower. They provide food for birds and other insects.

McClellan Goes Full Hour With Olbermann: Watch Highlights

Posted: 30 May 2008 03:03 PM CDT

On Countdown with Keith Olbermann Thursday, Scott McClellan sat down for an interview with the MSNBC host about the allegations made in his new book. The interview, which lasted almost the entire hour, was wide-ranging and covered everything from the Iraq war to the CIA leak...

Vatican Says They Will Excommunicate Women Priests

Posted: 30 May 2008 02:51 PM CDT

The Vatican issued its most explicit decree so far against the ordination of women priests on Thursday, punishing them and the bishops who try to ordain them with automatic excommunication. The decree was written by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and published in the Vatican newspaper.

Announcing openSUSE 11.0 RC 1

Posted: 30 May 2008 02:32 PM CDT

The first release candidate of the hotly-anticipated openSUSE 11.0 is here! Help give 11.0 the all-important last minute testing!

6 Dream Jobs Every Guy Wants

Posted: 30 May 2008 02:24 PM CDT

We are big believers in the perpetual pursuit of your perfect dream job.

Isolated tribe spotted in Brazil

Posted: 30 May 2008 02:14 PM CDT

Just amazing . . . Sometimes we get carried away talking about globalization through trade / travel / internet but a story like this shows us there are places totally apart from us

NORAD Confirms Mock Drills Took Place

Posted: 30 May 2008 02:04 PM CDT

North American Aerospace Defense (NORAD) confirmed that mock shootdowns of the Twin Towers and the Pentagon took place in the two years preceding 911 attacks. Fact or Fiction?

Every Damn Morning

Posted: 30 May 2008 01:52 PM CDT

Just happened to me this morning :(

Gay Superheroes?

Posted: 30 May 2008 01:38 PM CDT

Do these tights make me look gay?

Don't These People Own Garages?

Posted: 30 May 2008 01:00 PM CDT

Does this make sense to you? Buying a condo just for your car. It's something the super-rich of Silicon Valley are doing.

How John McCain Went from the GOP’s 4th Choice to Nominee

Posted: 30 May 2008 12:52 PM CDT

By all accounts, John McCain's presidential hopes were dead in the water. But sometime between the summer of 2007 and the New Hampshire Republican Primary on January 8th, McCain's fortune changed, leaving him the sole contender for the Republican nomination by early February. Here's why.

Magic trick goes horribly wrong

Posted: 30 May 2008 12:41 PM CDT

Making The Simpsons with Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Posted: 30 May 2008 12:30 PM CDT

Joel Cohen tells Red Hat Magazine about how The Simpsons use Linux to speed up their animation process. Shrek, Ratatouille, The Simpsons -- Linux rocks the animation world all over.

"Luke" The Mind-Controlled Robotic Arm

Posted: 30 May 2008 12:30 PM CDT

The arm is fully articulated, giving the user the same degrees of movement as a natural arm, and is sensitive enough to pick up a piece of paper, a wineglass or even a grape without mishap.

Snowmen To Become The Next Endangered Species?

Posted: 30 May 2008 12:30 PM CDT

New research from the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Researchin Davos has shown a continuous and marked reduction in snow coverage at lower altitudes - indicating a critical loss of habitat for the common Snowman.

Peru Guards Its Guano as Demand Soars Again

Posted: 30 May 2008 12:01 PM CDT

Surging prices for synthetic fertilizers and organic foods are shifting attention to guano, an organic fertilizer once found in abundance on more than 20 islands off the coast of Peru.

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