digg post blog

Thursday, September 11, 2008



McCain Voted Against Biden Law Requiring Free Rape Exams

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 09:20 PM CDT

Facts are stubborn things. Check the permanent record and it's all there. So, how many "diggers" are going to try to report the FACTS as "inaccurate" this time?

The Ubuntu Look Can be Changed

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 09:10 PM CDT

but Linux CAN NOT have a "Look"...A Linux distro is basically someone saying: here's a collection of packages that works well together, now keep it or change it as you wish.

Satellite That Will Predict Climate Change About to Launch

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 09:00 PM CDT

British scientists are preparing to launch a revolutionary satellite that will provide precise measurements of the earth's gravitational field, which will in turn provide exact measurements of ocean currents. So why is that important? Well, ocean currents transport heat around the planet— that means that the currents have a huge impact on the earth

Skateboarder Does 62 MPH on Open Highway

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 08:50 PM CDT

Police are trying to track down a man filmed riding a skateboard down a steep stretch of a German motorway at 62 MPH.

Flashback to The Daily Show's First Post-9/11 Show

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 08:40 PM CDT

Here is a look at a rarely somber Jon Stewart during his first show after the 9/11 attacks.

Hug A Developer Today!

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 08:30 PM CDT

Why all of this 'lipstick on a pig' noise is hogwash

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 08:20 PM CDT

This war hero and his self-described pit bull are so sensitive! If I were a pit bull, I might be offended. But right now I'm a little more worried about my mortgage, the price of gas and the economy, stupid.

WSJ: Yeah, The GOP loves the Heartland to DEATH.

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 08:10 PM CDT

Despite GOP rhetoric you will find that small-town America is not doing too well. Main Street is largely boarded up; closed schools & hospitals, and massive depopulation. Why? Because for decades we've been electing people like Gov. Palin who claim to love & respect them, but have unfailingly enacted laws to aid the small town's mortal enemies.

The Resident Evil Activity Book For Kids

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 08:00 PM CDT

The hype for the much anticipated Resident Evil 5 is at an all time high. What the hell are we supposed to do until March? And think about the kids! They can't even play the game, period. Luckily, Capcom has heard your cries and is clappin' back with the Resident Evil Activity Book For Kids!

Former GOP senator calls Palin a 'cocky wacko'

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 07:40 PM CDT

Former Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee was known for keeping a low-key profile on Capitol Hill, but the Republican -turned -Independent is making waves with his exceedingly blunt comments on newly-minted Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin

Wendy's Takes First Stab at Viral Video With 'Crazy Lettuce'

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 07:31 PM CDT

Square-burger marketer Wendy's is trying to get the viral buzz headed its way with a new video called "Crazy Lettuce."

Senators Ask Fannie, Freddie to Freeze Foreclosures

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 07:11 PM CDT

U.S. Senate Banking Committee members urged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage companies placed under federal control this week, to freeze foreclosures on loans in their portfolios for at least 90 days.

21 Athletes That Couldn't Stay Retired

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 07:00 PM CDT

It's official. Lance Armstrong says he's coming out of retirement to try to win another Tour de France title. But he isn't the first sports figure to make a return. Here are other athletes and coaches who attempted comebacks, with mixed results....

New iPod touch, iPod Nano Gutted In Disassembly Photos

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 06:50 PM CDT

Both Apple's second-generation iPod touch and fourth-generation iPod nano are expected to be widely available at Apple Retail stores today. The folks at iFixIt have already snagged one of each, tore them down, and weighed in with some observations.

Scientists: What If the Whole Universe Is Just One Big Atom?

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 06:40 PM CDT

A consortium of the world's top physicists descended upon Stanford University Monday to discuss some of the difficult questions. Among the revolutionary ideas expected to be raised at the historic week-long summit is the possibility that, like, our whole universe might be just one big atom in, say, some super-duper huge thing out there.

Ubuntu Details Next Project: 'Jaunty Jackalope'

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 06:30 PM CDT

The Ubuntu project has detailed plans for the April 2009 version of its Linux distribution, continuing its habit of naming its software after animals by dubbing Ubuntu 9.04 "The Jaunty Jackalope."The news comes as the project last week made available an advance testing version of its Linux distribution, Ubuntu 8.10, the "Intrepid Ibex," due in Oct

Low-Cost Way to Scare Neighbor Countries: Inflatable Weapons

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 06:22 PM CDT

Are you the dictator of a country that's desperate to seem powerful to its neighbors, but not quite rich enough to afford the armaments it wants? Take a page from the Fortitude South and buy these inflatable versions of scary military equipment!

Here's How the LHC Could Blow Up the World (of Physics)

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 06:00 PM CDT

Nature works in weird ways, especially when you're recreating energies last seen during the Big Bang. So there's a fighting chance that the LHC will be much more than a $10 billion validator: It won't destroy the world, but it certainly could turn the physics world upside-down.

Wall Street Journal scrubs their article on Palin

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 05:40 PM CDT

The WSJ blatantly changes the concluding paragraph of an archived article that was critical of Palin into a paragraph that is unduly inaccurate about Obama. Media bias at its worst.

NASA Remembers 9/11 (pic)

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 05:30 PM CDT

"The world changed today. What I say or do is very minor compared to the significance of what happened to our country today when it was attacked." So said Expedition 3 Commander Frank L. Culbertson, upon learning of the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center.

How Much Faster Could Usain Bolt Have Gone?

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 05:10 PM CDT

HOW quickly would Usain Bolt have run the 100 metres at the Beijing Olympics if he hadn't slowed in celebration before the finish line? A team of physicists have calculated an answer: the Jamaican gold medallist could have slashed his time from 9.69 seconds to 9.55 seconds. In the final 20 metres of the race on 16 August, Bolt extended his arms...

World Trade Center Rebuilding: What's Taking So Damn Long?

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 05:10 PM CDT

The Freedom Tower will always be a symbolic nexus of the horrific past and what the future might become. The question is: What's taking so damn long, and what will it mean when we're all dead and gone?

Bionic lens to restore vision 'available in five years'

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 04:51 PM CDT

A bionic lens that could restore perfect vision to long and short sighted people is five years away, experts claim.

Fermilab Looks for Visitors from Another Dimension

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 04:50 PM CDT

The detection of extra dimensions beyond the familiar four—the three dimensions of space and one of time—would be among the most earth-shattering discoveries in the history of physics. Now scientists are designing a new experiment that would investigate tantalizing hints that extra dimensions may indeed exist.

How Digg REALLY Works - New Digg Community Blog launched

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 04:32 PM CDT

Check out the new Digg Community blog, a place for all the things you never realized you wanted to know about Digg. This post includes the first in a series of videos entitled 'Safe for Work' with crooning QA managers, Project Managers with crabs, and a Biz Dev team learning their ABCs.

What We've Sacrificed in the Name of Security [PIC]

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 04:32 PM CDT

You take a little everyday from them to construct this barrier of security, both in the mind and in the laws that govern your life.

The 8 Most Terrifying Restaurants On Earth

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 04:10 PM CDT

For centuries,restaurants have been making the same fiscal error time and time again: serving delicious food at reasonable prices.Truly a recipe for fiduciary disaster.Here at least are eight restaurants that understand, to truly make a profit in the food business, you want to guarantee your patrons eat as little as possible, then get the hell out.

How Digg works - New Digg Technology Blog

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 04:10 PM CDT

We often get asked how Digg works from a technology perspective, so wanted to shed some insight on this with our first post from the newly-launched technology blog. We'll be posting regularly to give you a peek at what's under the hood from the Digg development teams.

10 Xbox 360 Tricks Microsoft Doesn't Tell You

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 04:10 PM CDT

Essential hacks, tricks and secrets for Microsoft's supposedly closed system

John McCain's ads are LIES. Here's the video proof.

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 03:40 PM CDT

n the last few days we have seen a disgusting descent into the worst of sleazy smear politics. We need to spread the facts and the truth.


Posted: 11 Sep 2008 03:30 PM CDT

This Star Wars Landspeeder is a full-sized, drivable, Jedi-approved replica built by former Lucas Film employee Daniel Deutsch, who designed his version from the ground up.

Female Fans Out For Season With Tom Brady's Knee Injury

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 03:22 PM CDT

More than 90% of Female Fans lost for the season

Canonical To Fund Upstream Linux Usability Improvements

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 03:22 PM CDT

Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth says that his company, Canonical, will hire interaction experts and designers to improve the usability of the Linux desktop. Canonical will also fund improvements to Xorg and other lower-level components of the desktop stack.

Kanye West under arrest at LAX Airport

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 02:53 PM CDT

Kanye West was arrested at Los Angeles International Airport on Thursday police have confirmed to Access Hollywood. West was arrested at 7:51 a.m. PST on charges of battery and vandalism. He is still in custody at the airport.

Why isn't Ubuntu the number 1 operating system?

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 02:32 PM CDT

Geeks and regular people everywhere are complaining about Vista. There's a great free Office Suite and a version created especially for audio, video and graphic enthusiasts. It's free and lightweight. Interface, media capabilities and even gaming are now mainstream on Ubuntu. Who is to blame? Why isn't Ubuntu number 1?So why aren't users

Probe: Gov't Officials Literally "In Bed" With Oil Industry

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 02:32 PM CDT

13 Interior Department employees in Denver and Washington rigged contracts, worked part-time as private oil consultants, and had sexual relationships with -- and accepting golf and ski trips and dinners from -- oil company employees.

The 8 Most Terrifying Restaurants from Around the World

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 02:00 PM CDT

For centuries, restaurants have been making the same fiscal error time and time again: serving delicious food at reasonable prices

OiNK Uploaders Charged with Copyright Infringement

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 01:50 PM CDT

Today, after almost a year, the OiNK investigation came to an end. Earlier today we reported that OiNK administrator Alan Ellis was charged with "conspiracy to defraud". Now, just hours later the alleged uploaders are charged with copyright infringement for uploading one CD.

F_ck Yankees and That Guy ----->

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 01:50 PM CDT

2009 VW Golf Test Drive: Will there be a 40 mpg US diesel?

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 01:20 PM CDT

While gas-gouged Americans were dropping their jaws this week at the unveiling of the VW Golf BlueMotion—and its claimed 62 miles per gallon from the 1.6-liter TDi engine—we were busy driving the non-concept version of the sixth-gen Golf on some of the wettest and roughest Nordic roads imaginable.

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