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Thursday, November 13, 2008



Help Spread Linux… Don’t Preach It!

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 09:30 PM CST

who wouldn't love to see major corporations toppled by seemingly 'amateur' competition? As Linux fans we're often keen to do our very best to get Linux out to the masses. But as with most things, there are good ways and bad ways to go about it.

Google Introduces Flash Competitor

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 09:20 PM CST

With Gmail's recently launched video chat, Google is pushing a plugin to provide the browser with multimedia and interactive capabilities, paving the way for their own competitor to Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight.

Which vitamins do health experts take on a daily basis?

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 09:10 PM CST

CNN asks four famous medical doctors what supplements they take every day and which ones they avoid. Their lists may surprise you -- they all take at least two supplements -- some take three or four or more.

Video Game Porn [SFW]

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 09:10 PM CST

Maybe there was a mistranslation?

Japan Rejects Report to Cut Whaling Target

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 09:00 PM CST

Japan rejected a report Thursday that it would cut by 20 percent the number of whales it planned to hunt in the Southern Ocean because of anti-whaling protests, but said it would keep its moratorium on catching humpbacks.

Holiday Music For Humbugs: Seasonal Tunes for Haters

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 08:50 PM CST

Not into Bing Crosby? Does the swingin' sound of "White Christmas" by Michael Buble make you want to vomit? Make it a John Waters Christmas instead.

Digg hates Classmates.com........

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 08:40 PM CST

Epic phail?

Clint Eastwood the bashful legend: 'Somebody stop me'

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 08:20 PM CST

Clint Eastwood is like God: you see him in everything he touches. At 78 he is still making movies — and will be until he's finally dragged off set. "I'm sure that somebody who has laid bricks for 50 years is pretty confident about their job," he said.

UFC Officially Announces UFC 94: St-Pierre vs. BJ Penn 2

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 08:10 PM CST

The UFC has officially announced UFC 94: St-Pierre vs. Penn 2, which features the highly anticipated rematch between welterweight title-holder Georges St-Pierre and lightweight champion BJ Penn. Now, nearly three years removed from their first meeting, the pair of top UFC fighters will meet again, both fighters in their prime.

The 8 Most Over-Used Samples In Hip-Hop

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 08:01 PM CST

In the early days of hip hop, when it was just two turntables and a microphone, having a ready collection of samples and drum breaks was mandatory. But over the years, improved sampling technology and the introduction of live instrumentation made using the same songs over and over less necessary. Nevertheless, some samples refused to die...

MacGyver Tries iPod Speakers

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 07:50 PM CST

With all the hot-to-trot conceptual design work out there, it takes quite a person to just sit back and kick out the jams on a speaker set like this. Presenting the iPod Ghetto Accessory. iPod with classic earbuds, two toothpicks, no girls, and four cups. What else co uld a person ask for? Can we trust a person who totally just MacGyvers up a...

7 Methods for Coping with Tragedy (Courtesy of James Bond)

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 07:40 PM CST

7 Methods for Coping with Tragedy (Courtesy of James Bond). Hint: Utter witticism.

Congress Prioritizes Jets-Pats 2nite Over Climate, Economy

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 07:30 PM CST

As President elect Obama put it on election night -- we're facing certain challenges as a country," says Mike Pesca, sports reporter for NPR. "Two wars, a planet in peril, & the worst financial crisis in a century." Notice he didn't cite the unavailability of Thursday NFL games on cable. It's hard to see how NFL games makes the congressional agenda

Priest to Parishners: No Communion for Obama Voters

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 07:20 PM CST

A South Carolina Roman Catholic priest advised his prishoners to refrain from communion if they vote for Obama!

Killer Smog Cloud Smothers Sunlight Across Asia

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 07:10 PM CST

Don't adjust your monitors: Natural light has become 10 to 25 percent dimmer in cities such as Beijing, Karachi, Shanghai and New Delhi as 3-km thick "brown clouds" of pollution spread across Asia and elsewhere, according to a new UN report.

14 Photography Masters

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 07:10 PM CST

From classic Alberto Korda to hyped Dave Hill, our list actually ins't that long, but we've tried to remember the photographers that inspired us in some way... and at the end, the magic number was 14.

Salma Hayek: I'm Addicted To Breastfeeding

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 07:10 PM CST

The actress, who gave birth to daughter Valentina in 2007, says she can't stop breastfeeding. She said: "I'm like an alcoholic. It is like, I don't care if I cry, I don't care if I am fat, I am just going to do it for one more week, one more month, and then when I see how much good it is doing her and I can't stop."

ESPN-Kerry Wood Is Finished With Cubs

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 07:00 PM CST

The Chicago Cubs acquired right-handed reliever Kevin Gregg from the Florida Marlins on Thursday, a move than means closer Kerry Wood won't return.

Girl Challenged by High School Peers for McCain Support

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 06:50 PM CST

A high school girl in Oak Park IL conducted an experiment; how inclusive were her fellow students who supported Barack Obama if she were to wear a "McCain Girl" t-shirt to school. The results are not surprising considering standard teen mentality of "are you 'in' or 'out'". What is interesting are the comments from instructors.

Online, Multi-Player Gaming Comes To The iPhone

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 06:50 PM CST

Apple's iPhone's gaming platform is already a huge hit. And it's starting to get more fun: Companies are starting to roll out games that take advantage of the phone's Internet features for live, multi-player gaming.

Last Member Of Jimi Hendrix Experience Dies

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 06:40 PM CST

Mitch Mitchell, drummer for the legendary Jimi Hendrix Experience of the 1960s and the group's last surviving member, was found dead in his hotel room early Wednesday. He was 61. Mitchell was a powerful force on the Hendrix band's 1967 debut album "Are You Experienced?" as well as the trio's albums "Electric Ladyland" and "Axis: Bold As Love."

Presidential Shocker

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 06:30 PM CST

It's better to burn out than to fade away!

South Park: The Boys Succumb to High School Musical

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 06:30 PM CST

Anybody who saw last night's South Park is well aware that High School Musical has taken over. It's Zac Efron's world now, we just swoon in it. Barack Obama? He's just a puppet for the New World High School Musical Order. Pretty soon we'll all be singing and dancing whether we like it or not.

10 movie releases that can save Blu-ray

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 06:20 PM CST

With DVD still dominating retailer's shelves, and digital downloads and upscaling players pinching some of the limelight, Blu-ray has had a pretty hard run of it of late. All is not lost for the format, however, it needs the right film release to get back on the straight and narrow.

Two Days Without Mac OS X Leopard: Ubuntu 8.10 Review

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 06:10 PM CST

I love open-source and I really admire Linux for what it is and what it stands for. But I'm a Mac user. Can I last two days only with Ubuntu 8.10 Intreprid Ibex?


Posted: 13 Nov 2008 06:00 PM CST

From the Bad Astronomer: For the first time, ever, astronomers have captured an optical image of a planet orbiting a star like our own. The planet is unnamed, and is simply called Fomalhaut b. (Seriously, you have to click the link and see for yourself. RIGHT NOW!)

Parallel Universes: More than a Figment of Our Imagination?

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 05:50 PM CST

While it hasn't been proven yet, many credible scientists are now saying there's reason to believe that parallel dimensions could very well be real. There are a variety of competing theories, but the most basic idea is that if the universe is infinite, then everything that could possibly occur has happened, is happening, or will happen.

It's Like Pissing On the Entire City (PIC)

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 05:40 PM CST

This is whats in front of the White House.

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 05:30 PM CST

This is the sign that stands in front of the White House for people to share their thanks to President Elect Barack Obama.

Is Apple building a search engine?

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 05:21 PM CST

Rumor has it over at TechCrunch that Apple is working on some type of search engine.

Palin Story A Hoax

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 05:13 PM CST

Network runs correction on air after reporting an adviser to John McCain had identified himself as the source of an embarrassing story about Sarah Palin, information stemming from a hoax.

Salt prices pinch states

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 05:10 PM CST

Local governments that rely on salt to keep winter roads safe are being hit hard by rising prices, officials say.

Review: Quantum of Solace Is the Perfect Bond Movie

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 04:50 PM CST

The latest Bond is the perfect Bond Movie. Yes. It is. In fact, Quantum of Solace is not only the perfect Bond movie, it's the best Bond movie ever, period. Even surpassing Casino Royale—and I mean both the Craig's one and the original Peter Sellers, David Niven, and Woody Allen's delirium

Will the Next Ice Age Be Permanent?

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 04:40 PM CST

Will we someday be pumping out greenhouse gases to stave off a long, big chill?

Sixty missed chances to save baby 'used as a punchbag'

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 04:40 PM CST

Everyone knew that Baby P was in danger. In eight months of abuse, he was seen no fewer than 60 times by health or social workers. But his mother was able to conceal the scale of the danger he was in by manipulating social workers, police and health professionals - on one occasion smearing him with chocolate to cover his bruises.

Oh. THIS Is Why Sega Went Out Of The Console Business. (PIC)

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 04:20 PM CST

Everest Panorama from Mars

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 04:10 PM CST

If you could stand on Mars -- what might you see? Scroll right to find out. The full panoramic result can be found by clicking on the image and has a level of detail unparalleled in the history of Martian surface photography. The panorama was taken from the pinnacle of Husband Hill and has been dubbed the Everest panorama.

Call for Questions: Digg Townhall next Tuesday

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 04:00 PM CST

Our next Townhall meeting is Tuesday, November 18th at 8pm ET/5pm PT and we'd like to hear from you. Similar to past Townhalls, you submit and vote up the questions and topics you would like to see answered. Jay and I will then address the most popular questions from the community live via webcast. Please submit and digg up your favorite questions.

Access remote network services with SSH tools

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 04:00 PM CST

You probably rely on the services on your own private network -- wikis, mail servers, Web sites, and other applications you've installed. What happens when you have to leave the friendly confines of your network? With minimum exposure and few simple tools, you can get all of the comforts of home anywhere you can find an Internet connection.

TorrentValley Raided and Shut Down

Posted: 13 Nov 2008 03:50 PM CST

TorrentValley, one of the larger BitTorrent sites with millions of visitors each month, has been shut down by Bulgarian authorities. The site's servers were seized by a Cyber Crime Unit, which acted based upon evidence provided by the Bulgarian music industry.

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