digg post blog

Wednesday, December 17, 2008



Orange iPhone Exclusivity Ruled Illegal in France

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 09:00 PM CST

France's competition authority Wednesday temporarily barred an exclusive distribution deal between the country's dominant telecommunications group France Telecom SA (FTE.FR) and Apple Inc. (AAPL) over the blockbuster iPhone mobile phone.

US Can No Longer Fund its Unofficial Global Empire

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 08:50 PM CST

Sanjay G. Reddy argues that the United States has used the International Monetary Fund to maintain an unofficial global empire. He explains that the US has been unwilling to let other countries control international aid, even when it is not able to do so by itself.

The Green (and blue, red, and white) lights of the future

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 08:40 PM CST

A revolution in energy-efficient, environmentally-sound, and powerfully-flexible lighting is coming to businesses and homes, according to a research. The paper envisions the future of lighting -- a future with widespread use of light emitting diodes (LEDs), which offer a number of obvious and subtle advantages over traditional light bulbs.

"Bizarre" New Dinosaur: Giant Raptor Found in Argentina

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 08:30 PM CST

Scientists have discovered what they say is a completely unexpected new giant dinosaur that lived 70 million years ago in Argentina. At 16.5 to 21 feet long (5 to 6.5 meters) long, depending on its tail size, Austroraptor cabazai is among the largest of the slender, carnivorous, two-legged dinosaurs called raptors.

The year 2008 in photographs (part 1 of 3) (PICS)

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 08:20 PM CST

2008 has been an eventful year to say the least - it is difficult to sum up the thousands of stories in just a handful of photographs.

Did Multiple Moons Once Orbit the Earth?

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 08:10 PM CST

A new computer model suggests, that the Moon may not have been the only reminder of that big collision. J. J. Lissauera of the Space Science and Astrobiology Division and J. E. Chambers of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, have suggested that moonlets called Trojans may have been left behind in the collision.

The living dead

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 08:10 PM CST

The afterlife has long been an article of religious faith. And now scientists are finally putting the idea to the test.

Gorgeous Pics of Russia's "Fragile" Wilderness

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 07:40 PM CST

Includes feature article & pic gallery.

Chrysler closing all 30 plants for a month

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 07:30 PM CST

DETROIT -- Chrysler says it will close all 30 of its manufacturing plants for a month starting Friday. The company needs to match production to slowing demand and conserve cash.

College Humor Gets a TV Show

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 07:20 PM CST


Ecstasy over G spot therapy

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 07:20 PM CST

It has evaded lovers for centuries, but in February we learned that the elusive and semi-mythical G spot had been captured on ultrasound for the first time.

Death map USA: Natural disaster hotspots revealed

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 07:10 PM CST

Southerners are more like to die from the effects of the weather than people living in any other region of the US.

Top 25 Christmas Films To Watch This Holiday Season

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 07:10 PM CST

Rice Lie: No ‘American Money’ In Iraq Was Lost To Corruption

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 07:00 PM CST

Throughout the U.S. occupation of Iraq, billions in tax dollars have been lost due to corruption and incompetence.

Bomb Plot Doctor Sentenced: Life in Jail

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 06:50 PM CST

An NHS doctor from Iraq convicted of plotting to commit mass murder has been sentenced to life in prison.Bilal Abdulla, 29, was found guilty at Woolwich Crown Court of conspiracy to murder in huge car bomb attacks in 2007 with accomplice Kafeel Ahmed.

Bush Prepares Crisis Briefings to Aid Obama

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 06:40 PM CST

The White House has prepared more than a dozen contingency plans to help guide President-elect Barack Obama if an international crisis erupts in the opening days of his administration, part of an elaborate operation devised to smooth the first transition of power since Sept. 11, 2001.

Scientists Find Way To Turn Cheap Plonk Into Premium Wine

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 06:30 PM CST

Scientists have found a way to turn cheap plonk into premium wine in a flash. With the aid of burst of electricity, a young acidic wine can be rapidly aged, creating a mellow, aromatic brew.

NASA Tries Social Media By Now Regularly Updating Twitter

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 06:30 PM CST

There have been sporadic posts on the Twitter page before now as part of a soft launch (still get it?), but starting today they will be more regular.

Complete Guide to the Facial Expressions of Keanu Reeves

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 06:10 PM CST

Twenty-plus years of Keanu have acquainted us with every emotion he can portray, from confusion to consternation to happiness to pure, unfettered rage. That's why Vulture's proud to present our official field guide to the facial expressions of Keanu Reeves.

Recession, It Seems, Can Fight City Hall

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 06:00 PM CST

The recession has led Boston's mayor to reconsider the timing of his plan to move City Hall to a new site.

Digg Is Playing Musical Avatars .. What Do You Like Better?

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 05:50 PM CST

On 12-17-2008 digg went down for about 15 minutes and you always wonder what is going on behind the scenes. Well this time it appears they are playing moving avatars, and moved the small avatar next to the the bury button all the way across the page and made it quite a bit bigger. Now they have me fooled. I wonder what really happened... hmm

As going gets tougher, Americans discover laughter

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 05:40 PM CST

Not just any old laughter, but laughter yoga, a form of exercise that blends bold belly laughs and noisy "meditation" with rhythmic clapping, waddling around like a penguin or taking part in a conga line, and deep, yogic breathing.

28 Video Games Being Made Into Movies (Will They Suck?)

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 05:30 PM CST

With the negative reception of Max Payne and Postal this year, you'd think Hollywood would stay away from making video games into movies. But as stubborn as Hollywood is, of course, that isn't the case. We found 28 video games that Hollywood is producing into films or announced that they will be producing into a film in the next few years.

Analysis: Is Apple about to have an enterprise moment?

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 05:20 PM CST

Does the combination of a few recent factors—the recent shift in the enterprise toward mobiles, virtualization, and dissatisfaction with Windows Vista—spell gold for Apple in the enterprise? Ars investigates.

Walmart iPhone on sale the 28th for a lot more than $99

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 05:10 PM CST

Walmart that says the iPhone will launch in the house that Sam built at 9am December 28th. At launch, only the 8GB ($197) and 16GB ($297).

Barack Obama is Time's Person of the Year!

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 04:50 PM CST

In one of the craziest elections in American history, he overcame a lack of experience, a funny name, two candidates who are political institutions and the racial divide to become the 44th President of the United States.

2008's Biggest Pro Bowl Snubs

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 04:50 PM CST

Matt Forte - RB, Chicago -- The Bears rookie running back has combined 1,539 total yards and 11 TDs, while Clinton Portis has 1,544 yards and seven TDs.

Cyanide and Happiness : Snowman

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 04:40 PM CST


Emerald Bay

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 04:30 PM CST

Ancient Tongue Inscribed on Sudan Statues

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 04:20 PM CST

The newly discovered stone rams could help decipher the oldest script in sub-Saharan Africa — harboring secrets mysterious to the modern world, a Western archaeologist said.

Man who threw shoes at Bush faces up to 15 years in prison

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 04:10 PM CST

The Iraqi television reporter who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush at a news conference appeared before a judge Tuesday and admitted "aggression against a president," a judicial spokesman said. The court may send him for trial under a clause in the Iraqi penal code that makes it an offense to attempt to murder Iraqi or foreign presidents

People Who Exercise On Work Days Happier, Suffer Less Stress

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 04:00 PM CST

People who exercise on work days are more productive, happier and suffer less stress than on non-gym days, scientists revealed today.

UK Troops to Leave Iraq 'by July'

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 03:50 PM CST

Gordon Brown and Iraqi prime minister Nouri Maliki say UK forces will have "completed their tasks" in the first half of 2009 and will then leave.

Will the FCC lighten up under Obama?

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 03:40 PM CST

In January, a Democratic administration under President-elect Barack Obama will take over, and many eyes will be on the FCC to see which direction it goes. Will it pursue strict or even stricter enforcement than the previous administration, or will it loosen the reins?

5 Inventions That Enhanced Laziness

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 03:30 PM CST

Although it's hard to fathom why people bothered to go on living, there was once a time when folks had no choice but to sit up straight in their chairs, fiddle with buttons and zippers, climb stairs, hike to the outhouse, and add numbers with pencil and paper. Below, a paean to the inventions that made it easier to enjoy the simple pleasures

Movie Studios Spied On ISP’s BitTorrent Users

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 03:20 PM CST

Last month we reported how seven major Hollywood studios teamed up to sue iiNet, Australia's third largest ISP. The studios monitored iiNet's customers using BitTorrent - including a 'copyright infringing' subscriber they planted there themselves - and on whose shoulders the case appears balanced.


Posted: 17 Dec 2008 03:20 PM CST

The Onion Infographic: How the Economy Really Went Bad

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 03:10 PM CST

It's good to see that Beyonce can have such a positive impact on the recovery process.

Has Internet Explorer ever been safe?

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 03:00 PM CST

Back in the day when Internet Explorer was more of an experiment than a viable browser, the iexplore.exe application was heavily tied into Windows, the explorer.exe application. If one faltered, more likely to be the former, the other would almost automatically screw up too. Read about how it can affect your browsing experience.

Scientists Create New 'Molecular Memory' Only 10 Atoms Thick

Posted: 17 Dec 2008 02:50 PM CST

A team at Rice University has determined that a strip of graphite only 10 atoms thick can serve as the basic element in a new type of memory, making massive amounts of storage available for computers, handheld media players, cell phones and cameras.

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