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Thursday, February 5, 2009



Kellogg to drop Phelps over pot smoking photo

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 08:50 PM CST

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - Cereal and snack maker Kellogg Co. says it will not renew its sponsorhip contract with Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps because he has acknowledged smoking marijuana last fall.

Dirt Bike Almost Takes Out Another Rider's Head

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 08:50 PM CST

This guy is insanely lucky. If a dirt bike almost decapitated me, I can't say I'd be able to stay on my machine like he did.

Sister beats up bride at wedding reception

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 08:40 PM CST

A woman who wasn't invited to her sister's wedding reception showed up anyway and attacked the bride, pulling out clumps of her hair, police said. Annmarie Bricker, 23, of Valparaiso, was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of battery.

Divorce 'can make you look older'

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 08:30 PM CST

The results of a study of identical twins contradicted the commonly-held belief that a person's ability to hold back the years is largely genetically pre-determined. It found that environmental factors such as marriage breakdowns, prescription drug use and stress as key age accelerants could also play a role.

Modern Day GPS Chastity Belt

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 08:20 PM CST

Feminists around the world have reacted with horror to a new line of lingerie that comes equipped with a GPS tracking system.

A guide on how to eat your way to a healthy mind and body

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 08:20 PM CST

Sarah Boseley reports on the ultimate power foods that are creating a stir on the internet.

The 5 Hardest Games in the Whole Wide World

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 08:10 PM CST

For this article, I've searched for the hardest (free) games in the world. Believe me when I say it will be frustrating. It will seem impossible. And if you don't die and fail a few hundred times before succeeding, you're just not trying hard enough.

Top 10 Free Video Editors for Ubuntu Linux

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 08:00 PM CST

Here are the top 10 video editors for Linux you can download today because Linux itself doesn't offer any default or built-in video editor application. But there's plenty of third party software for Linux you can use to add effects to your videos and do a lot more.

I Had Dinner With a Stranger. Here's What Happened.. [PICS]

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 07:50 PM CST

Imagine that a total stranger sends you an email inviting himself and a friend over to your place for dinner, in exchange for which he'd contribute $200 to charity. Would you say yes, prepare a meal and see what's in store? That is exactly what Toronto artist Franke James did, and now she's trying to get the idea to spread.

Amazon.com Under Investigation

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 07:40 PM CST

NEW YORK - Amazon.com Inc. is being investigated by the U.S. Postal Service, the online retailer disclosed in the annual report it recently filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Self-Replicating Machine Set To Takeover Planet

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 07:30 PM CST

A University of Bath academic, who oversees a global effort to develop an open-source machine that 'prints' three-dimensional objects, is celebrating after the prototype machine succeeded in making a set of its own printed parts.

Top 10 Moments Caught on Google Maps Street View

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 07:20 PM CST

In this Web 2.0 world, the cameras are always rolling and the net is always ready to advertise our absurdity.

Stephen Colbert Goes Christian Bale on Steve Martin

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 07:10 PM CST

A lot of fun has been had with the audio of Christian Bale being an asshole on the set of the new Terminator movie. Remixes, soundboards, ringtones, You're the Men Now Dog, they've all been somewhere on the funny spectrum. So, good job, internet. But what you do doesn't involve Steve Martin, and that's why I prefer Stephen Colbert to the internet.

Unhappy voters jam Capitol Hill phone lines

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 07:00 PM CST

The recent debate over the nearly $900 billion economic stimulus plan and revelations of tax problems by three Obama administration appointees have voters angrily jamming phone lines on Capitol Hill to air their frustrations to their elected representatives.

Treasury overpaid to the tune of $78 Billion! WTF

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 06:50 PM CST

The chairwoman of a Congressional TARP ovesight panel just dropped a bombshell nugget in a Senate banking Committe Hearing. She says that Treasury -- using TARP money -- vastly overpaid in its first 8 purchases -- to the tune of 78Billion dollars. This means that more than 10% of the 700 Billion in TARP funds were essentially wasted.

40,000 planets could be home to aliens

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 06:40 PM CST

Up to 40,000 planets could support alien life forms, scientists at the University of Edinburgh believe.

Famous names pepper Madoff client list

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 06:30 PM CST

A list of the many thousands of people who invested with Bernard Madoff has been released, including the names of a number of well-known Americans from the world of politics, sport, and Hollywood.

Driverless, Electric Taxis Set for UAE Debut

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 06:20 PM CST

City planners recently unveiled plans for a new way for people to get where they're going: electric taxis that will lack drivers.

MIT researchers make ‘sixth sense’ gadget

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 06:10 PM CST

The gadget can look at an airplane ticket and let the user know whether the flight is on time, or recognize books in a book store and then project reviews or author information from the Internet onto blank

Man eats garlic and onion for 6 months, loses 160 lb (72 kg)

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 06:00 PM CST

Croatian painter Momir Zmiric, 42, might be smelling horrible for the next few months, but he lost 72 kilos (160lb) after deciding to go on such a diet without consulting doctors.

Insider reveals Apple's rigorous design process

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 05:50 PM CST

Michael Lopp, senior engineering manager at Apple, explains the rigorous process Apple designers go through. For example, Apple designers come up with 10 entirely different mock ups of any new feature.

Sane MySpace user prevents Webcam suicide

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 05:40 PM CST

Coltrane, a 22-year-old from New Jersey, befriended a teenager from the Sacramento area on MySpace. About a month later, the teen revealed in a Webcam chat that he was cutting himself and intended to take his own life.

Teacher In Trouble For Offensive Holocaust Email

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 05:30 PM CST

A St. Paul teacher is under fire after she made an offensive joke about the Holocaust.

Intel at chip conference: More wireless, less GHz

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 05:20 PM CST

Future SoCs will have "flexible" radios included on-chip that handle Wi-Fi, WiMAX, 3G, Bluetooth and other widely used standards, according to Intel. As part of the focus on SoC, Intel is riveting its gaze on the integration of radio silicon, as mobile computers--handhelds, Netbooks, and laptops--become increasingly oriented around connectivity.

Tekken 6 Fight Trailer for Xbox 360

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 05:10 PM CST

Network Theory Could Regulate Human Reproduction

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 05:00 PM CST

The human race may be caught in a biological catch-22, in which sustainable reproduction rates can only be achieved by consuming more energy. Compare the size-lifespan-reproduction curve to the relationship between human economic growth and reproduction rates, and the parallels are eerie.

JP Morgan CEO: Obama Being "Unfair" To Bailout Companies

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 04:50 PM CST

JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon said it's "unfair" for politicians to criticize Wall Street pay without differentiating compensation based on performance.

Shoe thrown at Israeli ambassador in Sweden

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 04:40 PM CST

Ambassador Benny Dagan says action will not deter him from further advocacy work in the Scandinavian country

Apple's Snow Leopard to include location, multi-touch tools

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 04:30 PM CST

Apple's Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard operating system will include tools borrowed from the iPhone that let developers determine the geographical location of Macs, as well as extend additional support for multi-touch to their apps, AppleInsider has learned.

'Futurama' Voice Actor Recording Session (VID)

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 04:20 PM CST

Good news everyone! The talented voices behind Futurama go to work in the recording booth for your viewing pleasure. Voice actors traditionally work alone, but the group dynamic seems to be working for these folks.

Warner Bros Wants Seven Batman Movies

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 04:10 PM CST

While the sequel to The Dark Knight is just in the beginning stages of development, Warner Bros is already looking much further down the line. During today's Time Warner earnings call, CEO Jeff Bewkes compared the Batman series to the Harry Potter film franchise, saying that they hope to release a long line of sequels.

Palin rails against 'anonymous, pathetic bloggers'

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 04:00 PM CST

Former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin is still mad at media coverage of her candidacy, particularly "anonymous, pathetic bloggers" who she says spread falsehoods about her.

Obama is kind of a dick (pic)

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 04:00 PM CST

Facebook's Future Not So Secure

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 04:00 PM CST

There are over 150 million users but the economic crisis is taking and effect on Facebook. The source of all its revenue is from web ads, which and with the global financial crisis web advertising has been hit hard. Because of this "it's not wildly profitable even if it is profitable at all."

Secrets of the World's Greatest Photo Hunt Geek

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 03:50 PM CST

Dennis Just is better at spotting misplaced nipples than you. Missing eyeballs and discolored pillows, too. Because Dennis Just is arguably the world's best player of arguably the world's best bar game, Photo Hunt. So how does he do it? And does it score him chicks?

Wall Street whines about Obama pay cap

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 03:50 PM CST

Wall Street and the business community voice skepticism over Obama's proposed $500,000 pay cap, claiming that the use of taxpayer funds for outrageous executive compensation is critical to insuring a swift economic recovery.

50+ Movie Remakes Currently in the Works

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 03:40 PM CST

Originality is for suckers...

Man jailed for taking 50 cents 24 years ago

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 03:40 PM CST

An Indian court sentenced a 75-year-old doctor to jail for accepting half a dollar as a bribe nearly a quarter of a century ago, officials said.

Collector collects screws, gets screwed by a gear

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 03:30 PM CST

Animated short film by John Douglas Powers. Got any screws?

Survey shows Ubuntu not just for desktop anymore

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 03:30 PM CST

Ubuntu should not be considered merely the desktop Linux distribution of choice anymore if a new survey conducted by Canonical and open-source analyst firm RedMonk is an indicator.

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