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Friday, March 27, 2009



When News Freezes Over 12M Kids Will Find The Penguin Online

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 05:10 PM PDT

The Club Penguin Times, after all, is more widely read than New York's Daily News, the Chicago Tribune or the Dallas Morning News. And it's not even 3 years old.

20 Excellent Blogs for Those Who Love Design

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 05:10 PM PDT

Whether you're a web designer, a print designer, or a photographer, you probably share a common trait with me and other creative types - a love for all things design related. Here are some blogs that cover various topics from web design to package design.

Female pitcher makes history in Japan

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 05:00 PM PDT

Thousands of miles away from any hint of the Major Leagues, history was made in professional baseball on Friday. Eri Yoshida, a 17-year-old with a wicked sidearm knuckleball, took her 5-foot, 114-pound frame to the mound to become Japan's first female professional pitcher...started playing baseball while in the second grade

Marvel Starts A Screenwriting Sweatshop

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 04:50 PM PDT

Marvel has reportedly started a writer's program, putting "more than a half dozen" writers on full-time staff and giving them their own offices with a plan to "work them like horses."

Health Insurance Giants to Block Obama's Health Care Agenda

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 04:40 PM PDT

The Health Insurance industry is already gearing up, once again, to fight Obama's health care plans.

The DIY Cheapskate Laptop Stands

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 04:40 PM PDT

Check out these three creative and inexpensive laptop stand solutions offered within; all are cheap to build—less than $10 or free in some cases—and all can be used to help save your neck when it comes to proper home office ergonomics. Anyway, lets get down to business

ShamWow Guy In Slap, Chop Bust

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 04:40 PM PDT

Meet Vince Shlomi. He's probably better known to you as the ShamWow Guy, the ubiquitous television pitchman who has been phenomenally successful peddling absorbent towels and food choppers. Shlomi, 44, was arrested last month on a felony battery charge following a violent confrontation with a prostitute in his South Beach hotel room.

Yogurt Pepsi: 14 Horrifying Soft Drinks Around the World

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 04:30 PM PDT

We want to respect other cultures and their unique tastes in food and drink. But sometimes, they're simply wrong. There are soft drinks on the market around the globe that are clearly unfit for human consumption and wrong on a deeply moral level.

Top 5 Ghost Tours

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 04:20 PM PDT

if you're searching for a ghost tour, where should you look? ghost tourism seems to be most popular in areas that have been centers of historic change -- places where architecture connects us to the past and to catastrophic human suffering. Believers say ghosts can be spotted anywhere from homes to prisons to public squares. Can they?

Pirates get bricked iPhones after downloading 3.0 beta

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 04:10 PM PDT

When the iPhone 3.0 beta software that was supposed to be available exclusively to developer subscribers leaked onto Torrent sites, pirates smiled. But Apple had the last laugh because the software holds your iPhone hostage until you register for a dev account.

T.I. Sentenced To A Year And A Day In Prison

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 03:50 PM PDT

Tip is scheduled to report to prison voluntarily within the next six to eight weeks. However, the judge acknowledged that the rapper has agreed-upon commitments what will not allow him to enter prison before May 19.

BREAKING: UPS Announces It Will Stop Advertising on O'Reilly

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 03:40 PM PDT

In response to our Stop Supporting The O'Reilly Harassment Machine campaign, UPS told us yesterday that it was investigating whether to continue supporting O'Reilly's show. Today, UPS announced it will stop advertising on O'Reilly's show. Here is the statement UPS emailed out just moments ago:

Business Beats Big Labor Card Checks—For Now

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 03:40 PM PDT

FTA: But the lesson of card check so far is that, united, the business world still wields extraordinary clout. So extraordinary that it has managed to bottle up Big Labor's top priority in a town now run exclusively by labor's Democratic patrons. Business's continued unity, or lack of it, will decide what happens next.

The Market Mystique

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 03:30 PM PDT

The top officials in the Obama administration still believe in the magic of the financial marketplace and in the prowess of the wizards who perform that magic.

Sport doping test is 'not fit for purpose' experts warn

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 03:20 PM PDT

Some athletes could be 'getting away' with doping because their genes allow them to pass drug tests even if they have been using illegal substances, a research paper has found.

6 Important Real World Skills You Learned From Videogames

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 03:01 PM PDT

You take this into the world and become the guy everyone calls laid back and easy going. Nothing phases you. You take the punishment and ignore it and eventually the jackass at work goes on to bug someone else. You look cooler, get promoted more often and get married to a cheerleader.

Education reform: Let's start by burning all the textbooks

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 02:30 PM PDT

Paper textbooks are problematic in two ways: First, they're paper. Second, they're textbooks. Paper textbooks are bland, lifeless, designed-by-committee, politically correct intellectual junk food that cost five times what they should. It's time to go electronic with course materials, and let instructors (and students) choose *real* books online.

'Planet Earth' + Steven Hawking = 'The Universe'

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 02:30 PM PDT

Hollywood Reporter: Discovery Channel's announced a multi-million-dollar "Planet Earth" followup to explore space with Stephen Hawking using CGI (and somebody else to narrate)

Barring last-second 180, Billy G's time with UK is Over

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 02:20 PM PDT

The speculation won't quit, which means Billy Gillispie will. Either of his own volition, or with a brusque shove from his bosses at the University of Kentucky.

Promiscuous Fish: Sexual Pains Reported in Food Poisioning

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 02:00 PM PDT

Food poisoning typically causes nausea, vomiting, and similar symptoms. However, in a small North Carolina outbreak linked to fish consumption, six out of seven people reported sexual pain along with other more common symptoms of food poisoning, according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Cop who lost his sense of smell gets fired

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 02:00 PM PDT

A Pennsylvania appeals court says a township is allowed to discharge an officer because he lost his sense of smell in an off-duty motorcycle accident.

10 Craigslist Tips for Power Users

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 02:00 PM PDT

More and more people have gotten hip to the power of Craigslist. Here's what you need to know to get the most out of this site, as a buyer or a seller.

Australia rejects China takeover

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 01:50 PM PDT

Australia has rejected a Chinese state-run firm's $1.7bn (£1.2bn) takeover bid for Australia's Oz Minerals because of national security concerns.

'Jaunty Jackalope' Ubuntu springs into beta

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 01:40 PM PDT

Next version of the Ubuntu Linux distribution includes a new notifications system, changes to the start-up process, and the distribution's first foray into cloud computing. Read this blog post by David Meyer on Business Tech.

More Security Loopholes Found In Google Docs

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 01:31 PM PDT

Security consultant Ade Barkah checked in with us to alert us to a couple of serious security issues associated to Google Docs.

1920s Skyscraper - Past to Present [Pics]

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 01:20 PM PDT

The progression of a 1920s skyscraper, the Shelton Hotel, to its present state as the Marriot

The Seagull Nebula

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 01:20 PM PDT

Top 10 Karaoke Songs For Guys

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 01:20 PM PDT

The combination of men, alcohol and a microphone has long been a dangerous one, and nothing has suffered the consequences more than these top 10 karaoke songs for guys.

Shaq Finds Mysterious Inscriptions Written On Basketball

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 01:10 PM PDT

Upon discovering a series of inexplicable markings on the regulation basketball being used during his team's game against the Nuggets Monday, Suns center Shaquille O'Neal halted play to decipher the meaning hidden in the ball's mysterious symbols and was subsequently called for a 24-second violation.

50 Greatest Formula One Drivers

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 01:10 PM PDT

From Hakkinen to Clark, Kevin Eason lists the greatest drivers in the modern era of the world's most demanding sport

Crabs feel pain, retain memory of it, researchers say

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 01:00 PM PDT

A favored method of preparing fresh crabs is to simply boil them alive. A longstanding related question: Do they feel pain? Yes, researchers now say. Not only do crabs suffer pain, a new study found, but they retain a memory of it (assuming they aren't already dead on your dinner plate).

Israel Marks 30 Years of Peace with Egypt

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 12:50 PM PDT

The Israel-Egypt peace treaty was signed in Washington on March 26, 1979. Many today are calling it a "cold peace". The image of Israel's then-prime minister, Menachem Begin, shaking hands on the White House lawn with Anwar Sadat, Egypt's president at the time, raised hopes for the treaty's success.

Fred Savage's Calls to the Girl Who Played Winnie Cooper

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 12:50 PM PDT

So weird: I read something in a magazine today about you getting married and I was like 'What? No way, haha, must be a joke or something, right?' Yeah, I figured it was a joke. That was probably a joke. Right?

If President Obama "Twittered"...

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 12:40 PM PDT

Lost Crusaders' Tunnels Found Near Palace on Malta

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 12:40 PM PDT

For centuries it's been said that the crusading Knights of Malta constructed an underground city on the Mediterranean island of Malta, sparking rumors of secret carriageways and military labyrinths. Now a tunnel network has been uncovered beneath the historic heart of the Maltese capital of Valletta.

5 Slightly Less Catchy Movie Poster Taglines [PICS]

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 12:30 PM PDT

Movie posters go through countless revisions and redesigns before a final version makes its way to theaters and subways — here's a look at several second-to-last drafts of some particularly memorable movie posters before they got the memorable taglines exactly right:

EU Rejects ‘3 Strikes’ for File-Sharers

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 12:20 PM PDT

The European Parliament has approved a report which goes against the French plan to implement a '3 strikes' regime for alleged P2P copyright infringers. The proposals to increase security and ensure freedom on the Internet were accepted, but disconnecting users from the Internet was ruled out.

.99 iTunes But a 'Hottest Track' Ain't One

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 12:10 PM PDT

Apple's 30% price jacking is surprisingly tone deaf in themidst of a major recession.

Girl Posts Nude Pics on MySpace, Gets Charged with Kid Porn

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 12:00 PM PDT

A 14-year-old New Jersey girl has been accused of child pornography after posting nearly 30 explicit nude pictures of herself on MySpace.com — charges that could force her to register as a sex offender if convicted.

Artist Helps Cops Catch Criminal By Drawing A Caricature

Posted: 27 Mar 2009 12:00 PM PDT

Griggs was drawing caricatures on The Strand when he heard a disturbance at a local shop. The shop clerk was being harassed by a man and Griggs took it upon himself to come to her defense. The perpetrator became loud and hostile, and when Griggs told him he would call the police the man threatened to come back and murder everyone.

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