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Wednesday, November 18, 2009



Bulldog Rides the 'Tony Hawk Ride' Skateboard (Video)

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 04:30 PM PST

Tillman the skateboarding dog plays 'Tony Hawk Ride' better than most people I know.

In-Depth Look @ Street Fighter's Nasty New Vixen, Juri (vid)

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 04:20 PM PST

IGN's breakdown her Juri's sick skills...

Cost of NASA's Trip to Mars? About $1 trillion over 25 years

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 04:20 PM PST

Early cost estimates of about $1 trillion over 25 years to return to the moon and later plant a flag on Mars, is leading most observers to assume that focus will be placed on unmanned space science in the next decade.

U.S. Inflation Edges up, Housing Starts Fall Sharply

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 04:10 PM PST

Construction of new homes in the United States fell sharply last month, showing potential weakness in the economy's recovery, while consumer prices rose slightly more than expected.

True Mayan Cycle Believers Say 2012 Isnt End of the World

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 03:50 PM PST

John Major Jenkins, a Colorado writer who's published 10 books about the Mayans. He argues that the significance of 2012 rests on a galactic alignment, in which the sun and Earth will line up with the center of the Milky Way. As the alignment approaches, he expects life on Earth to be unsettled for a while, but not end completely.

Tarantino and Almodovar: How the Bad Boys Grew Up

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 03:40 PM PST

What links their two most recent films is that, for each filmmaker, they represent a point at which they demonstrate a mastery of craft equal to the Hollywood films that inspired them.

Will society accept relationships between humans and robots?

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 03:30 PM PST

Society must decide if it is willing to accept relationships between humans and robots before the machines become so sophisticated they start demanding rights, a legal expert has warned.

NSA is helping Microsoft with Windows 7 Security

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 03:20 PM PST

The National Security Agency has been working with Microsoft Corp. to help improve security measures for its new Windows 7 operating system, a senior NSA official said on Tuesday.

Widow Stuck with $161K Bill After Failed Treatment

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 03:10 PM PST

Jose Sanchez was desperate when he visited the Cancer Treatment Centers of America in January. After initially approving treatment with the drug Avastin, Blue Cross decided, after Sanchez's death, that the drug was experimental and therefore denied payment.

Employee Manuals... Probably (PIC

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 03:00 PM PST

Sometimes the employees of a company are so consistent in the way they perform a certain task, it seems they must have been trained to do so.  Here, without naming names, are these companies' employee manuals...probably.

Hulu Begins Flirting with Music Videos

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 02:40 PM PST

As a joint venture between Disney, Fox and NBC Universal, Hulu is best known for its free and extensive library of TV shows and movies.

Tastes like what, now? (PIC)

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 02:30 PM PST

Yeah, they probably should've gone ahead and spelled out the whole word.

The World's Most Corrupt Governments

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 02:20 PM PST

Afghanistan and Iraq, which receive billions of dollars a year in US and other foreign support, are among the world's most corrupt governments. "The results demonstrate that countries which are perceived as the most corrupt are also those plagued by long-standing conflicts, which have torn their governance infrastructure."

APOD: 2009 November 18 - Water Discovered in Moon Shadow

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 02:00 PM PST

Why is there water on the Moon? Last month, the LCROSS mission crashed a large impactor into a permanently shadowed crater near the Moon's South Pole. A plume of dust rose that was visible to the satellite, although hard to discern from Earth. The plume is shown above in visible light.

Edited Interview from Sarah Palin on Oprah [Conan O'brien]

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 01:50 PM PST

Sarah Palin really opens up during her Oprah interview ...

Ecommerce Scams: Hundreds Of Well-Known Sites Scam Customers

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 01:40 PM PST

The report reveals that numerous well-known e-commerce companies have earned millions of dollars through post-transaction marketing "scams", including sellers such as 1800Flowers.com, Fandango, FTD, Orbitz, Priceline, Shutterfly, Buy.com, Barnes & Noble, Expedia, as well as many, many more.

Cyberwarfare: The Issue China Won't Touch

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 01:30 PM PST

U.S. President Barack Obama's trip to China has a dirty little secret: cyberwarfare. It is issue Beijing refuses to acknowledge exists, but it has the potential to torpedo military relations between the two nations.

Application Makes Your iPhone Blow Air

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 01:20 PM PST

At last, after being blowed a billion times, it's the iPhone's turn. Believe it or not, there's a new application for the iPhone that uses its speaker to blow air. No peripherals. No attachments. Check the video for yourself.

Stunning Views from 10,000 feet (VID)

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 01:10 PM PST

Cockpit Chronicles takes you along on some of Kent Weil's trips as an international co-pilot on the Boeing 757 and 767 based out of Boston. These are two great videos one of flying in over the Atlantic into London at Sunset and one more cool video over the jagged mountains over Greenland.

Jon Stewart PWND In NYC This Morning [PHOTO]

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 01:00 PM PST

Every morning I hail a cab at the same corner in the West Village in NYC. Most days, it's an easy grab, rarely a wait. But this morning I was running late. So, I did what any good New Yorker would do, this FTW moment quickly became a moment of FAIL…

Men married to smart women live longer

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 12:50 PM PST

Swedish scientists have discovered that long life and good health have nothing to do with a man's education and everything to do with his wife's.

John Mayer: "21-year-old trust fund babies" ruin NYC

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 12:50 PM PST

John Mayer rambles on in an interview with NBC New York. Is it that far from the truth?

Mexico Has a President Who Runs Things and One Who Doesn't -

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 12:30 PM PST

Mexico has a federal government. But the country also has a so-called Legitimate Government, which claims to be running the republic, too.

Gilbert Arenas vs. Agent 0 - Is this Lil' Penny?

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 12:20 PM PST

Gilbert Arenas has released a new video where he has a small dude talking smack about him called Agent 0, his alter ego. Does this remind anyone else of Lil' Penny Hardaway from back in the day?

San Francisco In Fog

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 12:10 PM PST

Out of fog Bay Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco in fog

Happy 81st Birthday Mickey Mouse!

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 12:00 PM PST

Mickey Mouse is 81 years-old (young?) today. Can you believe it? He looks amazing, doesn't he?

"Shangri-La" Caves Yield Treasures, Skeletons

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 11:50 AM PST

A treasure trove of Tibetan art and manuscripts uncovered in "sky high" Himalayan caves could be linked to the storybook paradise of Shangri-La, says the team that made the discovery. The 15th-century religious texts and wall paintings were found in caves carved into sheer cliffs in the ancient kingdom of Mustang—today part of Nepal.

CBC accidentally uses anti-Palin book cover on nat'l news

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 11:40 AM PST

The CBC has admitted it inadvertently displayed the jacket of an anti-Sarah Palin book, "Going Rouge: Sarah Palin An American Nightmare", during a story about the former vice-presidential candidate that aired on "The National."

Creating the Hottest Female Athlete Ever

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 11:30 AM PST

ESPN Magazine recently came out with "The Body Issue," which was supposed to be their answer to Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue. Aside from my biggest gripe (too many dudes), I thought it was great.

The $2.5 Trillion Global Oil Scam (Slideshow)

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 11:30 AM PST

A look at how the world might be getting swindled out of $2.5 trillion in a global oil scam that makes Bernie Madoff look like a petty thief.

The Google Phone Is Very Real. And It's Coming Soon

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 11:20 AM PST

The debate over Droid v. iPhone rages on, but lots more Android surprises are on the way. Get ready for the Google Phone. It's no longer a myth, it's real.Like the iPhone for Apple, this phone will be Google's pure vision of what a phone should be.

Labour candidate attacks the Queen on Facebook

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 11:20 AM PST

Labour candidate Peter White may have jeopardised his political career with a surprising outburst launched on Facebook in which he likened the Queen to a 'parasite' and 'vermin'

One Squirrel, One Cup

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 11:00 AM PST


Cops: Math Teacher Put Hit on 16-Year-Old Student

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 10:50 AM PST

Georgia teacher Randolph Forde is accused of trying to pay another student to kill a boy. ​The beef reportedly began when substitute math teacher Randolph Forde pulled a 16-year-old boy out of his classroom one day to ask if he was gay.

CREW: Bachmann Rally May Have Violated House Rules

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 10:50 AM PST

Rep. Michele Bachmann's recent rally against health-care reform may have violated House rules, according to the good-government group CREW.

A tale of two Diggs

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 10:40 AM PST

You had two options if you wanted to hang out with Digg founder Kevin Rose at the Web 2.0 Expo conference this week: head over to the lobby bar of the trendy Standard Hotel on Monday night, where Digg was picking up the tab for several dozen of the city's blogger elite...

Jon Stewart Interviews Vice President Joe Biden (Video)

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 10:10 AM PST

The VP visited The Daily Show last night to discuss the economy, health care and Amtrak sandwiches.

The 100 Best Books of the Decade

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 10:00 AM PST

A collection of the top 100 books of the decade with a synopsis of each.

Six Crazy Internet Money Making Ideas (That Worked)

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 09:50 AM PST

Crazy Internet money making ideas that worked. Internet allows weirdest ideas to make money for people.

Big Blue Cat-Brain Breakthrough: IBM's New Thinking Machine

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 09:40 AM PST

'Big Blue' has built a supercomputer that models the brain--and hopes to someday build a supercomputer that mimics one, too. The supercomputers being lauded this week at the SC09 high-performance computing conference in Seattle can perform tasks in hours that would take a powerful desktop computer thousands of years.

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