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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

Andrew Breitbart is having a BIG Gay Party at CPAC for gay conservatives


Andrew Breitbart announces his support for GOProud and his plans to throw a party featuring the group at this year's CPAC convention in Washington DC.

Twitter Informs Users Of DOJ WikiLeaks Court Order, Didnt Have To


The US Department of Justice has served Twitter with a 2703(d) court order to reveal information about accounts related to people associated with WikiLeaks. The order is a request for account data including the ominous correspondence and notes of record related to the account for users Jacob Appelbaum (@ioerror), Rop Gongrijp(@rop_g), Birgitta Jonsittir (@birgittaj); Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, Rop Gongrijp, from November 1, 2009 to present. Salon is reporting that the original (sealed) order was signed on December 14th and gave Twitter 3 days to comply with the DOJ, with

Why Google and Demand Media Are Headed for a Showdown


A chorus of complaints about spammy results in Google searches highlights a growing problem the search company is going to have to solve -- and doing so will inevitably bring it into conflict with Demand Media, currently planning a high-profile IPO for later this year.

Body Lice Indicates Modern Humans Began Wearing Clothing 170,000 Years Ago


A new study of human body lice indicates that our ancestors began wearing apparel as long as 170,000 years ago.

APOD: The Helix Nebula


A mere seven hundred light years from Earth, in the constellation Aquarius, a sun-like star is dying. Its last few thousand years have produced the Helix Nebula (NGC 7293), a well studied and nearby example of a Planetary Nebula, typical of this final phase of stellar evolution. A total of 10 hours of exposure time have gone in to creating this remarkably deep view of the nebula.

We all know this isn't going to end well


On no, why did I agree to this?

Wisconsin lab says it solved blackbird die-off


The mystery of the deaths of thousands of blackbirds in Arkansas this month has been solved, federal scientists say.

Verizon Wireless Invites Press To Mystery Event


Verizon Wireless said Friday it will hold a press conference on Jan. 11, reigniting rumors that it will become the second U.S. carrier to sell Apple Inc.'s iPhone.

Crying, Sex, and John Boehner: Not So Fast


It's probably not going out on a limb to say that John Boehner's waterworks—the man cries when his party wins control of the House, when he thinks about kids, when he walks down the House aisle to take the Speaker's gavel—are not meant to reduce sexual arousal in women. But the fact that the idea is even in play underlines how mysterious adult crying is.

Giuliani Considering Running Again In 2012


The NY Post has a story about Rudy Giuliani possibly considering another presidential run despite his almost impossible odds of winning. So what gives with Mr. Super-Duper Security Expert, arch-enemy of Osama bin Laden and the man who single-handedly saved America from the bad guys? Does he really believe he has a chance of winning?

Congresswoman reported shot in Arizona, was on Palin's infamous "target" map


Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was among the estimated 15 or more victims of a shooting outside a Safeway store in Tucson, Arizona within the past hour. So far, 15 are reported wounded, 6 dead. Details are still coming in, but what has been r

Arizona Rep. Giffords Shot By Gunman


U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot outside a grocery store in Tucson while holding a public event, Arizona Public Media reported Saturday.

Women's Tears Turn Men Off: Testosterone Study Explains Why


Researchers Say Men Who Sniff Women's Tears Show Drop in Testosterone Read more by David W Freeman on CBS News' Health Blog.

U.S. relocates some people named in WikiLeaks cables


The United States has warned several hundred people worldwide it believes may be imperiled by WikiLeaks' release of classified U.S. diplomatic cables and has so far helped a handful of them relocate to safer locations, the State Department said on Friday.

Steve King: HCR Infringes on Right to Have Babies in Garbage Cans


Constitutional interpretation can lead the unpracticed down surprising and even dark rhetorical alleyways. It happens at dinner tables and in barrooms all the time. It happened to controversial Republican Iowa Rep. Steve King today on Capitol Hill...

Is it OK to cheer for Michael Vick?


Michael Vick, the comeback story like no other -- Before the feds started digging around Vick's Bad Newz Kennels in Virginia, he was the hottest property in the league, making a reported $7 million a year in endorsements.

The Love Affair Between Steve Jobs and Pablo Picasso


It looks like the modern Mac icon --which was originally created in 1997 and it's the current Finder's icon-- was inspired by Picasso 1934's Two Characters. It's likely a coincidence, but it wouldn't surprise me. Apple and Picasso go way back:

Can You See Who's Viewing Your Facebook Profile?


Some apps, like the now defunct Fan Check, show you who your "top fans" are, based on how many times a friend comments on or likes your junk, but it's all based on public information, not who is lurking on your page without leaving any virtual marks. It makes sense, really. If we all knew who was stalking us, we'd be much less likely to interact with people's profiles on Facebook, and its value as a social tool would decrease, then I wouldn't get to talk so much about Facebook's tool, and the world would be a sadder place, generally. So why do scams like ProfileWatcher, ProfileSpy, MyFacebookStalker, and ePrivacy persist in their claims to know who's keeping tales on your life? Well...

Working From Home: A Survivor’s Guide


Working from home sounds like the perfect gig. What's not to like about videoconferencing in your slippers, ditching the daily commute, and getting out from under your boss's watchful eye? Plenty, actually. There are a few pitfalls that will have even the most independent and disciplined home-worker pining for a cubicle and looking for ways to cope, but these suggestions may help you get around them.

Empire State Building Now NYC's #1 Green Power Customer


The Empire State Building, the New York City icon undergoing the largest green retrofit in the U.S., is purchasing wind power credits for 100 percent of its energy use in a deal that parties say provides more proof that sustainability can be achieved without paying premium.

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