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Monday, February 28, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

Gene therapy raises hope for a future AIDS cure


In a bold new approach ultimately aimed at trying to cure AIDS, scientists used genetic engineering in six patients to develop blood cells that are resistant to HIV, the virus that causes the disease.

Wisconsin Protesters Stay Put; Defiant Governor Holds Ground


Union workers and activists celebrated in the Wisconsin Capitol early Monday, as police relented and let them spend another night on the marble floors of the building's rotunda.

Kansas Motorcyclists Could Be Legally Allowed to Run Red Lights Soon


Lawmakers approved a bill that would allow motorcycle riders to go through red lights if their vehicles aren't heavy enough to trip the weight sensors under the street that change the signal. The "Dead Red" law passed by the state House this week.

49% of Consumers in US and UK Want Autonomous Cars


A recent study by Accenture found that consumers are all about new, innovative solutions for their lives, but "are frustrated with frequently used electronic devices that freeze or crash." We hear that. But here's the most intriguing statistic from their survey: 49% of people polled say they'd be comfortable using a driverless car.

My Web Without Facebook Connect


How important is Facebook? Very, and not in ways you and I realize. Sure you can see status updates and photos of your friends. What really is indispensable about Facbeook -- its ability to glue the web together. I found that out the hardway.

Virgin Galactic signs deal to launch scientists into space


For $1.6 million, scientists will fly into suborbital space for research purposes. The space tourism company Virgin Galactic, which is building a fleet of reusable private spaceships, has inked a landmark deal to fly scientists into suborbital space for research.k

Dog Takes Out Biker! \


Bike= mangled. Rider=fallen. Dog? Just fine.

6 Reasons Jennifer Aniston Is Still Single


You couldn't help but ask yourself while watching the Oscars, why is Jennifer Aniston still single? It's Jen's fault her relationships don't work. Unfortunately, there is little she can do to change her luck in dating. Here are five reasons Aniston is still single:

The Department of Transportation Fines American Airlines Over Voucher Fees


The Department of Transportation sends word today that it's charging American Airlines for charging its passengers for agreeing to swap seats on oversold flights for travel vouchers.

Top 10 Charlie Sheen Moments


Charlie Sheen's rant-to-end-all-rants seems to have struck a death blow to his career. Or has it?

'Twilight' Gets Auto-Tuned at the Oscar Awards (WATCH)


One of my favorite parts of last night's Oscar Awards was the homemade videos of some of our favorite movies, auto-tuned. In addition to the Oscar-nominated Social Network and Toy Story 3, Twilight and Harry Potter also got the auto-tune treatment!

Why Is San Francisco Planning to Dump Bleach in the Bay?


San Francisco plans to dump 27 million pounds of bleach into its sewers this summer. Greener options exist so why isn't the city considering them?

America Is Addicted To Porn (Infographic)


Is America addicted to porn? The statistics in this informative infographic say yes!

Backcountry Riding (Video)


This clip will make you want to go snowboarding - guaranteed!

U.S. Government Doctors Once Thought it Okay to Experiment on Disabled People and Prison Inmates


Shocking as it may seem, U.S. government doctors once thought it was fine to experiment on disabled people and prison inmates. Such experiments included giving hepatitis to mental patients in Connecticut, squirting a pandemic flu virus up the noses of prisoners in Maryland, and injecting cancer cells into chronically ill people at a New York hospital.

Skier Crashes Backwards Down Mountaintop (Video)


This dude's helmet cam caught the whole disaster, so every time his brain tries to create a mental block of the accident, he's got this video to remind him of the time he fell down a mountain.

College Marching Band Plays Rage Against the Machine. Awesome... (vid)


Bitter Tastes Make You More Judgmental


Don't drink and judge; bitter tastes alter your moral compass.

Rightbloggers Compare Large National Protests (Union) Unfavorably with Large National Protests (Koch Brothers)


Hundreds of thousands of people turned out on behalf of teachers in Wisconsin who were holding out for collective bargaining rights, despite opposition from Republicans and from bigtime "liberal" columnists who also consider schoolteachers grossly overcompensated. Yet rightbloggers dismissed these demos as paltry, insignificant, and a failure.

4 Americans dead in UAE plane crash


4 Americans dead in plane crash in United Arab Emirates

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