digg post blog

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

How to move a large rock


Hate to see what happens when they hit a speedbump

Oil spill off China coast will hurt fishing industry, causing long-term environmental damage - Spill was kept hidden from public for weeks


An oil spill off China's eastern coast kept hidden from the public for weeks has caused long-term environmental damage that will hurt the area's fishing industry, state media reported Tuesday.

Krusty Burger In Bolivia (PIC)


Grandmother Assaults Nine-Year-Old Grandson for Eating Too Much Bacon


Final proof that the bacon phenomenon has finally jumped the shark.

Inspiration: Blind Man Runs 83 Miles in Ultramarathon


Damn. Some people have a lifelong goal to run a marathon, but four? At once?

The History of Creepy Online Dating


From AOL chatrooms to Craigslist to ChatRoulette, weirdos just won't go away

Star Wars The Old Republic - Faction lore - Galactic Republic


The Republic itself was formed in 25,053 BBY when the first "Galactic Constitution" was signed on Coruscant, after the Corellian Hyperdrive connected many worlds in the Galactic Core. Whether this means that Coruscant was the original homeworld of humans or simply the most powerful world at the time is still up for debate, and there has been little said about the event other than that it occurred. The Republic was made up of several hundred thousand worlds.

DOE-Funded Startup Will Store Solar Energy in Molten Salt


One of the knocks against renewable energy has been that solar and wind power can't be relied upon when the sun doesn't shine or the wind doesn't blow. A well-financed startup wants to change that.

Michael Bay Is a Lazy @#$%


Every time I think I've finally understood how much contempt Bay has for his audiences, he manages to shove a bit more garage into the bin.

Glenn Beck launching charity clothing line


Former FOX News personality says proceeds from his '1791' collection will benefit those in need.

Rap-Rock Bands: Where Are They Now?


The return of Limp Bizkit brings with it some strange, dark feelings that transport us to a strange, dark time when rock bands contained a silly amount of white dudes with dreadlocks. A time when adults with more angst than a horde of pubescent mallrats blurted things like "puh-SHOUW!" and "huh-HA," sounding as if they were expunging a troublesome BM.

NYPD Destroys 2.5 Tons of Illegal Fireworks (Video)


It's a tough job getting rid of all this contraband.

Moose Locked Together in Mortal Combat [Pics]


An incredible sequence of images showing moose fighting it out during rutting season, locked together in combat...

Anime Expo: Cosplay Battle



"Mars or Bust!" --NASA Shifts Future Missions to Deep Space


The Space Shuttle Atlantis will be the last of its kind sent to space by the U.S. NASA says it is interested in "deep space" exploration. NASA Administrator Charles Bolden says that human space flight for America will not end with the retirement of the shuttle program. Instead, the space agency plans to refocus its efforts from lower-orbit vehicles to deeper space probes. "Today NASA and the nation want to touch an asteroid and eventually send humans to Mars," he told a luncheon crowd at the National Press Club on Friday.

True Blood : On the Right Track


Fireworks are nice, but they cannot compete with this season of True Blood. The second episode dazzled me more than any two-bit Roman candle ever could. I had some high expectations after the premiere, but the second episode really delivered.

Finger Length Linked to Penis Size


The ratio between the lengths of the second and fourth fingers is linked to penis size in men, pointing to the role of male hormones in development.

The not-so-natural look: Model wears a year's worth of make-up - all at once


You've probably heard the expression caked in make-up, but Dutch artist duo Lernert & Sander have taken the concept to a new level in their latest project.

Unlicensed: Are Google Music and Amazon Cloud Player illegal?


Apple paid up, but Amazon and Google did not, announcing cloud music services without the major labels' blessing. Who was right? Ars digs into the history of music lockers and explores when they might be legal under copyright law.

The (very) secret history of Area 51. Just how covert is the infamous US air base? New files show that even Presidents don't always 'need to know' its activities


No one on the ground or in Pakistan's air defence spotted Area 51's latest toy as it kept watch on Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on the night of the US raid that killed the Taliban leader.

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