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Tuesday, August 5, 2008



Quentin Tarantino destroys a movie reviewer during interview

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 09:20 PM CDT

simply destroyed.

Steve Jobs on MobileMe: the full e-mail

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 09:10 PM CDT

Ever since our report last night on an internal e-mail sent by Steve Jobs about the botched launch of MobileMe, we have received an outpouring of requests for the full text of the e-mail. Although we originally weren't comfortable publishing the entire thing, it is now slowly becoming available in its full form across the Internet. Because of this,

Medical Marijuana Patient Fights For Right To Smoke Openly

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 08:50 PM CDT

A federally licensed Canadian medical marijuana user is fuming after receiving correspondence from his city councillor telling him to "Quit taking up taxpayers' dollars" with a "frivolous" human rights complaint. "I am not asking for anything special except the same rights that tobacco smokers have," he said. Cast your vote in the included poll.

The Best Hotel Commercial Ever Made

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 08:50 PM CDT

I will gladly live in this hotel room, and I don't care where her tongue has been.

Track The Lobbyist Money That Bankrolls McCain's Campaign

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 08:40 PM CDT

When it comes to tracking the lobbyists and companies who either work for or have contributed to John McCain's presidential campaign, now you can play the same game Beltway journalists engage in every day from the comfort of your own home!

Orgasms 'at the touch of a button'

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 08:40 PM CDT

The makers of "Slightest Touch" say their device can give women longer, better and more intense orgasms.They claim their device can trigger an orgasm without touching a woman's genital area.According to the manufacturers, Slightest Touch works by stimulating the body's sexual nerve pathway.

Holy Controversy: Religulous Reviews Hit Web

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 08:40 PM CDT

It is going to be quite fun watching film critics in the MSM tackle Religulous, the anti-religions documentary from director Larry Charles (Borat) and Bill Maher. Reviewing this film practically demands that one states his/her personal beliefs—sort of like with Iraq War docs, but, you know, bigger—so expect more controversey than usual for Maher.

The Xbox 360 ‘Red Ring of Death’ Apology Manual

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 08:30 PM CDT

Ah, the ill-fated Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death, how we fear thy ways. After all, with a 16% failure rate, it could happen to anyone. For some of us, it already has. The least that Microsoft could do is give us a few ideas of what to do with this giant, expired paperweight of failure.

Michael Jordan: "I can stop Kobe Bryant One-on-One"

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 08:20 PM CDT

MJ says he can stop Kobe one-on-one.

Don't bogart that can...man! The best of "stoner comedies"

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 08:20 PM CDT

"Some illegal pastimes simply aren't funny under any circumstances, but it's safe to say smoking pot isn't one of them. Let's face it—anything that turns a perfectly sane person into a babbling, red-eyed zombie with a monstrous appetite can be easily mined for comedy gold. "

The Dramatic Cat

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 08:10 PM CDT

Nearly a year ago today was our first look at the dramatic hamster which quickly became an Internet sensation. This little fella does a decent impersonation of the dramatic look.

20 Ways to Die in the 2008 Summer Olympics

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 07:50 PM CDT

20 ways to take a shot put to the head, discus to the chest, pole vault to the nads, diving board to the head . . . etc. Each of them are more painful and/or hilarious than the next. These athletes deserve a bronze medal for effort, but a gold for pain. It doesn't matter the nationality, every athlete runs the same risk.

White House Used Forgery to Create Saddam/Al Qaeda Link

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 07:50 PM CDT

A new book by Pullitzer Prize winner Ron Suskind claims that, after the Iraq war began, the White House ordered the CIA to forge a back-dated, handwritten letter from the head of Iraqi intelligence to Saddam Hussein tying Iraq to al Qaeda.

Inside Story of the Telescope That Nearly Wasn’t Built

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 07:35 PM CDT

"The Universe in Mirror: The Saga of the Hubble Space Telescope and the Visionaries Who Built It" is a breezy behind-the-scenes account.

Top 5 Popular Women's Styles Men Hate

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 07:20 PM CDT

For all those times we've seen an otherwise unbelievably hot girl walking down the street, only to be ruined by whatever dumb trend she decided to try to be cool with.

Breaking: Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 Asia Version Announced

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 07:10 PM CDT

During E3, Microsoft announced that Final Fantasy XIII was coming to the Xbox 360 — but only for North America and Europe. However, the Xbox 360 was not announced for Japan. Add another country to the list!

EFF: MySpace suicide charges a threat to free speech

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 07:00 PM CDT

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Center for Democracy and Technology, Public Citizen, and a group of 14 law professors have filed an amicus brief in the case against a mother who allegedly harassed a teenager on MySpace, driving the girl to suicide. The groups argue that, while the events were tragic, holding the mom criminally responsible could

XGames in Dubai in December..Richest Xgames Event Yet

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 06:50 PM CDT

ESPN and Dubai Event Management Corporation (DEMC) have formed a five-year collaboration to host the world's richest singular, multi-sport, action sports event. There will be a 2.5 million dollar prize purse a record for X Games and the action sports industry—and X Games medals distributed to the athletes. Event Dates are December 11-13 2008

Firmware 2.01 could render 3G iPhone un-unlockable

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 06:50 PM CDT

As some of you already know, updating your iPhone to firmware 2.01 means that you've lost access to all your jailbroken apps. That's pretty much expected and should be rectified by the DevTeam soon enough. What's notable from an unlocking perspective, however, is that Apple's 2.01 release also updates the iPhone 3G baseband. This puts iPhone 3G own

Aurora - Mozilla Labs Concept Browser

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 06:40 PM CDT

Amazing Gorilla Find In The Congo

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 06:40 PM CDT

Researchers have found what they Gorillasare labeling the 'mother load' of western lowland gorillas in the Republic of Congo. The gorillas have been found in an isolated forest known by researchers and scientists alike as the "Green Abyss" because the forest is nearly impossible to navigate on foot because of all the swamps...

WiFi software arrives on Linux desktops

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 06:30 PM CDT

A vendor of Linux-based WiFi arrays is finally releasing a version of its WiFi Monitor utility for Linux desktops. The open source, widget-like Xirrus WiFi Monitor for Linux enables users to monitor, secure, and troubleshoot WiFi networks, says Xirrus.

Paris Hilton Responds to McCain's "Celeb" Attack Ad

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 06:20 PM CDT

Paris Hilton saw McCain's attack ad where he uses her image and calls Obama a celebrity so she decided to make a video of her own. See you at the debate, bitches.

YouTube Cleaning Up After Lawsuit | High Profile Users Leave

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 06:20 PM CDT

YouTube is clearly trying to clean up in light of the Viacom lawsuit, ironing out any potential issues over copyright theft. But high profile YouTube posters such as Loic Lemeur and Chris Crocker are being dragged in to the mess, potentially causing more harm to the site than good.

Ants Invade Home Scanner

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 06:10 PM CDT

This guys wife calls him at work and tells him she is having trouble with the scanner. When he opens it up he discovers its infested with ants.

Obama: GOP takes pride in being ignorant

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 06:00 PM CDT

"They'd rather make fun of a good idea than actually do something about it."

The 26 Hottest US Olympic Women Athletes

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 05:40 PM CDT

Olympic athletes are the cream of the crop; they're the best of the best. We've picked out the female athletes who are the best of the best in their sport, and then picked the hottest ones. Not only are these women the best at playing their sports, but they're also the best to look at.

Super Mario Bros. is the Greatest Love Story Ever! [COMIC]

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 05:20 PM CDT

Never really thought about it that way but yeah, Mario does have some crazy love for Princess peach.

IBM targets Microsoft with desktop Linux initiative

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 05:20 PM CDT

During a press briefing at LinuxWorld today in San Francisco, IBM announced a new partnership with Red Hat, Novell, and Canonical to offer "Microsoft-free" personal computers with IBM's Lotus Notes and Lotus Symphony software. The goal is to provide a preintegrated stack that can serve as a complete alternative to Windows and Microsoft Office.

When a Robot Servant Becomes Self-Aware... [COMIC]

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 05:20 PM CDT

I loved this strip.. the happy look on the robot's face who thinks he's finally getting some real love from his master makes the whole thing so fucking tragic.

NFL announces new code of conduct...for fans

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 05:10 PM CDT

Rules include: • Drunkenness• Foul or abusive language• Verbal or physical harassment of fans from the opposing team.Yeah, right.

CIA Forged Iraq Intelligence

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 05:00 PM CDT

The author also claims that the Bush administration had information from a top Iraqi intelligence official "that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq - intelligence they received in plenty of time to stop an invasion."

This is the Life: Ping Pong (PIC)

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 05:00 PM CDT

They weren't so innocent after all.

John McCain was Behind the Anthrax-Iraq Connection Lie

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 04:50 PM CDT

One of the Reasons the Bush administration was able to fool the United States into war in Iraq was the completely false Anthrax-Iraq association. John McCain was a key player in that lie.

Diesel from grass? It could be possible

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 04:20 PM CDT

Imagine a grass crop, grown on marginal, non-food bearing land without pesticides or much fertilizer, that, when harvested, produces an oil that needs almost no processing to be substituted for diesel fuel.

Star Trek Charcter Teaser Posters [PICS]

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 04:20 PM CDT

Check out some high-resolution versions of the Comic-Con posters for J.J. Abrams' "Star Trek."

The MAG Lev Concept Car With Sexy Design And 3 Wheels

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 04:10 PM CDT

The MAG car would require that all automotive infrastructure be magnetized in order for it to work, a task well-neigh impossible for any large-scale implementation. However such a system would tremendously reduce the energy required to propel the car, as it's electromagnetic motor would be calibrated to reduce the car's weight.

When They Were Dweebs: Celeb And Their High School Photos

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 03:50 PM CDT

Can you guess who the star is from their high school yearbook photo? Some are easy, some aren't and some make you realize even some stars were once dweebs.

Bush Addresses 8.2 Million Unemployed: 'Get A Job'

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 03:40 PM CDT

Responding to the nation's worst unemployment rate since the Hoover Administration, President Bush addressed the nation's 8.2 million unemployed workers in a televised speech Monday.

Mexican Peso Continues Dramatic Surge Against US Dollar

Posted: 05 Aug 2008 03:40 PM CDT

And beleive it or not, the United States Government now OWES MEXICO money. You know that the US is making bad monetary decisions now. "Mexico's peso firmed to a six-year high on Monday as lower oil prices eased some economic fears and investors bet on higher local interest rates, while stocks sank to a six-month low."

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