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Tuesday, March 3, 2009



Twitter, Google Maps Used To Track Down Two Missing Skiers

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 07:00 PM PST

Yesterday, a group of technology entrepreneurs from the UK on a skiing vacation in the Swiss Alps (Verbier) lost two of their party around 4 PM CET. Other members of the group put out a request on Twitter in order to learn the numbers of their mobile phones, so they could use the signals to track them down.

How every Scooby adventure really ends

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 06:50 PM PST

Mirror in the comments.

Why Capcom bet XBOX over PS3 & Wii...

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 06:40 PM PST

"I think I can only get away with saying this now, but I really thought that the using the Xbox was only way to break into overseas markets, and I took that hypothesis all the way. In the end, I am very happy that I did so."

The Ghost Hunters name 5 of the most haunted places in US

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 06:30 PM PST

Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson name the five scariest places this side of a bus station bathroom.

Prince and Target: Match Made in Discount Heaven

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 06:30 PM PST

Target has struck a deal with his royal funkiness to be the exclusive retail outlet for Prince's new three-disc set.

It-It-It's So Big!

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 06:20 PM PST

Photographer: Éliz Robert

10 Historically Inaccurate Movies

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 06:10 PM PST

Something about the words "based on a true sto­ry" flashing across the screen has the ability to capture a viewer's attention unlike anything else. These films look like blooper reels when you compare them to history books. here is a list of 10 movies that many historians find insufferable and others just find laughable.

I wish there was a way... (COMIC)

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 06:10 PM PST

I wish there was a way for the government to make a crapload of money real fast while also helping deal with our overcrowded prison crisis...

Counterfeit money used to buy Girl Scout cookies

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 06:00 PM PST

Someone is cheating Girl Scouts, using fake $20 bills to buy cookies. One troop in Bremerton, Wash. is out $100, and some fear the fraud is spreading to other Girl Scout troops. Beneath the cheer of the annual Girl Scout cookie sale in Bremerton smolders a flash of anger and betrayal.


Posted: 03 Mar 2009 06:00 PM PST

'Fanboys' is expanding once AGAIN on March 6! This is the film's THIRD EXPANSION as it enters its fifth week in release! Yes, it's pretty sad when you have to BEG A MOVIE STUDIO TO LET YOU SEE ONE OF THEIR MOVIES!

ReTweetability Index... How Infectious Are Your Tweets?

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 05:40 PM PST

The ReTweetability Index measures and ranks Twitter users based on the infectious power of their tweets. This number accounts for number of followers and Tweets overall, so it is a true indicator of infectiousness.

Cat + Sea + Watermelon = Win

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 05:30 PM PST

This cat is pushing a watermelon out of a lake.

Top 11 Concept Cars Of The 2009 Geneva Motor Show [PICS]

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 05:20 PM PST

The 2009 Geneva Motor Show's overwhelmed us with hi-tech, futuristic concept cars. Our Swiss friend Gehard the Bookie makes sense of it all by giving us the odds of these rolling testbeds seeing production.

Dial H for Happiness: How it May Change Your Brain?

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 05:10 PM PST

We're a long way from building a Penfield mood organ, but we already have ways of prodding our brains. Sometimes we achieve miracle cures, sometimes just trim the edge off the pain, but even the little tweaks can mean the difference between the livable and unlivable life...

Top 20 Nintendo Happenings

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 05:00 PM PST

Hats off to daredevil Remi - the second entry in this month's 20 snippets of Nintendo-related online strangeness. There's simply not enough blatant disregard for life and law in the world of gaming fandom.

6 Geekiest South By Southwest Films

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 04:50 PM PST

There's one time of year when it is impossible to get a hotel room in Austin, Texas: South By Southwest, the gargantuan showcase for emerging technology, music, and film. While the festival's music hogs most of the headlines, its film festival has quickly carved out a place for itself as one of the premiere places in the U.S. to debut a new film.

A Moderate Manifesto from David Brooks of The New York Times

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 04:40 PM PST

We moderates are going to have to assert ourselves and take a centrist tendency that has been politically feckless and intellectually vapid and turn it into an influential force.

Apple quietly intros 2.66GHz MacBook Pro, offers larger SSDs

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 04:30 PM PST

Flying under the radar of Tuesday's broad desktop overhaul were quiet updates to Apple's MacBook Pro notebook line, which now includes a faster 15-inch model, new high-end chip options, and larger solid-state drive (SSD) choices that are also offered alongside the company's 13-inch MacBooks.

Legalizing marijuana makes sense, cents

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 04:20 PM PST

Its budget meltdown has California taking a look at legalizing marijuana as a means to revive its depleted treasury. But common sense, not economic need, should persuade Americans it's past time for a sober look at our mad "reefer madness" laws. The Golden State legislator pushing the idea, Tom Ammiano of -- plug in the appropriate joke...

Bush Administration Contemplated Restricting First Amendment

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 04:10 PM PST

The secret legal opinions issued by Bush administration lawyers after the Sept. 11 attacks included assertions that the president could use the nation's military within the United States to combat terrorism suspects and to conduct raids without obtaining search warrants. The opinions reflected a broad interpretation of presidential authority...

Circuit City: The final sales -- what you can get for cheap!

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 04:00 PM PST

After this Sunday, Circuit Cities across the nation close for good, and its 30,000-member work force (whoever is left, anyway) will join the ranks of the unemployed. But until then, nab some great low prices on electronics!

6 Technologies That Passed America By

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 03:50 PM PST

With America's status as a technological superpower comes a tendency to occasionally straight ignore the rest of the world. For better or for worse, here are technologies we've all but completely missed out on.

Top Lookalikes In Sports And Entertainment

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 03:40 PM PST

Some athletes bear an uncanny resemblance to celebrities and/or other public figures. A few days ago, Shaquille O'Neal referred to Chris Bosh as "the RuPaul of big men." I think that's a bit harsh. Especially since Bosh looks nothing like RuPaul. In fact, he looks a lot more like Snoop Dogg, if you ask me.

Supporting Alan Moore Doesn't Mean Hating Watchmen

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 03:30 PM PST

We need to stop bickering amongst ourselves and spitting in the communal pot. Like it or not, Watchmen has been made into a movie and anyone with large enough forceps to remove their own head from their buttocks might find that the resulting motion picture is actually very good, not great, but good.

The Year NBA Teams Quit Early

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 03:30 PM PST

Why Revenue Concerns, Bloated Contracts and Dreams of LeBron Are Quashing Competition

Casino Tries to Avoid Paying Elderly Widow Her Winnings

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 03:20 PM PST

Casino officials, however, told her she actually won only $20,000 because another gambler had won the $86,000 jackpot three minutes earlier while playing another machine linked to the same system of progressive slot machines. When a jackpot is won, the meter is supposed to reset to the minimum prize of $20,000, said Harrah's officials.

CIA Realizes It's Been Using Black Hi-lighters All This Time

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 03:20 PM PST

A report released Tuesday by the CIA's Office of the Inspector General revealed that the CIA has mistakenly obscured hundreds of thousands of pages of critical intelligence information with black highlighters.

Android to take Linux mainstream

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 03:10 PM PST

Netbooks will pave way for Google to squash Microsoft's OS dominance in two to three years, thanks to its Linux-based Android platform, according to analyst.

Whoa, all the players in this soccer team have the same name

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 03:00 PM PST

An Italian football team is a referee's nightmare - because every single player has the same surname. Everyone in the squad shares the name De Feo. The team was set up by former Serie A player Maurizio De Feo, 44, who he says he is going to talk to Guinness World Records officials to see if the team can claim a world record.

Gamma Ray Burst Captured In Early Stages

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 02:50 PM PST

UK astronomers, using a telescope aboard the NASA Swift Satellite, have captured information from the early stages of a gamma ray burst - the most violent and luminous explosions occurring in the Universe since the Big Bang. Swift is a NASA mission in collaboration with the STFC in the UK and the Italian Space Agency (ASI)....

12 Cool New Windows 7 Features That Aren't In The Beta

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 02:50 PM PST

Whether you've had a chance to play with the Windows 7 beta or not, you'll know that it's pretty darn close to the final article. However, Microsoft has posted news of a slew of updates on its Engineering Windows 7 blog that it'll fix in Windows 7.

Dads Catch Voyeur Red-handed at High School Gym

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 02:40 PM PST

The moves and the music on the gym floor distracted those in the bleachers from immediately seeing what was happening right in front of their eyes.

Most Wanted Games of March - suprising number 1 this month

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 02:40 PM PST

Killzone 2 drops from the top spot this month as the game has now been released but Final Fantasy XIII remains at number two with a suprise game at number one!

$50 million lawsuit over BART shooting death

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 02:30 PM PST

Family members of Oscar Grant, the unarmed BART rider shot in the back by a police officer early New Year's Day, filed a federal civil rights lawsuit Monday that seeks $50 million from the agency, its chief of police and three officers.

Why men should rethink drinking beer [Pic]

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 02:30 PM PST

The Linux Foundation has bought Linux.com

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 02:30 PM PST

The official announcement comes out tomorrow, but SourceForge will be telling the world that it has sold Linux.com to the Linux Foundation

Why Watchmen's Alan Moore Hates the Movie Industry

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 02:20 PM PST

There may be fanboys everywhere counting the days until Zack Snyder's Watchmen hits theaters, but the man who wrote the original masterpiece is not even remotely interested. Comics legend Alan Moore has been burned once, twice, oh hell, EVERY time he's had to watch one of his works adapted by Hollywood.

The Pirate Bay - Innocent or Guilty?

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 02:20 PM PST

After two weeks of live broadcasted hearings on the Internet, the 'Spectrial' is coming to an end. This week both parties presented their closing statements to the court. Time for us to weigh up developments so far and look forward to the verdict.

Obama Picks Net Neutrality Advocate as FCC Chairman

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 02:10 PM PST

Genachowski has been mentioned as a likely candidate for the Federal Communications Commission post, in part because he participated in the Obama campaign's Internet efforts and previously worked as chief counsel to Democratic FCC chairman Reed Hundt.

Teaching Mathematics in Finland with Japanese Puzzles

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 02:00 PM PST

For two years in a row Leena Helttula, a math teacher from Finland, included a course about Japanese puzzles in her teaching schedule at Turun iltalukio, night gymnasium for adults. What a great way to teach math.

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