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Tuesday, March 17, 2009



iPhone Apps Hit 800 Million Downloads

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 05:00 PM PDT

iPhone apps have been downloaded 800 million times, and there are now more than 25,000 apps in the iTunes store. Apple is detailing some of the new features in the next version of the iPhone OS in apress conference going on live right now...

Chuck Norris in Oblivion Episode 9 (Machinima)

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 05:00 PM PDT

OBLIVION ELDER SCROLLS Chuck and Paul have been unexpectedly approached by the evil Sean Connery and his minions. After only a few hours of Genesis training ...

No Sex Please: Life as an Asexual

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 05:00 PM PDT

Andy is young and healthy – yet he's never experienced physical desire. And there are thousands more like him. Olly Bootle meets the asexuals.

Y Combinator plans to fund more start-ups

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 04:50 PM PDT

Y Combinator announced Monday it has raised a $2 million venture fund with the aid of Sequoia Capital and angel investors. In making the announcement, Y Combinator noted it plans to increase the number of start-ups it funds to 60 a year, up from 40.

Sarah Palin 2012

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 04:40 PM PDT

truth in advertising

The Case for Letting AIG Fail

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 04:30 PM PDT

Just because the government already owns nearly 80% of AIG does not necessarily mean it should keep AIG afloat

WOW: 15,000+ Time Lapse & Tilt Shift'd Photos Strung 2gether

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 04:30 PM PDT

This entire thing was shot using a still camera. I took about 15,000 still photos and strung them together to give the illusion of motion. When you watch it, some shots might look a little odd. The reason is because I used a tilt-shift lens to rotate the depth of field to make it look as if these huge expansive vistas were tiny models...

New episode of Simpsons set in Ireland for St Patrick's Day

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 04:20 PM PDT

The Simpsons will mark St Patrick's Day with a new episode of the animated comedy set in Ireland. In The Name Of The Grandfather, which sees the dysfunctional cartoon family swap Springfield for the fictional village of Dunkilderry.

2,670 = Drunk Driving Deaths So Far In 2009

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 04:20 PM PDT

Check out the death clock in this article, it seems to change every couple minutes or so which represents another life lost to drunk driving. If you are driving drunk you are not driving towards your destination. You are chasing death and it is right around the corner.

Apple lets unfortunate logo slip

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 04:10 PM PDT

AN UNFORTUNATE LOGO which has somehow made it onto the Apple App Store appears to be a Freudian slip.

First Time Ever, MRI Lie Detection to be Used in Court

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 04:10 PM PDT

Defense attorneys are for the first time submitting a next-generation lie-detection test as evidence in court. In an upcoming juvenile-sex-abuse case in San Diego, the defense is hoping to get an MRI scan, which shows activity levels based on oxygen levels in the brain, admitted to prove the abuse didn't happen.

Science Could Stand To Learn From Science Fiction

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 04:00 PM PDT

Science fiction often gets basic science wrong, but it still has a lot to teach scientists about the implications of their work, says science educator and SF author Mike Brotherton.

Jinni Brings Semantic Search to Netflix

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 04:00 PM PDT

"Jinni has added a complete integration with the Netflix API, so you can semantically search the Netflix catalog or just Watch Instantly titles even without visiting Netflix. Want to see an action movie with a future dystopia or something humorous similar to Ted Demme's Beautiful Girls? Now you can do exactly that."

Poll: Frustration Growing Over Bailouts

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 03:40 PM PDT

A growing number of Americans are opposed to providing government assistance to ailing financial institutions, according to a new CBS News poll. The poll also shows that the public clearly blames the management of the banks for the crisis and that many Americans are feel resentful that irresponsible banking executives could benefit from the bailout

'F*** My Life' Gets Book Deal

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 03:40 PM PDT

Twitter- and iPhone-friendly gripers' blog fmylife.com just got a book deal.

Building the 21st Century Mind

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 03:30 PM PDT

A professor of cognition and education reveals the five minds you need for success, how to make better decisions and why ethics are critical.

A New Approach to Designing the AIDS Vaccine

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 03:30 PM PDT

A group of researchers at Rockefeller University in New York City have abandoned the as yet fruitless search for a magic bullet to vaccinate for AIDS and instead try to mimic the body's natural, if rare, and more diffuse defense against the HIV virus.

Kombucha: Home-brewed bacterial blitzkrieg can kill you

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 03:10 PM PDT

Two women in Iowa developed metabolic acidosis--a dangerous buildup of acid in the body--after drinking kombucha; one died. Two Australians came down with lead poisoning after drinking kombucha fermented in a ceramic pot for 6 months. A similar case was reported in France. Still, the purported "health tonic's" benefits have yet to be proved.

Watchmen: How It Could Have Been A Lot Worse

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 03:10 PM PDT

The fact that Hollywood made a Watchman movie and it came out actually recognizable as the Watchmen is pretty amazing. Considering the sort of turd burritos that often come out of Hollywood, this could have been worse. Like this, perhaps.

The Hypocracy of the war on drugs

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 03:00 PM PDT

A very funny but very true short clip. Why are there drugs being pushed by the pharmaceutical companies w/ stated side affects of death when marijuana is illegal!?!?

Time: Google Earth Adds Historical Photos [PICS]

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 02:50 PM PDT

The Aral Sea, 1973 Google spent eight years collecting historical imagery — aerial and satellite photographs from government fly-overs and other sources — and has integrated it into the newest version of Google Earth. By using a slider function, users can now travel back through time to see what places looked like decades ago.......

Major Opposition to New Swedish Copyright Law | TorrentFreak

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 02:40 PM PDT

A new law designed to make it easier for copyright holders to go after illicit file-sharers will come into force April 1st in Sweden. The IPRED legislation will also increase penalties and ultimately criminalize large scale infringement but according to a new poll, the majority of Swedes are against it.

Women left on sidelines in video game revolution

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 02:40 PM PDT

"Historically, the people who play video games have tended to be more male," said Vrabeck, president of EA's casual games division, which specializes in games that are easy and quick to play. "So it's not surprising that these boys grow up and aspire to work in the industry. That's why we've seen fewer women think about it as a career choice."

Computer science major is cool again, survey shows

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 02:10 PM PDT

Computer science majors at U.S. universities increased in 2008 for the first time in six years -- up 8% -- according to a survey out today. Tech giants are cheered by the news. "We've been seeing the number of computer science majors going down … " says a Google exec. "We're really excited to hear that the trend is going in the opposite direction."

Unthinkable is Now Possible: 500Mbps over copper wiring

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 02:10 PM PDT

Equipment maker Ericsson says it can use copper wiring to transmit data at more than 500Mbps in the lab—but it requires channel bonding and short line lengths. While fiber is the future, DSL and copper wiring may have some life left in them yet.

Are Carbon Traders Lining Their Pockets or Saving the World?

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 01:30 PM PDT

With the credit crunch and collapse in the price of carbon, even loyal enthusiasts are questioning whether carbon trading can ever enable investors to confidently back emissions saving projects

Filmmaker Recruiting students to sell virginity

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 01:20 PM PDT

A filmmaker has caused outrage by trying to recruit students to auction their virginity online - and film their attempts.

Penguin, Meerkat, Rabbit or Cat?

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 01:00 PM PDT

Photo credit: Jenna Photography

The Addictive Personality & Marijuana Legalization

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 01:00 PM PDT

A major misconception involving addiction is the idea that certain substances are, all by themselves, addicting. That a drug can captivate an unwary victim is an idea popularized in the 1936 film Reefer Madness. In that movie, it took just a few puffs of marijuana to turn a gentleman into a slobbering dope fiend; his health shattered; his life ruin

Climate change makes us boiled frogs, says Prince Charles

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 12:50 PM PDT

Prince Charles has compared human inactivity over climate change to frogs being boiled alive, and says we can't see the way the environment is changing because we're too close to it

Tear of Grief: Russia's 9/11 Memorial Gift to the USA [PIC]

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 12:20 PM PDT

10-story high sculpture given to the US by the Russian government. Located at the Peninsula at Bayonne Harbor as a memorial to those that died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The large polished titanium teardrop to represent the tears in Moscow shed for the 9/11 victims. A constant flowing of water which causes the sculpture to appear to weep.

Moving Digg

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 12:20 PM PDT

Most Digg users probably don't think about the technology it takes tokeep Digg up and running. That's a good thing. That means hopefullythe site always loads when you want to use it and the pages load fastenough so you don't give up and go somewhere else.

Sin City wants you to know it's serious business

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 12:20 PM PDT

Las Vegas, where "What happens here stays here," is trying to market itself as a serious destination as more companies -- such as banks receiving federal bailouts -- have canceled meetings and conventions.

iPhone 3.0 OS Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 12:20 PM PDT

iPhone 3.0 OS, the next generation operating system for the iPhone, iPod touch, and whatever Apple device comes next. Here you will find all the information you need, updated in real time as it's unveiled.

E-prescribing to soar with new spending

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 12:10 PM PDT

As many as 75 percent of U.S. doctors will be writing electronic prescriptions within five years, thanks to new federal spending to encourage e-prescribing, according to a forecast released on Monday. The...

The Top 7 games you either love or hate

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 12:10 PM PDT

The following seven games have divided players more than any other in recent memory. Middle ground exists for all of them, of course, and the majority of us reside there. Unfortunately, the lovers and the haters are so loud, we often forget to listen to anyone else.

5 Ridiculous (Safe for Work) Fetishes

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 12:10 PM PDT

Some fetishes are really easy to understand; others, however, are so far out there that they seem to have left the entire concept of sex far behind and are, in some ways, far more disturbing than the ones you might not feel comfortable reading about at work.

Sen. Dodd Tries to Undo Bonus Protections He Put In

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 12:10 PM PDT

While the Senate constructed the $787 billion stimulus last month, Dodd unexpectedly added an executive-compensation restriction to the bill. That amendment provides an "exception for contractually obligated bonuses agreed on before Feb. 11, 2009," which exempts the very AIG bonuses Dodd and others are seeking to tax.

20 Facebook Applications to Try

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 11:50 AM PDT

A lot is happening on Facebook. Not only are your friends telling the world what's going on in their lives, but Facebook itself is changing. It's more open now than before, thanks to the Facebook Connect program And more. You don't have to use Facebook.com to use Facebook anymore. Here are some of the best apps.

The Seven Dirtiest Teams in College Basketball History

Posted: 17 Mar 2009 11:40 AM PDT

There's a fine line between building a championship team through hard work and building it by handing the keys for an SUV to a nineteen-year-old. These are the teams that have crossed that line.

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