digg post blog

Monday, October 25, 2010

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

7 Creepy Urban Legends That Happen to be True (Part 4)


Once again, it's that time of year when Cracked goes out our way to fact check the outlandish stories that allegedly happened to your friend's former roommate's cousin's girlfriend.

Floating Islands Made of Garbage Actually Clean Polluted Water


A small company based in rural Montana has big dreams for using post-consumer plastic waste to restore fish populations, sequester carbon, remove water pollution -- and create unlimited amounts of new waterfront property.

Digg To Layoff 37% Of Staff, Product Refocus Imminent


It was just a few months ago that Digg dropped 10% of its staff. Now the company is making much deeper cuts - 25 employees will be laid off, a little more than 37% of Digg's total staff. This comes on top of news that Digg lost their chief revenue officer, Chas Edwards, earlier today. I spoke with founder Kevin Rose and new CEO Matt Williams about the cuts earlier this morning. The company will be refocusing the Digg product, Williams says, and more announcements will be made tomorrow.

Digg’s former CEO Jay Adelson has “no regrets” for not taking offers


Digg has become a Silicon Valley fable because it didn't sell out when it was hot and then allowed it self to be surpassed by other hot social networks such as Facebook.

Itching Thumb brings webOS look to Android


It's a little disappointing that webOS never took off. It has design elements in there that to this day have yet to be matched by other platforms.

X-Ray Vans: Security Measure, or Invasion of Privacy?


Privacy advocates worried about x-ray scanners making their way around U.S. airports may be surprised to know the technology is also making its way onto America's streets.

Is the universe a big hologram? This device could find out.


Scientists at Fermilab are constructing a 'holometer' to get a closer look at the fabric of spacetime.

Everything You Need to Know About Aphrodisiacs (Infographic)


Throughout history, numerous substances have been used as aphrodisiacs, which are things or activities that are believed to arouse hormones and heighten sexual interest. Some cultures have even developed their own rituals dedicated strictly to gettin' it up and gettin' it on like Donkey Kong.

Experimenting With Witchcraft And Christine O'Donnell


Christine O'Donnell is not a witch. I know this to be true because she has said so multiple times in her hunt for a Delaware senate seat, and because we used to be sleepover buddies in the early '9...

Making an Amazing First Impression


No red flags in this encounter

13 Things Your Trick-or-Treater Won't Tell You


This Halloween, the experts (kids!) give us the scoop on how to score the most candy while trick-or-treating and more.

10 Games In Which Everyone Should Have Died At the End


Not many games end with main characters/player characters dying at the end. And, sometimes, when it does happen, everybody gets…

Glenn Beck and the Cult of Paranoia


Where Limbaugh was angry, Beck is paranoid. In his land of make-believe, devious enemies have infiltrated the government and are plotting to destroy America. Every significant phenomenon, from the recession to the BP oil spill, is part of their master plan. Their final objective is a fascist-communist-Big Brother-world-government-über-tyranny, and they will annihilate anyone who interferes, which is why Beck frequently asks listeners to pray for his safety.

How Television Is Ruining The Movies


The television and movie industries are in a state of constant warfare. Their main goals are to achieve domination over the eyes and ears of society. Currently, the film industry is fighting an uphill battle to remain in control. What follows are some of techniques that Television uses to deconstruct modern cinema.

19 Reasons for Every Californian to Vote Yes on Prop 19


California's Prop 19 will be the most talked-about ballot initiative in the November election.  This measure would make lawful the possession and sharing of

PLEASE GOD NO RECOUNTS!!! But If There Are Some, Here's How They'll Go Down


Here's a rundown of recount rules in key states. Remember, control of the Senate could depend on this.

It's a Happy-Potamus! Grinning hippo poses with zoo-goers (Pics)


The beaming three-tonne beast was pictured behind the glass of its water tank next to IT consultant Jay Parker at San Diego Zoo.

The Realities of a Road Trip [Img]


What road trip is all about - in reality and in theory

2010 Election: Early Voter 'Enthusiasm Gap' Appears Consistent With Polls


Various estimates of early voting data each show an edge for Republicans: their voters have been slightly more inclined to get to the polls than Democrats in most states thus far. Under the most favorable set of assumptions for them, their advantage is around 9 points; by the least favorable set of assumptions, it is more like a 4-point edge.

Adobe's New Message to Steve Jobs: Yes We Can


Software Maker Retools for Move Beyond Personal Computers with New Technologies for Tablets, Smartphones, and TVs

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