digg post blog

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

The 10 Best Children’s Book Series Every Boy Read in the 90s


Were you ordering books from the mail-order Scholastic catalog in the 1990s? Were you constantly looking forward to your family's weekly trip to the library? Was your favorite time at school DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read)? Well, even if these questions don't apply to you, chances are you read a very high percentage of the books on this list. Because back in the vintage decade of the 1990s, these 10 classic literary adventures were the epic of awesome.

The Greatest Used Car Ad Ever [image]


You certainly have to admit it's the sexiest.

Don't Drop The Soap!: Cold Hard Prison Facts (infographic)


As crime rates go up, so does the population of prisons. The US has the highest population in the world as well as the highest rate of prison dropped soap in the world.

Cee-Lo Sings 'F--- You' as 'Fox News' Version on 'Colbert Report' (VIDEO)


Cee-Lo Green was forced to revise his popular 'F**k You' single when he appeared on 'The Colbert Report'

10 Most Addictive Games This Generation


Franchises like Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Grand Theft Auto, and more recently, Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed have become synonymous with the word "addictive." Addictive means the ability a game (in this case) has to hook you to it so badly that one cannot stop but thinking about going back to the game and keep on playing it.

Keith Olbermann Returns to the Air and Delivers A Classy Apology


Keith Olbermann returned from the world's shortest indefinite suspension tonight, and he delivered a very professional and classy apology on Countdown. Olbermann said, "€œI owe you three apologies. Foremost for having subjected you to this drama. Another by having not known by observation since it is not in the contract for not making political donations although any rule like that probably isn't legal."

Why I don't cook at home - The Oatmeal


Why I'm holding out for a Mrs. Oatmeal to take up this job someday.

Compassionate Conservatism, Texas Style


Republicans have made no secret of their love of emergency rooms as an alternative to a system of Americans with health insurance. As for Texas, which already has the highest rate of uninsured residents in the country, dropping out of Medicaid would take the total from 26% of the state to 40% of the state.

Cranky Babies Yield to the Power of Reggae (VIDEO)


The magic works instantly.

Overheard in a Comics Store: 'Our Valued Customers' [Webcomic]


In what seems like the ingenious comic book version of Overheard In New York, a cartoonist and comic book store employee known only as MRTIM has prodigiously kept track of the variously creepy, crazy, jerky and violent things actually said by the customers in his comic book shop and turned them into webcomics.

15 People and Characters Whose Doctorates Are Highly Suspect


Folks, I've been to the Creation Museum in Kentucky, and I now know that anyone, given enough time and/or money, can become a doctor of anything they want.

Mostly Good Folks (Pic)


Mostly Good Folks (Pic)

V's Vendetta Video Hacker Hijack: WSU's Hard Wired Wakeup Call (w/Video)


An anonymous hacker called "V" hijacked the projector systems at Washington State University last week. The hacker asked students to stand up to administrators and invited them to take action on campus. By hacking into the university's media services, V projected the video via the school's distance-learning technology. The video replicated a scene from V for Vendetta calling for students to break out of apathy and the comforts of the everyday routine...

Ask.com to close online web search business


Amid intensifying competition, Ask.com is going to close its online search business, layoff employees, focus on Q&A business

Student Gets Prison for Hacking Bill O'Reilly Site


An Ohio college student who pleaded guilty to hacking into conservative commentator Bill O'Reilly's website has been sentenced to 30 months in prison and must pay the site $40,000.

If Other Industries Were As Evil as the RIAA


Regardless of what else the Recording Industry Association of America has done, most of us know them for fighting illegal music downloads by suing college students and sometimes grandmothers into bankruptcy. That made us wonder what the world would be like if other industries cared as much about money, and as little about horrifically bad PR.

Whatever you do, don't fall out dude!


Rockmelt Crashes and Burns: Nobody’s Extinguishing The Flames


We were planning on writing about Rockmelt, a new social browser that is the modern-day Flock of Chromium, here on Techi today, but it appears that the

10 Amazing Pre-Black Friday Deals


We rounded up 10 deals that are hot on the Web right now.

How Do Couples Divide Their Money? (Graphic)


Few topics ignite as much curiosity and passionate discourse as that of handling money in a relationship. Should couples merge all their finances, or should they take a "mine, yours and ours" approach? How large of a purchase can you make without discussing it with your partner in advance? Would you ever lie to your partner about your spending? What about credit cards and other loans: should you help your significant other pay off debts they incurred on their own? Should you merge credit cards? Is there a right or even wrong answer to all those questions? To get a better idea of how couples throughout the country perceive their financial lives and how they manage their joint money, see our infographic.

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