digg post blog

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

Ron Paul: The Tea Party Is Now Corporately Owned


When the man who is credited with the inception of the Tea Party, as a grassroots movement, says it's now corporately owned, it's worth hearing....

Apple iPhone knocked off top of tree as it trails 5 budget rivals in UK


The uSwitch.com Mobile Tracker, which ranks the nation's favourite mobile handsets based on live searches and sales, shows HTC dominating the top three places.

Pakistani Minister Delivers Worst Speech Ever (Video)


This dude was having heavy bertations before having heavy bertations was cool!

Anonymous Confronts Westboro Baptist Church, HACKS Website LIVE DURING Interview


A source from Anonymous confronts Shirley Phelps-Roper from the Westboro Baptist Church, calling the supposed letter sent to Westboro by Anonymous a hoax, an...

The Great Moments in Hacking


Our favorite cyber pranks and their perpetrators.

U.S. Grounds Electronic Cigarettes On Planes


Smokers of electronic cigarettes are making videos of themselves using the devices on airplanes, but the U.S. Department of Transportation says the smokeless cigarettes aren't welcome aboard.

Happy Birthday Steve Jobs, champion of the popped collar


Apple CEO Steve Jobs turns 56 today and the Apple cofounder's influence on technology and the world at large cannot be overstated

Google face search to use social network photos


It could be used for something wonderful or it could be used for some ill-tempered moment like snapping a pic to search and track down that jerk who cut you off in traffic.

Oral sex now main cause of oral cancer: Who faces biggest risk? - Health Blog - CBS News


What's the leading cause of oral cancer? Smoking? Heavy drinking? Actually, it's oral sex.

Rachel Maddow Explains How The Wisconsin Protesters Are Winning


On her MSNBC program Rachel Maddow not only explained how Scott Walker and the right are losing their battle to bust America's public sector unions, but also how the protesters are winning. Maddow said, "It looks like it is turning into a national fight, and it looks like it is a national fight the Republicans may be losing everywhere."

Who Knew CNN Could Stoop So Low? (PIC)


Military training fail


This soldier was inches away from being speedily discharged from the army. His beret bravely took the bullet instead.

NASA'S Chandra Finds Superfluid in Neutron Star's Core


Chandra has discovered the first direct evidence for a superfluid, a bizarre, friction-free state of matter, at the core of a neutron star.

Hangover 2 Trailer: The Wolfpack Is Back!


It might just be the greatest motion picture you'll ever experience!

The 10 Chalkboard Lessons That Would Be Most Useful To 32-Year-Old Bart Simpson [pics]


If he weren't stuck in time as a perpetual 10-year-old cartoon, Bart Simpson would be 32 today. He's spent a lot of time in the front of a classroom chalkboard. What scribbles lesson do we hope have stuck?

When Is Bad Publicity Good?


In a new study from Stanford Graduate School of Business, researchers say in some cases negative publicity can increase sales when a product or company is relatively unknown, simply because it stimulates product awareness.

Take a Rabbit, Leave a Rabbit: Man Charged in Bunny Theft


Apparently someone in Lincoln, Nebraska thinks that you can exchange rabbits. The man allegedly stole a bunny from a pet store and left a jackrabbit in its place.

Saudi Man Living in West Texas Arrested For 'Attempted Use of Weapon of Mass Destruction'


Moments ago, the Department of Justice announced that an investigation by the FBI's Dallas Joint Terrorism Task Force has led to the arrest of 20-year-old Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, who was born in Saudi Arabia. The feds say that that Aldawsari attempted to buy chemicals needed to make an improvised explosive device, posted repeatedly to blogs promising to help defeat "the infidels" and kept a list of "potential U.S. targets."

My Conversion From a Libertarian to Progressive Liberal


After resisting this notion all my life, I had to acknowledge that the housing bubble (among many other instances of corporate fraud and abuse) proves the skeptics right. The lesson is beyond dispute: when power goes unchecked it leads to fascism (in one form or another), fraud, force and self-destruction. The answer, it seems, is not socialism but a strenuous case-by-case effort to strike a fair balance between workers' rights and business, which is why the protestors in Wisconsin fighting for collective bargaining rights need our support. And some industries, such as health care and energy, must be run by and for the public. Government is the only institution that can keep corporate power in check, and in a democracy all participants must be aware and pressure their leaders to regulate markets, lest it mutate into an oligarchy.

Feds tell tobacco firms: Run ads about your lies


The Justice Department wants the largest cigarette manufacturers to admit that they lied to the public about the dangers of smoking in an ad campaign.

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