digg post blog

Saturday, July 12, 2008



Blame it on the dog

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 08:50 PM CDT

Guy gets drunk and makes a doo-doo on his girlfriends floor - blames it on dog

Global Warming Threatens the Sex Life of Corals

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 08:10 PM CDT

Researchers say climate change may be leaving coral confused about when to get it on.

Man Sues Church Over 'God Injury'

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 08:00 PM CDT

He wants Lakewind Church to pay $2.5 million for medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering he said he's endured from his injuries.

No Anti-BitTorrent Precedent Achieved in Canada

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 07:50 PM CDT

Following comments which suggested that the closure of QuebecTorrent was "a major victory" for the recording industry, we have a statement from the owner of the site to balance things up. The smaller battle against this site is over, the larger one against Canadian BitTorrent sites in general appears unaffected.

50 Photoshop Tutorials for Dreamy, Magical Lighting Effects

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 07:30 PM CDT

Great tutorials for enhancing your plain old boring pics with otherworldly mystical mojo.

Amazing Lake Reflection Shot

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 07:10 PM CDT

Honolulu to Air Condition Buildings with Seawater

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 06:50 PM CDT

A new green project called Honolulu Seawater Air Conditioning (HSWAC) proposes to cool down buildings with seawater, rather than fossil fuel-based air conditioning units, and it is getting some serious green to back it.

Foggy Dubai: View from the Tallest Structure on Earth [PIC]

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 06:40 PM CDT

Awesome image of a foggy Dubai morning taken from the Burj Dubai Tower.

Tony Snow dies at 53 of cancer

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 06:20 PM CDT

Tony Snow, the former White House press secretary and conservative pundit, has died after a long bout with cancer. He leaves behind his wife and 3 children.

Vatican Runs Linux

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 06:00 PM CDT

So i was in the Vatican gift shop earlier today just watching and I noticed their televisions all reseted and guess what...they are running Linux !

Why Debian's Still a Great Distro Choice

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 05:50 PM CDT

Old distro that many new users simply ignore because it's got too much of a geek stigma is Debian. This is one of the original distros, first pubbed back in the early '90s, with a long history of development. And in fact, many of the new distro darling packages are based on Debian, including Ubuntu.

Guy + Girl Alone on a Train. What Happens Next is Intense...

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 05:40 PM CDT

Trippy and surreal comic illustrating the painful feelings of a new attraction for someone you've only just met.

Bisexual Species: Unorthodox Sex in the Animal Kingdom

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 05:21 PM CDT

Homosexual behavior is common in nature, and it plays an important role in survival

Man or Woman?

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 05:00 PM CDT

You Are Not Your Mom's Favorite (Pic)

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 04:40 PM CDT

NY attorney general gets more ISPs to block alt.* newsgroups

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 04:20 PM CDT

New York's Attorney General has turned his initial efforts against online sharing of child porn into a campaign, complete with its own website and a form letter to send to ISPs. The site's announcement coincides with AOL and AT&T reaching an agreement to block newsgroups where such porn appears.

Antarctic Ice Continues to Break up....Even in Winter!

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 04:20 PM CDT

New satellite images show that an Antarctic ice shelf continues to disintegrate — and even more surprising is that it's happening during the Southern Hemisphere's winter. Experts warned last March, that the Wilkins Ice Shelf was disintegrating more quickly, but they expected that the winter cold would put the trend in a temporary deep freeze.

NFL head coaches prefer Chad Johnson over T.O.

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 04:10 PM CDT

This offseason ESPN.com did an anonymous survey of NFL head coaches that explored a variety of topics, including smartest offensive and defensive player, dirtiest player and owner with the best reputation.

Lightening Strikes Woman As She Is Shooting Video

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 03:21 PM CDT

From what i understand, it went through my left hand holding the camera, crossed my back and exited out of my right hand holding onto the metal railing. No entry or exit wounds, just a really good zap!

DHS downplays shock bracelet for airline passengers

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 03:20 PM CDT

It was recently reported that the Department of Homeland Security has expressed interest in a "safety bracelet" for air travelers that would include personal information and would not only track the wearer but also be capable of remotely delivering a taser-like shock.

The iClones: A Look At The iPhone 3G's Closest Competotors

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 03:00 PM CDT

So you're taking in all of this coverage of the iPhone 3G and suddenly start saying to yourself: "Man, does this mean that I have to follow the pack completely to the Apple store in order to get a good multimedia cell phone experience? Or can I find something else that is just different but can come close to the so-called Jesus Phone?

Compilation of good skateboard slams

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 02:40 PM CDT

Here are some of the best skateboard slams on street, mega ramps, bowls and skate contests.

A Lake on Earth That Looks Like Mars [PICS]

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 02:20 PM CDT

There's only so much you can do searching for extraterrestrial life when you're Earthbound. One approach is to locate and study the best terrestrial examples of what might resemble conditions that could support life on another planet. To see what extraterrestrial life might be like, scientists are busy studying a Canadian Lake.

Necessity Breeds Electric Car Innovation on the Gaza Strip

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 02:20 PM CDT

When gas costs $50 per gallon, creative solutions seem to spring forth.

Man Faces 20 Years For Keeping Sex Slave In Mom's Basement

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 02:20 PM CDT

A 23-year-old California man accused of keeping a teenage girl in the basement of his parents' home and molesting her hundreds of times will face up to 20 years in prison. Before copping a plea to a dozen counts, he had been charged with 142 felonies, including more than 100 counts of child abuse, many involving sodomy and oral copulation.

MobileMe: Service Temporary Unavailable

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 02:20 PM CDT

At $99 a year, I expect my online service to function all the time. So perhaps that is why I am a little upset that Apple hasn't been able to launch their MobileMe service properly and are experiencing outages. The fact that the service was supposed to launch at a time of Apple's choosing, leaves no room for excuses on today's problems.

Digg Star Wars Fans, The battle to save Fanboys is over!

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 02:10 PM CDT

The Weinstein Company has decided to listen to the outcry from Star Wars fans around the globe! They have restored the original plotline and have given the movie back to the Star Wars fans who made it! We hereby end our boycott of the Weinstein Company! Thanks to all the diggers that helped make this happen! cont'd...

Jupiter's Third Red Spot Destroyed

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 12:50 PM CDT

As Jupiter reached opposition earlier this week, it put on a spectacular show of cannibalism for anyone viewing with modest telescopes.

Mars bake test hastened after oven short circuit

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 12:50 PM CDT

Will the Mars lander's next baking test of soil and ice be its last? Scientists worry that it could be, thanks to an electrical glitch that threatens the $420 million quest to find the chemical ingredients for life near the Martian north pole.

Hellboy II--Photos

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 12:50 PM CDT

I'm stoked for the new Hellboy movie, and it's already getting good reviews! Here is a nice collection of stills from the film.

Enormous Wall-E at Hollywood El Capitan Theatre

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 12:20 PM CDT

Directive? Get tourists to go see this movie.

O.J. Mayo booms on New Orleans

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 12:20 PM CDT

Majo throws down the nastiest dunk of 2008 summer league play. Are Timberwolves fans crying yet?

Microsoft bans TinyURL from Windows Live Messenger

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 11:52 AM CDT

It appears that Microsoft has banned TinyURL links on its Windows Live Messenger network. Currently it is not clear whether this is intentional or simply yet another slip up by Microsoft's third-party partner which manages the URL blocking.

Intel Centrino 2 Platform Launches Monday

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 11:52 AM CDT

Intel Centrino 2 Platform Launches Monday and the Intel integrated graphics are still not ready. On Monday, only platforms with Nvidia or ATI based graphics chips will be available, as Intel are having problems their own integrated graphics for the platform.

Magnetic Fields As Youve Never Seen Them Before [pics+video]

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 11:41 AM CDT

A stunning new film shot at the NASA laboratory at UC Berkeley reveals the secret lives of magnetic fields as they morph and twist in space - but are we observing a scientific experiment, the universe in flux or a documentary of a fictional world?

iPhone 3G - Wiretap Ready [Political Cartoon]

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 11:41 AM CDT

5 New Firefox Features That You Probably Didn't Know About

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 11:21 AM CDT

Firefox announced exciting new features- here are 5 of the best ones.

Peter Griffin takes the red pill...

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 11:00 AM CDT

Family Guy The Matrix Trailer

America's Dangerous Hostility Game With Iran Must End

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 11:00 AM CDT

When McCain jokes that exporting cigarettes to Iran might be a "way of killing them," he isn't kidding. Like his warbling of "Bomb bomb Iran" last year, that moronic remark represented a judgment that war is the only way to achieve U.S objectives in the Gulf. Bush administration hawks are also creating an atmosphere of crisis that promotes conflict

Europe Sells Out at iPhone 3G Launch

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 10:50 AM CDT

European retailers were sold out of the new iPhone 3G before stores in the US even opened on Friday, thanks in part to strong marketing from Apple's mobile partners.

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