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Monday, July 28, 2008



Subway Says Get Off Your Phone Or Go To The Back Of The Line

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 09:30 PM CDT

Sean says he approves of the this sign that he saw at an Idaho Subway location today, but his wife wasn't a fan...

NYPD Knocks Cyclist to Curb, Unbelievable

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 09:10 PM CDT

This is an unbelievable example of brutality. Two cops standing in the middle of the street. The cyclist is obviously moving to avoid an accident and the cop literally knocks the guy to the curb! We need justice!

Gasoline prices retreat; could fall more: survey

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 09:00 PM CDT

By Franklin Paul NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. retail gasoline prices fell sharply in the last two weeks, just below $4 a gallon, in line with retreating crude oil markets, and prices at the pump may slide further, an industry analyst said on...

Apple's next-gen Macs have something special under the hood

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 08:30 PM CDT

A new generation of personal computers on the way from Apple Inc. may sport some of the most significant architectural changes since the Mac maker made the jump from PowerPC processors to those manufactured by Intel Corp., AppleInsider has learned.

Aptera Electric Car Closer to Production After Cash Infusion

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 08:20 PM CDT

In its latest round of funding, Aptera has raised more than $24 million to begin production of both its Typ-1 electric car and Typ-1 plug-in hybrid. Major venture partners include Google and Idealab.

Avril Lavigne's $2 Million YouTube Payday: Not Coming Soon

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 08:00 PM CDT

Conventional wisdom on YouTube: Eyeballs go in, but no money comes out. Google can't figure out how to sell ads against the videos it shows, so the people who make YouTube's videos aren't getting any money out of it. Not true, says Terry McBride, who runs both a music label and management business under the umbrella of Nettwerk Music Group:

Foods You Don't Have to Buy Organic

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 07:50 PM CDT

"Of the 43 different fruit and vegetable categories tested, the following twelve foods do not have to be organic. These had the lowest pesticide load, and consequently are the safest conventionally grown crops to consume from the standpoint of pesticide contamination."

Beware the DeathMelon

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 07:40 PM CDT

9 ways you can take advantage of this “terrible” economy.

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 07:30 PM CDT

The economy sucks. So? Get over it and take advantage of it!

’80s Metal Music Throwdown: UK vs US

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 07:30 PM CDT

Metal hit its commercial peak in the 1980's, with countless bands from around the globe hitting it big. It was mainstream whether we liked it or not. To this day, the '80s will always be remembered for metal music, most of it (aside from such massive bands as Scorpions and AC/DC) coming out of the United States and United Kingdom.


Posted: 28 Jul 2008 07:20 PM CDT

"First names shall not be approved if they can cause offense or can be supposed to cause discomfort for the one using it, or names which for some obvious reason are not suitable as a first name."

More Call of Duty 4 game modes!!!

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 07:10 PM CDT

After a lot of fan feedback and testing, it seems Infinity Ward are finally going to give us some new playlists to get our frag on.

Suicide Hot Line Got Calls From 22,000 Veterans

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 07:00 PM CDT

More than 22,000 veterans have sought help from a special suicide hot line in its first year, and 1,221 suicides have been averted, the government says.

Apple's new MacBooks will have Glass trackpads

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 06:40 PM CDT

...and other cool stuff

Are Dark Knight Fanboys Burying The Godfather?

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 06:30 PM CDT

The Godfather has fallen to the #3 spot, after nearly a decade at the top of the Internet Movie Database's listing of the Top 250 Movies of All Time. As we reported a couple weeks ago, The Dark Knight overtook The Godfather's throne, but this latest development is really interesting because it might show evidence of a fanboy mob at work.

CSS Layouts: 40+ Tutorials, Tips, Demos and Best Practices

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 06:20 PM CDT

The main idea behind CSS-based layouts is offering more flexibility and enhancing the visual experience of visitors. Some important tips and related key-factors can help to learn basics and keep essential techniques in mind. And this is what this article is all about

Bush's Gift for Next President: $490B Federal Budget Deficit

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 06:00 PM CDT

The next president will inherit a record budget deficit approaching $490 billion, a Bush administration official said Monday. The official said the deficit was being driven to an all-time high by the sagging economy and the stimulus payments being made to 130 million households in an effort to keep the country from falling into a deep recession.

Brett Favre Will Not Report to Packers Practice on Monday -

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 05:50 PM CDT

In the latest round of the staring contest between Brett Favre and the Green Bay Packers, it was the star quarterback who blinked.Favre changed directions yet again, telling SI.com's Peter King that he does not plan to report Monday when the Packers gather for their first day of training camp.

Stonehenge NOT releated to alien landings! (pics)

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 05:40 PM CDT

Now that's a pretty impressive tombstone. New research suggests that Stonehenge was used as a cemetery for more than 500 years, much longer than previously thought.

Women in Linux

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 05:30 PM CDT

Women's contribution to Linux.

100 Skydivers Came Together Mid-Air To Form A Diamond [PICS]

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 05:20 PM CDT

The moment 100 skydivers came together mid-air to form a 747-sized diamond.

When Sex is a Police Trap

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 05:10 PM CDT

At a public park a topless woman asked a man to expose himself. The park appeared empty to him, but police were actually videotaping from an unmarked car nearby. They released the names, photos and addresses of everyone who had been arrested to a local newspaper before the trial. Men were told to plead guilty to avoid a harsher punishment...

An Introduction to the Linux Command Line

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 05:00 PM CDT

A command line is a method of interacting with your computer that involves typing commands (that is, words and phrases that have meaning to the computer) to make it do things. Command line interfaces replaced punch card systems back in the 1950's and subsequently made room for GUIs.

Obama's Private Prayer 'Leaked'

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 05:00 PM CDT

Senator Barack Obama probably thought that the prayer he penned in the solitude of his King David hotel room in Jerusalem would remain between him and the Almighty. But an Orthodox Jewish student had other ideas.

iPhone App Store Games Hacked - All Apps Hackable!

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 04:50 PM CDT

Apple's Fairplay DRM, which protects all the applications you download from iTunes, has been hacked. The method for hacking this has actually been around for a while, but has been recently applied to Super Monkey Ball and distributed into the wild. To do this, you'll need a jailbroken iPhone and SSH installed.

Fly, You Bastard, Fly! (Pic)

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 04:50 PM CDT

Don't give your password out unless it looks like *******

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 04:40 PM CDT

Unreal Engine 4 in 2012

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 04:40 PM CDT

Epic boss Mike Capps predicts that the next iteration of the company's stupidly popular Unreal Engine will be out in 2012, no doubt raking in even more cash from developers who don't quite fancy building their own tech. "We've got Unreal [Engine] 4 in production right now," Capps told Gamasutra. "It's going to be in the next console generation...

$1,000 Spray Makes Electronic Gadgets Completely Waterproof

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 04:30 PM CDT

A new $1,000 spray claims to protect notebook computers, iPods, cell phones and other electronic gadgets from liquid, making them completely waterproof. The spray, called Golden Shellback Splash Proof Coating, is one thousandth of an inch thick.

John Mayer Does Apple Tech Support for His Dad, Fails Misera

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 04:30 PM CDT

In a twist of destiny, John Mayer—the guy who writes to Apple Support saying "Hey guys, John Mayer here" and actually gets replies back—had to turn into tech support guy after his dad called saying "Hey, John Mayer's dad here." The musician tried to guide his father through Mac OS X in order to find his Entourage icon with no success...

Guy busted asking for answers to a job questionnaire

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 04:20 PM CDT

A job applicant posted the questionnaire in full on Ubuntu forums asking for "help from the experts" for his job interview, expecting them to do the work for him. Someone tipped off the hiring manager, and the guy responded! Great thread, worth a read.

FAILED!!!....Woman of Myspace

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 04:10 PM CDT

WTF!! was that.

Obama Pushes Back On David Brooks

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 04:00 PM CDT

One of the most depressing parts of this Sunday morning's political fare was the sad sight of Tom Brokaw flying halfway around the world just so he could dully recite Friday's David Brooks column from the New York Times at a Barack Obama who must have been wondering if the National Broadcasting Company bought all their airtime at wholesale prices o

Warp Drive Engine and Travelling Faster Than Light

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 03:50 PM CDT

Seems strange, but by manipulating extra dimensions with astronomical amounts of energy, two Baylor University physicists have outlined how a faster-than-light engine, or warp drive, could be created that would bend but not break the laws of physics.

Man Attempts to Use Handful of Weed to Bet at a Casino

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 03:50 PM CDT

When he first sits down he puts a "large amount of Marijuana" on the table to place a bet. He realizes maybe he placed to much, so he takes the bag back and places a "handful of loose buds" on the felt playing surface of the card table. The man claims what he did was legal because he had a cannabis card he got on the Internet.

Your Next iPod May Have Ability To Change It's Color...

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 03:40 PM CDT

Apple's patent calls it a "Computing device with dynamic ornamental appearance"

Why Zack Snyder Snubbed Frank Miller for Watchmen's Realism

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 03:30 PM CDT

Will the fallout from the dark, green-screen-light Dark Knight's success mean more a more believable future for comic books on film? In an exclusive Q&A at Comic Con, Zack Snyder says he's eschewing his 300 style, even as Frank Miller keeps it going with The Spirit.

MPAA planning site to offer legit movie links

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 03:30 PM CDT

The Motion Picture Association of America has tried any number of tactics to fight piracy, but its latest scheme might actually prove useful to movie consumers on the Internet. The group is supposedly working on a new website that will offer information on how to find legit sources of movies so that users won't have to resort to copyright infringem

Why We Never Need to Build Another Polluting Power Plant

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 03:20 PM CDT

America is the Saudi Arabia of energy waste. A 2007 report found that improving energy efficiency in buildings, appliances and factories could offset almost all of the projected demand for electricity in 2030 and largely negate the need for new coal-fired power plants. The cost of the efficient equipment would pay for itself in energy savings.

The 100 Most Oldest Websites in Intenet

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 03:00 PM CDT

Have you ever wondered about the beginning of internet? The sites that early users of internet used to read?

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