digg post blog

Thursday, August 7, 2008



How to Stop a Cute Girl From Worrying... [COMIC]

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 09:30 PM CDT

Yes, I know its not a funny comic. Blah blah. But I thought it was cute and might even work in real life on girls, ya know?

Poor Conditions,China Refuses To Send Delegation To Olympics

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 09:20 PM CDT

In an 11th-hour move that shocked the international athletic and political communities alike, the Chinese Olympic Team announced Wednesday that it will not be attending the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing due to "shocking, shameful, and ultimately dangerous environmental conditions" in the host city

Obama Names His Running Mate ... Finally

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 09:10 PM CDT

COMEDY -- The wait is finally over ...

Mozilla's "Snowl" hunts Twitter, RSS, and (soon) e-mail

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 08:50 PM CDT

Mozilla wants to help us stay on top of our conversations online, no matter where they're occurring. Snowl is a new tool launched in Mozilla Labs that, while an extremely early prototype, shows some potential.

Linux Foundation launches killer development tool

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 08:50 PM CDT

Ask any independent software vendor what he hates most about developing for Linux and he'll tell you that it's having to develop for SUSE and for Red Hat and for Ubuntu and ... you get the idea. The Linux Foundation has just released a beta of a new program, Linux Application Checker (AppChecker), that's going to make ISVs and other programmers sta

We did it!

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 08:50 PM CDT

Last week, Congressman Dennis Kucinich delivered a petition bearing more than 100,000 names to the Speaker of the House urging that impeachment proceedings begin into the conduct of President Bush. -Sign the petition at http://kucinich.us/-check out http://bloggingforkucinich.blogspot.com/

Website Charges You $9,208.50 To Ship the Wrong Shirt

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 08:40 PM CDT

J. Crew has a problem with their website. Whatever the problem is, it isn't small. Meet Per, a J. Crew customer who tried to order some polo shirts and not only did he get the wrong shirts, the bill came with a shipping charge of $9,208.50. Per would like to return these shirts and not pay $9,208.50, but he can't manage to log on to their website.

Solar Images Through Deverse Teleskop

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 08:30 PM CDT

The life of the sun is under the teleskop.

Woman kills boyfriend for drinking her beer

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 08:20 PM CDT

Does this really need a description?

2008 Olympics Worlds Highest Amout of Used High-Def Gear

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 08:00 PM CDT

When the 2008 Summer Olympic Games officially begin on Friday, it won't just be a massive congregation of athletes — it'll mark the most ambitious undertaking in the history of broadcasting. Bolstered by the largest complement of high-tech video gear ever assembled, thousands of hours of Olympics competition will be delivered to TVs and computers a

Top 10 Worst Pop Culture Curses (pics)

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 07:40 PM CDT

Is Brett Favre screwed? The Madden NFL '09 cover boy may soon join the ranks of Donovan McNabb, Shawn Alexander and Michael Vick. They're in sad company alongside Heath Ledger, Christian Bale and Morgan Freeman, all separately caught up in the "Dark Knight" curse. Then there's the MTV Couples, Chunky Campbell's soup and Sports Illustrated plagues.

Worm Poop + Soda Bottles = $Millions?!?!

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 07:30 PM CDT

Here's an interview with the ultimate eco-preneur Tom Szaky, CEO and founder of TerraCycle. And yes, he really is making money off worm poop.

Secret URL Allows Apple to Delete Your iPhone Apps Remotely

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 07:30 PM CDT

It's supposed to be your "life in your pocket," not Apple's. But a piece of code discovered in the iPhone operating system might keep you under Apple's control.

Incredible sand sculpture

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 07:20 PM CDT

Between this, the DIY tumbler, and the Elf ears operation, one might think that some people have too much free time on their hands.

Major flaw with iPhones paralyzing users

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 07:10 PM CDT

Some are calling it the "White Apple Logo Screen of Death." It's where the iPhone gets stuck in a loop and the only way to fix it is a factory restore, which takes several hours. The problem is really bad and I'm trying to spread the word that Apple needs to fix the problem now. Please Digg and give me a hand. Thanks.

Why There Will Never Be Another 'Aliens'

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 07:00 PM CDT

The problem with movies that want to be the next Alien or Predator is that they're movies that want to be the next Alien or Predator. That's the verdict of Cecelia from FilmIndustryBloggers.com, and she should know; she's the person who gets to read all the scripts before they get made into movies.

25 Annoying Things About Non-Gamers

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 07:00 PM CDT

For years, we've endured their criticism. Gamers are immature. Gamers are immoral. Gamers are wasting time and money on silly, stupid toys. Nag nag nag. Blah blah blah. What annoys you about non-gamers? When they talk about gaming, what inane and ignorant comments irritate you the most? Here's our list of grievances. Share yours.

McCain, Campaign Mgr Involved in Deal Costing 8000 Ohio Jobs

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 06:50 PM CDT

Over 8000 Ohio Jobs are "on the choppping block" because John McCain and his campaign manager, former lobbyist Rick Davis, were actively involved in a deal that resulted in control of those jobs being shifted to a foreign corp. In a town hall, McCain's "Straight Talk" omits his and Davis's roles, and the $600,000 Davis's firm earned on the deal.

If The U.S. Dollar Had A Comic Book…

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 06:40 PM CDT

It's time once again for the "If They Had A Comic Book…" series. Let's face facts, the economy sucks and the dollar isn't worth shit anymore. So we decided to see what life is like for him. Enjoy his two page journey and click the images if you want to make them larger.

New numbers adding up to rare hope for rarer gorillas

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 06:30 PM CDT

Primate experts are savoring a rare piece of good news for once about endangered gorillas: After two years of grueling surveys in the Republic of Congo, 125,000 previously uncounted gorillas were discovered there.

Tim Pawlenty Says GOP Needs Obama's Positive Message

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 06:30 PM CDT

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, often mentioned as a possible running mate for Republican presidential candidate John McCain, said Wednesday GOP candidates would do well to adopt a positive tone like that of McCain's Democratic rival Barack Obama.

The Dark Knight Could Be First BD-Live Release

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 06:30 PM CDT

Warner Bros, along with plenty others, have been skeptical about BD-Live. WTF is BD-Live, you ask?

President Musharraf to be impeached

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 06:10 PM CDT

Pakistan's embattled President Pervez Musharraf is to be impeached and forced to step down, it has been confirmed.

172 Foot Hight Dive

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 06:00 PM CDT

Anyone who thinks extreme sports are something new just take a look at what Dana Kunze used to get up to. Jumping off a 172 foot high platform is suicidal rather than extreme. Not give in shrinkage he jumps off the platform. He comes off without a scratch. WTF!

The Encino School of Viral Video [VIDEO]

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:50 PM CDT

Ever wonder where internet memes come from? They don't happen by accident. Internet Video stars are made by attending the Encino School of Viral Video! Brought to you by Internet Superstar from Revision3.com

8 Timeless Classic Movies That Critics Are Afraid Of

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:50 PM CDT

There are some movies that are well liked, but no one gets offended if you have a few problems with them. Then there is another league of films, often called "classic" or "timeless," that break beyond the mold of mere movie. Fans will defend them with the ferocity of a grizzly bear mama protecting her cub.

DNC Has Released a Parody of the "Dems Praise McCain" Ad

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:40 PM CDT

So is John McCain a maverick who can elicit praise from across the aisle, or isn't he? The Arizona Republican's campaign put out a web-ad this morning that featured past encomiums from several high-profile Democrats. The DNC wasted no time assembling their response ... using the same Democrats as McCain's campaign.

» Why Don’t They Just Say “Fat”?

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:40 PM CDT

You know your life already sucks when you're on the run from the Feds. But you know it probably doesn't get any worse when you click on CNN.com from your hideout and see that you're also being referred to as "jowly."

Top 10 Richest Hollywood Tweens

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:40 PM CDT

So young. So rich. So unworthy of all that cash?

'Beat It' Among New Tracks Confirmed for Guitar Hero IV

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:30 PM CDT

The new issue of Stuff Magazine contains some new info regarding the songs shipping with Guitar Hero: World Tour which includes Michael Jackon's hit. Other tracks unveiled were "The Joker" by Steve Miller Band, "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" by Smashing Pumpkins, "Obstacle 1" by Interpol, "Light My Fire" by The Doors & "In the End" by Linkin Park.

Watch the Olympics Online

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:30 PM CDT

The 2008 Beijing Olympics will happen while most Americans are sleeping. While NBC, the games' official media outlet in the United States, will be providing thousands of hours of content on the web, the only way to truly ensure you won't miss too many record-breaking moments is to spread yourself across the web and take advantage of the many video

APOD: At the Sun's Edge

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:30 PM CDT

A train trip on the Trans-Siberian railway to Novosibirsk resulted in this stunning view along the edge of the Sun recorded during the August 1st total solar eclipse.

Archbishop: gay relationships 'comparable to marriage'

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:30 PM CDT

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams believes that gay sexual relationships can "reflect the love of God" in a way that is comparable to marriage.Gay partnerships pose the same ethical questions as those between a man and woman and the key issue for Christians is that they are faithful and lifelong.

Is Algae the Best Solution to Peak Oil?

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:20 PM CDT

Big oil had better start worrying. Common algae from ponds & waste-water treatment plants has been found to produce vast amounts of burnable oil, according to researchers at the University of Minnesota, algae produces an astounding 5,000 gallons of oil per acre. Whereas, corn produces a measly 18 gallons.

Must Watch: Megan Fox’s NC-17 Mother Teresa Biopic Trailer |

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:20 PM CDT

Tropic Thunder isn't the only movie that is playing the movie-with-a-movie trailer game. The online marketing for How to Lose Friends and Alienate People has begun, and it somehow involves a new meta-movie trailer involving Megan Fox in an NC-17 Mother Teresa biopic. But of course, Fox isn't Fox, but instead the actress in the movie is Sophie Maes

Video Games Are Terrorists, Claims Christian Post

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:20 PM CDT

"You may be surprised at how many 'terrorists' there are in your home right now. Video games, computers, cell phones, teen magazines, music, TV, & movies: all of which fall under the umbrella of entertainment and all are likely perpetrators," wrote columnist Ron Luce, pictured left.

CERN announces start-up date for LHC

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:20 PM CDT

CERN has today announced that the first attempt to circulate a beam in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be made on 10 September. This news comes as the cool down phase of commissioning CERN's new particle accelerator reaches a successful conclusion. Television coverage of the start-up will be made available through Eurovision.

Hacker Claims Apple Can Spy On iPhone Users Remotely

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:20 PM CDT

Apple may have opened up the iPhone to third-party applications, but it is keeping a very close eye on those apps. According to hacker Jonathan Zdziarski, the iPhone can "phone home" to tell Apple what apps are installed, and if Apple doesn't like what it sees on your iPhone, it can kill the offending application.

Gamefly Needs To Stop Acting Like A Psycho Ex-Girlfriend

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:10 PM CDT

Gamefly, a seemingly innocuous snail mail service that lets you rent video games without having to wait behind a 46 year old man at Blockbuster holding Wild Things 3. I received 56 emails from them in just under 2 months. It just got to be too much, but even worse, it reminded me of the way a psycho ex-girlfriend acts.

New SW would let iPhones access iTunes libraries [anywhere]

Posted: 07 Aug 2008 05:10 PM CDT

A new version of Apple's iPhone Software could provide iPhone and iPod touch users with access to their home computer's entire iTunes media library while on the go without having to first download those media items through a traditional sync, a new company filing has revealed.

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