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Tuesday, August 12, 2008



Hackers hacked at infamous DefCon gathering

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 09:30 PM CDT

In the end, it was hackers at DefCon that got hacked. After three days of software cracking duels and hacking seminars, self-described computer ninjas at the infamous gathering in Las Vegas found out Sunday that their online activities were hijacked without them catching on.

Angelina Jolie Kicks Tom Cruise To The Curb In New Spy Flick

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 09:20 PM CDT

Ouch... I guess golden boy isn't so golden anymore. The producers are doing a gender flip from a male lead to our favorite action girl Angelina Jolie

Where do Scientologists go when they die?

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 09:00 PM CDT

The actual details of how rebirth occurs is not fully understood by Scientology outsiders, but some core beliefs are that every human being is really an immortal spiritual being known as a thetan and that the "meat bodies" we inhabit are merely vessels we shed upon death.

We need more of this here god dammit! (pic)

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 08:40 PM CDT

This Guy is SO Dead

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 08:20 PM CDT

Chinese Olympian Zhang Liang showed up ready to compete in the third heat of the singles rowing event. Problem was, he was scheduled to be in the second heat, which had already taken place.

McCain's Campaign is Actually Mocking Itself... [COMIC]

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 08:00 PM CDT

Three cheers for the audacity of bleak despair.

Why Robert Downey Jr. Can Get Away with Blackface

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 07:50 PM CDT

Because Downey's the only actor good enough -- and crazy enough -- to pull off a minstrel show in the comedy Tropic Thunder.

The Daily Show' ex-Marine calls China intimidating

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 07:40 PM CDT

Even for an ex-Marine, the police state atmosphere was intimidating."There were moments where you were just being watched very closely," he said. "We still did what we wanted to do, but I was hurrying it up, saying 'Come on, come on, let's go.' It was a subconscious thing."

Hollywood power dudes: Top 10 media 'bromances' (photos)

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 07:30 PM CDT

Hollywood's alot like Digg: All dudes, all the time. In LA, you've got your special Scientology bromances, rock star blogging bromances, Oscar bromances, celebrity activist bromances, messed up child star bromances, and corporate media executive bromances. (Heads up: It's a slideshow.)

The Fake Olympics

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 07:20 PM CDT

How China is using every trick, in and out of the book, to deceive the world.

Tiffany appeals ruling in eBay counterfeit listings case

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 07:10 PM CDT

Tiffany & Co. announced on Monday that it is appealing a recent federal court decision that said eBay is not responsible for policing counterfeit listings on its auction site.

Photo-Realistic Virtual World Rendered In The Cloud

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 07:00 PM CDT

LivePlace.com has posted a video displaying a very impressive render of a 3D virtual world called City Space. At this point very little is known about LivePlace, other than that the WHOIS lists the domain's owner as Brad Greenspan, one of the co-founders of MySpace.

Ya' Ever Play A Game Called "Texas Muffin Tumble" Lil' Lady?

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 06:50 PM CDT

Do these gadgets foretell the end of days?

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 06:40 PM CDT

Fans of science fiction and luddites alike know that technology will cause the end of everything wholesome — and it will happen in one of two ways. It could be that the Internet becomes self-aware and sends the governor of California back naked through time to kill Sarah Connor.

Download Torrents Anonymously with TorrentPrivacy

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 06:30 PM CDT

Privacy has always been a major concern for BitTorrent users and there are only a few ways to remain anonymous. By using a secure connection, as the new TorrentPrivacy tool offers, you can bypass almost every firewall or traffic shaping application, while making sure that nobody can see what you're downloading.

DNA Glitch Prevents Kids From Learning From Their Mistakes

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 06:20 PM CDT

In about 30% of children, the coils of their DNA carry a glitch, one that leaves their brains with few dopamine receptors, molecules that act as docking ports for one of the neurochemicals that carry our thoughts and emotions. Children with the genetic variant are unable to learn from mistakes.

Venom Movie Pushed Forward

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 06:10 PM CDT

Hollywood, running out of ideas? Nah - they just want to make another spin-off. This time it's Spider-Man villain Venom's turn. But would it actually work?

Waterspouts spotted off the Jersey shore

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 06:00 PM CDT

Caught on video, waterspouts have been spotted off the Jersey shore. They're kind of like tornadoes of water. Video is at top right (vid URL too long to digg it directly).

Top 10 Usability Highs for the Mac OS

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 05:40 PM CDT

Although I've been a Windows power user for years, the transition to Mac couldn't have been easier and more pleasant. Let's take a look at some of the spots where Apple really has done it better in terms of user interface and usability.

Use of Contractors in Iraq Costs Billions, Report Says

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 05:30 PM CDT

The Congressional Budget Office found that the United States this year will have spent $100 billion on contractors in Iraq since the invasion in 2003.

Xbox 360's Dead Online Games

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 05:20 PM CDT

The most popular games online are Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that. So what happens to the lesser known games as time marches on and the smaller games are squeezed off the shelves? Do the communities live on? Do the hardcore refuse to let go? Do newcomers to Xbox Live wander into empty. . .

"Nonplussed" does NOT = unfazed (even if Obama said so)

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 05:20 PM CDT

On a related note: "Consider "peruse," which technically means "to read with thoroughness and care" but in today's parlance has come to mean "pretending to skim magazines while waiting for someone you met on the Internet to meet you at the bookstore."

Wal-Mart Bans Old Photo Scans, Claims Copyright is 'Forever'

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 05:10 PM CDT

Someone visited Wal-Mart tried to duplicate some 100 year old photos at Wal-Mart and they were informed that since the photo was taken by a studio, it was "copyrighted" which "meant it was not allowed to be copied" by anyone, at any time. These old photos were unmarked and all of the copyright holders are unknown or quite possibly dead.

DNC Parodies Cornyn Ad To Hit McCain On Big Oil Donations

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 05:00 PM CDT

"Exxon John" capitalizes on perhaps the most embarrassing piece of video ever produced in order to promote a politician: that's right, the "Big John" video for Texas Sen. John Cornyn. But instead of lionizing McCain, of course, the DNC's piece chides the Arizona Republican for taking $2 million in contributions from contributions from big oil.

Watchmen Poster Comparison!

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 05:00 PM CDT

Are there any differences between the Watchmen character posters released at 2008 San Diego Comic Con and those by DC Comics back in 1986? Click to discover a rare level of detail...

15 (More!) Extreme Houseboats and Houseboat Designs [PICS]

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 04:50 PM CDT

Houseboats are all about freedom; casting away the ties to landlocked living and casting off to new adventures on the wine-dark sea! Yet life afloat often demands more lavish lodgings then a waterborne Winnebago can provide. From floating shacks to super-speed houseboats here are fifteen more incredible houseboats and houseboat designs.

The Colbert Report Nails Medical Marijuana

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 04:40 PM CDT

Has The Colbert Report gone to pot? Are they a bunch of dopes? Have they been eating corn beef hash? (Trust me, my marijuana puns are hilarious if you're stoned. Or retarded.) What I'm trying to say is, Stephen covered medical marijuana last night and it was hilarious. Highly hilarious.

W00t! Chinese Text Message Abbrev.s FTW!

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 04:30 PM CDT

R U going 2 PF the SSGG or just 55555?

The 10 Non-Cult Movies Most Worthy of Rabid Cult Fanbases

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 04:10 PM CDT

Misguided, hard-to-find or simply underrated, the films on this list are flowers in a hailstorm trying to bloom. Here's a breakdown of 10 neglected gems that are waiting for your love.

How Grandma Sees the Remote (PIC)

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 03:50 PM CDT

I know it's old, but I just brought my mom back from a nursing home and it put a smile on my face. Thanks Greg!

IMDB Watch: The Dark Knight Gets Dethroned

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 03:50 PM CDT

After 24 days at the top, The Dark Knight has been dethroned at the #1 ranked movie on the Internet Movie Database's top 250 films of all time list. The Christopher Nolan Batman sequel is now placed #3 on the list.

What I Learned in Sex School

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 03:30 PM CDT

Lessons from 10 of the weirdest & wildest sex classes from across the country.

7 Lessons Olympians Can Teach Internet Entrepreneurs

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 03:30 PM CDT

What qualities would you come up with if you were asked to describe an Olympian? Perseverance? Determination? Fearlessness? Quick Wits? Teamwork? You could probably come up with a long list of admirable qualities.

Ten Great Films that Capture the Olympic Spirit

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 03:10 PM CDT

Until they make Water Albatross: The Michael Phelps Story, these will serve as our favorites:

Huge Propane Tank Explosion and Shockwave

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 03:00 PM CDT

A propane facility in Toronto catches fire and causes a huge explosion and subsequent shock wave.

GOPers For Obama Rip McCain On Georgia, Tout Hagel As VP

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 02:50 PM CDT

A group of prominent Republicans supporting Barack Obama took to a conference call Tuesday morning to tout their preferred candidate, make the case for other GOPers to cross party lines, and warn about the dangers of John McCain's foreign policy.

Stop Snoring!

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 02:30 PM CDT

You -- and your bed partner -- shouldn't still be suffering through nightly honking. Here are some simple solutions.

Putin Issues Ultimatum, Georgia Stands Alone

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 02:30 PM CDT

Russian troops have already routed Georgian forces in the breakaway region South Ossetia. Now, Moscow has seized Georgia's military base at Senaki. The Russians have issued an ultimatum to Georgia's military to surrender in and around the pro-Russian separatist enclave of Abkhazia, the New York Times reports.

Health benefits of the three most popular teas

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 02:20 PM CDT

No longer just for grannies and stuffy Englishmen, tea is an important beverage to incorporate into a healthy lifestyle.

The Top 7 New Games that You Already Played

Posted: 12 Aug 2008 02:10 PM CDT

The idea that there are no new ideas isn't a new idea at all. In fact, it's a pretty old one, and its veracity can be seen in the games industry too. Critics like to pooh-pooh the unoriginality of over-the-top, repetitive franchises that spawn unlimited uninspired sequels. But is taking notes from great ideas of the past always a bad thing?

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