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Saturday, May 16, 2009



Obama naming Gov. Jon Huntsman (R-UT) ambassador to China

Posted: 16 May 2009 06:00 PM PDT

President Barack Obama plans to name Utah Gov. Jon M. Huntsman Jr., a rapidly rising star in the Republican Party, as ambassador to China, a senior administration official said. The move is freighted with political intrigue. Huntsman, who speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese, quickly emerged after November as one of the leading moderate GOP voices.

Linux : Avoiding The JavaScript Trap.

Posted: 16 May 2009 05:40 PM PDT

Hopefully by now you've already read Richard Stallman's article "The JavaScript Trap" - it's a subject we care a lot about here at TuxRadar HQ, so when people ask us questions about the problem of online freedom we do our best to answer as fully as we can.

Smart Memory Bra Lifts Bust When a Girl Fancies a Fella

Posted: 16 May 2009 05:40 PM PDT

The "smart memory bras" have heat-sensitive foam that pushes up boobs as sexual attraction causes body temperature to rise. As the body cools the foam relaxes and the bust appears normal again.

Guy Drops 187 Feet in a Kayak in Washington State.

Posted: 16 May 2009 05:30 PM PDT

Short video and definitely worth the watch... this f*cker's crazy...

Sexy mascot can stay if curves covered

Posted: 16 May 2009 05:10 PM PDT

READING, Ohio — A curvaceous, scantily clad mannequin can keep her spot outside a Cincinnati area barbecue joint, but local officials want her to cover up a bit.

SF Pig Roast Shows Bacon Evolve in Front of Your Eyes

Posted: 16 May 2009 05:10 PM PDT

Last night's pig roast at SOMA bar Bloodhound saw two superstars of the city's pig culture go head-to-head in a hack-off. Call it more a demonstration of competing butchery styles than an Iron Chef smackdown: Chicharrones king Ryan Farr of 4505 Meats and Fatted Calf's mortadella meister Taylor Boetticher showed off different ways of dismembering.

How Cannibalism Works

Posted: 16 May 2009 05:00 PM PDT

One piece of diet advice is not to snack until you're hungry enough to eat an apple. But what about consuming human flesh?

JJ Abrams Open to 'Star Trek' Sequel w/ Shatner or Khan

Posted: 16 May 2009 04:50 PM PDT

After last weekend's $76.5 million opening, three phrases keep getting tossed in the direction of "Star Trek" director J.J. Abrams: sequel, Khan, and William Shatner. On Friday, as the filmmaker hoped to maintain momentum heading into his second weekend, Abrams told MTV News that he's open to all three.

How to deal with public breast feeding

Posted: 16 May 2009 04:40 PM PDT

Caress the red button for extra funnies

My Dad Ranks My 7 Most Embarrassing Athletic Failures

Posted: 16 May 2009 04:30 PM PDT

Like many men, I spent my prepubescence idolizing sports stars and envisioning myself in the major leagues. In the end

11 Year Old Girl: Missing In 90 Seconds

Posted: 16 May 2009 04:30 PM PDT

Mikelle Biggs, 11, was alone for less than two minutes when she vanished on Jan. 2, 1999, waiting for an ice cream truck in a Mesa, Arizona neighborhood. It would become the largest investigation in the Arizona's history.

66 Year Old Set to Become Britains Oldest Mother

Posted: 16 May 2009 04:10 PM PDT

Elizabeth Adeney - Britain's oldest mother-to-be. At 66, she is four years older than the previous record holder.

Panetta's Pelosi Smackdown

Posted: 16 May 2009 03:50 PM PDT

Nancy Pelosi will come to regret her accusation on Thursday that CIA officials lied to her about their interrogation of terrorists. It took only a day for the agency to fire back, in the form of a statement from Director Leon Panetta, a Democrat, an Obama appointee and a long-time California Congressional colleague of the House Speaker.

World's fastest CPU clocked at 128 gigaflops

Posted: 16 May 2009 03:30 PM PDT

Reports from Japan say that a new supercomputer processor has taken the crown of world's fastest by not just beating, but obliterating the old record. Fujitsu's eight-core SPARC64 VIIIfx Venus CPU was clocked at 128 billion computations per second, which destroyed the previous Intel-held record by a factor of 2.5.

Final Firefox 3.5 update: a new logo

Posted: 16 May 2009 03:20 PM PDT

A few weeks ago, and despite the proximity of Firefox 3.5 final release, Mozilla announced its intention to revisit the logo for a subtle update that reflects the deep changes it has experimented in the last three major releases since its last retouch around Firefox 1.5 release.

Strangest Sights in Google Street Views

Posted: 16 May 2009 03:10 PM PDT

With the unblinking eye of Google's Street Views, anyone can be a virtual rubbernecker. And some of the things you can spot using the service are downright unexplainable.

25 Great Examples of Using Gradient Effects in Web Designs

Posted: 16 May 2009 03:00 PM PDT

Using color gradients, or effects that transition two or more colors with one another, is one of the most popular design techniques in web design. They're easy to create yet hard to get right. In this showcase, you'll witness some of the best examples of using color gradients in the hopes of inspiring you in your own designs.

You callin' me a cheater?

Posted: 16 May 2009 03:00 PM PDT


Protecting Human Rights with Flip Video, YouTube & "The Hub"

Posted: 16 May 2009 02:40 PM PDT

The primary weapons of today's human rights activists: give them all flip cams and access to YouTube.

Twitter message leads to arrest after 'financial panic'

Posted: 16 May 2009 02:30 PM PDT

A man has been arrested for inciting "financial panic" after he posted a Twitter message. Jean Ramses Anleu Fernandez urged people in Guatemala to boycott a bank in the aftermath of a political scandal. In his tweet under his twitter name '@jeanfer' he proposed that people "withdraw cash from Banrural and break the bank of the corrupt".

Dredging of Pollutants Begins in New York's Hudson River

Posted: 16 May 2009 02:21 PM PDT

Twenty-five years after the federal government declared a long stretch of the Hudson River to be a contaminated Superfund site, the cleanup of its chief remaining source of pollution began here Friday with a single scoop of mud extracted by a computer-guided dredge.

Top 100 Comic Book Villains of All Time

Posted: 16 May 2009 02:00 PM PDT

We've combed through the Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age and Modern Age to gather the best of the worst for our Top 100 comic book villains of all time. Who will reign supreme? Read on...

Meet Real-Life Supervillain Society ROACH

Posted: 16 May 2009 01:50 PM PDT

Ever since the real-life Allegiance of Heroes of Cincinnati crawled out into the light, we've been patiently waiting eventual rise of real-life Supervillains, and today is that day. ROACH, which stands for the Ruthless Organization Against Citizen Heroes was founded by an evil genius, The Potentate.

FHM Vs Maxim Model Showdown

Posted: 16 May 2009 01:50 PM PDT

Who's got the hotter pics?

Redesigning the Hospital Gown, a Fashion Malady

Posted: 16 May 2009 01:40 PM PDT

The traditional American hospital gown — flimsy in front, open to the breeze in the back has been around about as long as the Band-Aid. The one-size-fits-none garment remains one of the least loved aspects of American medicine. "Nobody is happy with it," says Blanton Godfrey "It is amazing -- we have created a product nobody likes."

Forbes: Audit the Federal Reserve, by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)

Posted: 16 May 2009 01:30 PM PDT

The Federal Reserve's recent and unprecedented actions in the realm of monetary policy have provoked a backlash among the American people. Trillions of dollars worth of loans and guarantees have been provided to Wall Street firms, while Main Street Americans suffocate. It's time to audit the Fed.

Dog chases protects its mother who was hit by car

Posted: 16 May 2009 01:20 PM PDT

Awesome proof of why dogs are awesome. Video of a young dog chases cars, and police officers away from its hurt mother who was hit by a car.

Japanese Baseball FAIL

Posted: 16 May 2009 01:10 PM PDT

Keiichl Hirano of the Orix Buffaloes dives, makes the catch, stuns the crowd, earns a Japeneese TV #2 Highlight Spot, and breaks his neck.

USB display technology heading for Linux

Posted: 16 May 2009 01:00 PM PDT

Linux users should soon be able to use USB-connected monitors that incorporate DisplayLink's chips. DisplayLink has released Linux versions of its USB monitor source code under LGPL, and has partnered with Novell and the Linux Driver Project to develop drivers for desktops and mobile devices.

The Garofa-Gate Ambush: Raw and Uncut Footage

Posted: 16 May 2009 01:00 PM PDT

Amazing how different something looks when you can see the full picture.

The Future of Speed

Posted: 16 May 2009 12:30 PM PDT

Just in time for the total depletion of your 401(k), Lotus makes its greatest case yet for a momentary lapse of reason...

World's oldest Tweeter talks cuppas and casserole

Posted: 16 May 2009 12:10 PM PDT

Her first posts have included "Looking forward to Deal or No Deal later," "just having a cuppa," and "chicken casserole was lovely, going to have a nod now."

The Search for Drinking Water in Nicaragua

Posted: 16 May 2009 11:50 AM PDT

Boaco, like many communities around the world, has serious water supply and quality problems. A holding tank in the motel courtyard would fill up and provide water for the business and guests during the long intervals of time when the water was off. To conserve the small water stash, the two motel showers were pilas, troughs from which you dip.....

Astronauts Watch ‘Star Trek’ From Space

Posted: 16 May 2009 11:50 AM PDT

Right about now in outer space, three men are crouched in a node of the International Space Station, watching J.J. Abrams' reboot of "Star Trek" on a laptop.

Magnetic Termites Are Architects of These Giant Monoliths

Posted: 16 May 2009 11:30 AM PDT

The image above doesn't show slabs of stone, neatly aligned, or mud sculptures – well, at least not human-made mud sculptures. What look like prehistoric menhirs are actually magnetic termite mounds, incredible, climate-controlled marvels of architecture.

Leonard Nimoy on the Origin of the Vulcan Salute

Posted: 16 May 2009 11:20 AM PDT

Leonard Nimoy discusses the birth of Mr. Spock's Vulcan salute, and the episode "City on the Edge of Forever".

11 of the Coolest Android Prototype Gadgets

Posted: 16 May 2009 11:10 AM PDT

The Android mobile operating system is invading not only new handhelds but a host of new portable gadgets, including laptops and media tablets.

One of the Craziest Tiger Attacks Caught on Tape (Video)

Posted: 16 May 2009 11:00 AM PDT

An angry tigress lunges at a man on an elephant.

Linux : KDE 4.3 Beta 1 - looking pretty.

Posted: 16 May 2009 11:00 AM PDT

PolicyKit integration is the most notable back-end change: this framework lets application developers request privileges from the OS without needing the all-or-nothing 'su'. On the user-visible side, 4.3 Beta 1 sports a new tree view option for System Settings, a fading desktop switcher, and new window animations. Here's the full changelog --

Ubuntu logo stolen?

Posted: 16 May 2009 10:40 AM PDT

Same logo ,What do you think

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