digg post blog

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

Five of the Creepiest Cooking Videos Found on YouTube


Does anyone really want to watch Richard Simmons cook while simultaneously talking about diarrhea? No they don't.

20 of the most epic failures in network science fiction TV


As the new TV season heats up, promising all kinds of sci-fi, fantasy and horror treats, we're looking back at other series that were launched with the full confidence and marketing muscle of their networks ... only to flame out spectacularly.

Nintendo Really Loves Their Fans, Threatening Pokémon Fansites over B/W Images


Pokémon Black/White is going to be huge. It's already been released in Japan to record sales and perfect scores, and Nintendo seems set to duplicate that success in the West when the games land next spring. However, Nintendo isn't making it easy on fans...

10 common home theater mistakes


From buying oversized TVs to hiding speakers in an entertainment cabinet and everything in between, make sure to avoid these 10 common home theater mistakes.

An Indepth Preview of Driver: San Francisco


The classic chase game returns to its roots, with its original creative lead taking the reins. This time, however, the tale carries a twist.

Worst (& Best) States for Drivers in America (Infographic)


As a driver, your first priority should always be safety — both your own and that of your passengers. That means making sure that you drive safely and watch out for unsafe drivers — since other people driving poorly can cause you just as much damage as you being reckless yourself.

The 6 Best "Halo: Reach" Videos So Far


One of the best things about a new game being released is checking out youtube for videos of players who are far superior to yourself kicking ass. In honor of the first week of the release of "Halo: Reach" here are the best videos to be released on it.

Local Bar Offers "Wetback Wednesay" Drink Specials


Bar manager says she doesn't care who they offend. "We have the right to put up whatever we want on our board." Drink specials include discounts on Mexican beers, margaritas.

UFC Ring Girl Arianny Celeste [Gallery]


September 21, 2010 – Dr. T When it comes to ring girls in the world of MMA, the stunning Arianny Celeste absolutely KO's all the competition (if you need

Traffic Jams Are Caused by Defensive Drivers


Our happy hour fact to amaze your drinking buddies with. Aggressive and timid driving behavior is what leads to stop-and-go traffic. According to a new study conducted by researchers from Georgia Tech and the University of Lyon, in France, there would rarely be traffic if all drivers behaved the same way. Aggressive drivers, who don't give the car in front of them enough space, and timid drivers, who need a big gap between themselves and the cars surrounding them, gum up the works for everybody else. The researchers concluded that, on the whole, timid drivers are more of a burden than aggressive ones. And these traffic jams aren't merely frustrating for motorists -- they also lead to increased fuel consumption, more emissions and more accidents. It kind of makes you want to take the train. Well, it would if, you know, there weren't any other people on it. ...

15 of the Creepiest Joker Drawings


In the myriad of awesome comic characters that have puzzled and entertained us throughout history, The Joker remains and will always be one of the best.

Dog Learns How To Really Make His Owner Happy [Pic]


That's some good training!

Android Growth Continues, Others Lose Share


InformationWeek writers blog on a range of business technology topics: digital life, personal tech, enterprise mobility, Windows/Microsoft, Google, outsourcing, security, IT careers, IT salaries, leadership/management strategy and more.

10 Major Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana (Infographic)


We're not here to cast stones. But legal medical marijuana usage is on the rise, and with good reason.

Robotic Maids, Caregivers Not Ready to Roll Yet


Major US robotics companies, long obsessed with producing remote-controlled military hardware, are now talking about robotic servants that would one day remind older folks to take their meds, help them up from a fall, and whisk them around the house if they are incapacitated.

Why Samsung's Galaxy Tablet Isn't an iPad Killer


Samsung is proudly showing off their Galaxy Tab. They are making it out to be the hip, new device that is the latest in tablet computers. Some may see it as the iPad killer, but it's far from it.

What it means when you say "literally" - The Oatmeal


This comic will LITERALLY make butterflies explode from your underpants.

Pure Laziness


City council settles for $10,000 with nipple freedom fighter


Seth Brigham is a man of principle. He protested Boulder, Colorado's proposed ban on female nipple-baring by showing up to a city council meeting in his boxer shorts. He was arrested, he sued, won and now he's got a cool $10 grand.

Quit Thongin' Around (Pic)


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