digg post blog

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

The Digg Patriots Investigation: How We Exposed DiggGate


In early August, the story of an organized underground extremist right-wing censorship brigade calling themselves Digg Patriots (DP) was released. The communications were voluntarily forwarded to us by one or more individuals who were members of the DiggPatriots Yahoo Group. They had been having strong personal reservations about some of the things that were discussed there for some time, and about the behavior of some of the other members – including some attacks launched on other users of the Digg service, which they felt went beyond what they deemed acceptable.

Intel plans new US factory, upgrading others to 22nm tech


Intel stepped up its chip production on Tuesday with plans to open a new US fabrication plant.

Study casts doubt on Neanderthals' use of tools


Researchers use a new carbon-dating technique on artifacts found with Neanderthal remains and discover that the items may not be the same age.

The Sneaky Chemicals that are Hiding in Your Walls and Floors


Flooring products and wallpaper have something to hide. According to tests by the Ecology Center, floor and wall products made with PVC are more likely to contain lead, phthalates and other hazardous chemicals.

Guess You're Supposed to Swallow: City Considers Spitting Ban


A midwestern city is cleaning up its streets. No, they're not cracking down on crime - they want to make spitting illegal.

10 Unforgettable Children's Fads


Look back at toys and collectibles that sent kids—and adults—into a frenzy

Eat The Free Steak, But Say “No” to This Investment Pitch


I want you to call Mom and Dad to warn them about a bad investment. They've probably already been invited to a free dinner and sales pitch, and if they believe what the guy in the suit tells them, that free steak could end up costing them a chunk of their life savings.

Red State Vs Blue State [Interactive Infographic]


With the political rhetoric in full swing this election cycle. And both sides blaming the other for the countries problems. We decided to dig a bit deeper and compare which states are doing the best with social and economic issues.

Twitter: Who is reading your DMs? There's an app for that...


Your "private" direct messages (DMs) can be read by any third party app to which you've given Twitter OAuth permission. This makes DMs a rich target for spammers, scammers, and anyone else who might wish to harvest those email addresses.

HP Launches Palm Pre 2 & WebOS 2.0


HP today announced the Palm Pre 2 and WebOS 2.0, the first Palm smartphone and software to appear under the HP banner and brand.

Game Ratings Do Not Cut It When Bad Parents Have Their Way


Something has to be done to effectively communicate these issues with parents, because some simply do not care or are oblivious to the situation.

The Car Battery's Carbon Footprint


With governments around the world investing heavily in electric and hybrid cars, the demand for the batteries that power these vehicles is on the rise. The United States alone has invested $2.4 billion to ramp up production, and the first wave of lithium-ion car batteries is just now hitting the market.

Report: Android 3.0 Tablet Samples Ready by December


There is also word that word that Android 4.0 will launch in the second half of 2011.

Deadly Cow Disease Close to Extinction


The disease has affected Europe, Asia and Africa for centuries and has caused widespread famine and decimated millions of animals, both domestic and wild. If the disease is eradicated, and it appears likely that will happen, it will be the first time humans have extinguished an animal disease in the wild.

AMD Reveals Radeon HD 6800 Series, Demos Llano Fusion Processor


While attending and event out in Los Angeles, California last week to discuss the impending Radeon HD 6870 and HD 6850 launch, we had the chance to get an early look at some of the first, fully functional samples of AMD's upcoming "Llano" processor, or APU (Applications Processer Unit).

WTF Is Going On Here? (Video)


Save your reach-arounds, goosings, and other acts of homosexuality for the change room please.

Death by Goat - a Hauntingly Horny Assault


Bob Boardman was a nurse, a guitarist, a skilled woodworker and an avid hiker. Unfortunately, the 63-year-old man from Port...

Homophobic preacher Fred Phelps asks God to kill Kansas Attorney General


When you center your campaign around being tough on Fred Phelps and company, you gotta be ready for the homophobic Topeka preacher to ask God to kill you. Kansas Attorney General Steve Six is finding out that if you're on the wrong-side of Phelps, then someone's going to try to phone a deity.

A burger with everything. No, really, everything.


How many burger toppings are too many toppings? That's what I wanted to find out, by eating food with EVERYTHING ON IT.

Are You Throwing Out Good Food?


It's hard on your wallet, your conscience, and the aching back of your trash collector. And food expiration dates aren't always the deciding factor.

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