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Friday, October 22, 2010

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

John Boehner’s Imaginary Version of “The America I Grew Up In”


Back in July, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) lamented the notion that Democrats are "snuffing out the America that I grew up in." When Boehner was "growing up." The top marginal tax rate was 90% (nearly triple today's figure); union membership was 30% (more than quadruple today's figure); the Republican Party, which included plenty of liberals, endorsed massive spending projects; and the economy was heavily regulated — airlines didn't even set their own prices...

The 10 Biggest nNerds in Nickelodeon TV Show History


Nickelodeon is a network that his seen its fair share of nerds. Of all the uncool characters ever featured on the network, here are the ten nerdiest.

Who is the Bigger Michael Jordan Draft Bust: Kwame Brown or Adam Morrison?


When you say Michael Jordan and basketball in the same sentence, it usually ends up being a good thing. However, not if you add in the words 'talent evaluator'...

Bruce Sterling Forecasts The Future (Video)


Outlook: cloudy with a high probability of toxic rain.

US announces $2 billion aid package for Pakistan


The U.S. announced a $2 billion military aid package today for Pakistan, as Islamic insurgents plague the U.S. military.

Secret memo displays corporate and media tentacles of the Kochtopus - Joe Conason - Salon.com


Fresh evidence of the New York billionaires' midterm campaign implicates journalists as well as fat cats

Who wants to be President?


It's not always what it's cracked up to be with the fame, the power, and the glory. Is it worth being the President or are these Heads of State taking in too much dough? See how these Presidents compare with salary against each other and with you.

Barack Obama to gay bullied teens: "It gets better. No homo."


The "It Gets Better" movement was joined by its most prominent participant yet, the President of the United States.

Definition of Random


Here is a fun display of contemporary urban art at its best. This giant wooden clip is currently being showcased in Belgium, in the Chaudfontaine park.

An Unusual Apartment in Tokyo


I love Japan for so many reasons. Mainly because of their game shows but I tell ya there's just so much more. And in the life of the unreal you'll find here...

Syfy Gives the Greenlight to Young Adama 'Battlestar' Spinoff; Movie, Possible Series to Come


A few months ago, the Syfy network commissioned an online series called 'Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome,' a chronicle of the war experiences of young William Adama. The network liked Michael Taylor's script for the project so much that Syfy will air 'Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome' on the network as the pilot for a possible young Adama TV series.

7 Possible DC Comics Series We’d Want To See On TV


"Marvel TV" is well on its way to producing its first two live action television series, with a whole list of more possible series in its back pocket. Will DC Comics step its game up and follow suit? If it does, here are a few titles from DC (and DC's Vertigo) that could lead the company's charge to the small screen.

Nuclear Thugging: What Real Effects Do The Sanctions Have On Iran?


For all its bluster to the contrary, Iran's continued alienation of the international community is creating real consequences. Stricter U.S. sanctions are hurting the Iranian energy industry and driving its currency down. Additionally, the international community has started to enforce older U.S. sanctions, an extremely worrisome trend for Iran.

Sarah Palin Defaces The American Flag


Republicans and Tea Partiers that feign devotion to the Constitution and our country by waving flags didn't seem too upset with Sarah Palin desecrating our flag at the rally earlier this week. Certainly when they see this video the outrage will be overwhelming.

The 18 Weirdest 'Sexy' Halloween Costumes Based on Comics


In recent years, though, the prevalence of the super-hero in Hollywood has led to more and more costumes being produced that tie into our favorite comics and cartoons, and that means costumes like 'Sexy Wolverine' are now available to purchase. And believe it or not, they only get more ridiculous from there.

Google engineer develops Facebook Disconnect, blocks Facebook Connect to protect your privacy


A bunch of Facebook apps have been sharing our personal data without our knowledge, and i'm glad someone is going to do something about it...a Google engineer has released Facebook Disconnect, which blocks Facebook Connect when we're visiting sites

FCC says new wireless spectrum is worth $120 billion


The FCC plans to auction off a new part of the wireless spectrum it values at more than $120 billion.

Keeping the Tea Out Of The Democratic Party


The religious right has mostly co-opted the Republican Party (certainly in terms of platform this is a fact), but there is at least one nutcase out there and I mean nutcase, calling himself a "conservative Democrat" who seems to believe that our country was founded on the bible, not the constitution, "knows" what God wanted to do with Israel's land and believes that Islam is "evil".

Hopefully The Macaroni Truck Will Crash Into This Billboard (PIC)


And maybe a guy carrying a couple gallons of milk?

Suhweeeet Potatoe! (Pic)


Oh yeah...Nature does surprise us sometimes!

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