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Friday, April 1, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

Will Kentucky's Knight, UConn's Walker Be The Favorites For Final Four MOP?


Of all the players ready to take the court this weekend at the Final Four, two in particular are the oddsmakers favorites to bring home the most outstanding player honors.

Chinese student's death prompts online outrage


Police have said Zhao Wei, 23, jumped to his death at railway station, but others believe he was murdered

WebGL: Do users actually get hardware acceleration?


In order to get hardware acceleration, users need to have recent graphics drivers in addition to good hardware. Have they?

Sucker Punch is so Bad it's like Having a Movie Tweeted at You


Spoiler Alert: If any of you have yet to see Sucker Punch and truly intend to do so I would advise you to stop reading now.

Californians agree on budget solution: Tax the rich


With negotiations over how to solve California's $26.6 billion state budget deficit stalled, a new poll released today shows strong bipartisan support for something Sacramento lawmakers this year haven't seriously...

The Little Lobster Man Princess (PIC)


This guy should go back where he belongs… under the sea!

FOX: Trashy News Is The Only News


Lately I've been obsessed with "Fox 5 News at 10PM." If you live in the New York-New Jersey area, you've got to peep it. I don't watch it for the brilliance of their investigative reporting or the depth of their stories. I watch it for completely superficial reasons—such as one of the reporters, Dan Bowens, is really hot. Then there's the anchor Ernie Anastos, who with his spray-on tan and high hairline kind of looks like exactly the borough Queens…or Snooki's granddaddy, potench.

Marvel launches an Avengers movie viral campaign, join SHIELD


A message from Nicholas J. Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D. (played by Samuel L. Jackson in the Marvel movies), the note said that I "have been selected" and prompted me to turn on my television to channel 72. What aired is the following.

Missing cobra found alive in New York's Bronx Zoo


An Egyptian cobra that drew thousands of Twitter fans has been found alive after it went missing for days from ...

Betwixt The Music: Rebecca Black [video]


In the second episode of "Betwixt The Music", Rebecca Black tells the story of her longstanding career and talks about her song 'Friday' that changed it all.

The Secrets of Video Game Reviews


Gus Mastrapa reveals the secret methods of video game reviewers.

Nintendo 3DS vs Smartphone Gaming: Which Wins?


Nintendo has released the 3DS, the next generation of its mobile gaming console and successor to the immensely popular DS, at an interesting time for mobile gaming, adding 3-D capability, better graphics and a 3-D camera to the proven dual-screen format of the Nintendo DS.

Slice HD: You will hurt your fingers on your iPad


The $3 iPad app is graphic, filled with cold, gray coloring and splashes of red blood when your hand is "cut," and at times it can be hard to play. Take a look at a video of the game in action to see what I mean.

7 Things To Consider Before Buying A Tablet


Whether you opt for an Apple iPad, a BlackBerry PlayBook, or an Android device, like the Motorola Xoom, purchasing a quality tablet can be a daunting task. Here's what you need to know before you hit the store.

Giant Stars Reveal Inner Secrets


University of Sydney astrophysicists are behind a major breakthrough in the study of stars known as red giants, finding a way to peer deep into their cores to discover which ones are in early infancy, which are fresh-faced teenagers, and which are facing their dying days.

Years in jail for murder he didn't commit: 18. Compensation: $0.00


The US Supreme Court rejected and overturned a jury verdict awarding $14 million in damages to John Thompson, a man who spent 14 years on death row because bad

The Biggest Lie We're All Guilty of (PIC)


Life Support: Games in Danger


Video games are often delayed, crippled or outright killed. This is their story.

APOD: 2011 April 1 - It s Raining on Titan


Explanation: It's been raining on Titan. In fact, it's likely been raining methane on Titan and that's not an April Fools' joke. The almost familiar scene depicted in this artist's vision of the surface of Saturn's largest moon looks across an eroding landscape into a stormy sky. That scenario is consistent with seasonal rain storms temporarily darkening Titan's surface along the moon's equatorial regions, as seen by instruments onboard the Cassini spacecraft. Of course on frigid Titan, with surface temperatures of about -290 degrees F (-180 degrees C), the cycle of evaporation, cloud formation, and rain involves liquid methane instead of water. Lightning could also be possible in Titan's thick, nitrogen-rich atmosphere.

Lessons In Extreme Couponing


Extreme Couponing premiered on TLC in January, handing the stage over to individuals and families who are obsessed with collecting coupons and never paying full price for anything. These may not be your typical shoppers, but they can teach all of us a little about being resourceful.

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