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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

Six Impressive Sibling Pairings in the Same Sport


I'm not sure what the odd are for an individual to make it into a professional sport. I've read numbers like 1 in 100,000 and 1 in 250,000 and that's for current high school athletes making it to the NFL and NBA.

New Games, Old Systems: The Best (Playable!) Video Game Demakes


Sample what today's games would be like on yesterday's systems.

10 Notorious Tax Evaders Who Didn’t Get Away with It


They say that the only constants in life are death and taxes. Yet while attempts to evade the Grim Reaper have so far proven to be ultimately unsuccessful,

Poll Finds Few Favorites as G.O.P. Fight for President Gels


Republican voters have yet to form strong opinions about most of their potential candidates for president in 2012, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

Chart: Plurality of Americans Now Support Gay Marriage


The fourth poll in the last year confirms a trend of increasing support

Humpback whales display amazing navigation skills


The whales can swim in extraordinarily straight lines, veering off by less than 1 degree over hundreds of miles, but how they do it remains uncertain.

Twitter to hide excessive messages from over-active tweeters


The company is testing a new feature that would hide excessive messages from users who send lots of messages in a short amount of time — an ability that has been standard in Facebook for ages.

Richard Branson Gives Island To Lemurs....


Sir Richard Branson has taken an interest in the cute, furry little primates and has decided to turn one of his private Caribbean Islands into a lemur paradise.

Tea Party Activists Don’t See Harm From State Same-Sex Marriage Law


Not a single Tea Party activist told me that expanding marriage to gays and lesbians has undermined their relationships or in any way changed the state. In fact, everyone I spoke to insisted that changing the marriage law was not a priority

10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Easter Candy


Candy is probably the only bright spot of Easter. Getting dressed up sucks. Church is a bore. The food is passable. It's all about the candy; jelly beans, Peeps, fudge and anything that will send a person into a sugar coma.

Mike Huckabee Slams Glenn Beck


Glenn Beck recently railed against Mike Huckabee's support for Michelle Obama's anti-obesity initiative. Beck called Huckabee a 'progressive' and in Beck's world, that is a disease. Beck has previously called progressivism a "cancer" which must be eliminated in America. Mike Huckabee's response...

Banksy exhibit 'inspires criminals', police insist


They called it

Six Things Your Salesperson Won’t Tell You


In a society where transparency and full disclosure are often celebrated, the salesperson is a throwback to a time when companies profited from your ignorance.

Will You Tune In to Your Social Networking Radio Station?


Wouldn't it be nice if you could just hear the your social networking updates while working, running or driving? RadioMe, a beta application for Android devices, delivers just that. But constant audio powered by Twitter or Facebook may not be what some people want to hear.

Obama Targets 'Climate Change Deniers In Congress'


At a Democratic National Committee fundraiser on Wednesday night in San Francisco, President Barack Obama called out climate change-deniers in Congress, and commented that investments in clean energy are crucial to help the economy, national security, and future generations.

The Map of United States Marijuana Laws


Want to know which states are weed-friendly in the eyes of Johnny law?

Five artists likely to celebrate 420… although they probably shouldn’t


As you probably already know, today is 420, a counterculture holiday where people all over the world get together to "celebrate and consume cannabis," or so Wikipedia tells us since we would never touch the stuff ourselves.

Apple named 'least green' tech company


Greenpeace report puts Apple at bottom of green league table due to reliance on coal at data centres

Over or Under? The Great Toilet Paper Debate (Infographic)


Unfortunately, the brilliant engineers who came up with toilet paper left one problem unsolved: the problem of orientation.

Man's worst friend: Dogs set to be banned in Iran as MPs brand them a 'blind imitation of Western culture'


For years, those taking their pet for a walk have acted as furtively as if they were harbouring a fugitive. But there was no specific law that that banned buying or selling dogs.

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