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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

Jon Stewart Was Right About Fox /News/ Viewers Being the Most Misinformed Citizens


In refuting Stewart's claim, Fox naturally went ahead and misinformed its viewers. Fox answered Stewart by posting the results of some Fox viewer polls and then asking, "Does this sound misinformed to you? • 91 percent believe the stimulus legislation lost jobs • 72 percent believe the health reform law will increase the deficit • 72 percent believe the economy is getting worse • 60 percent believe climate change is not occurring Does this sound misinformed? Why, yes, very much so!

7 Ridiculously Overpriced Foods (and 7 Better Ways to Blow Your Money)


Restaurants looking for some quick press can follow this tried and true formula: Take a simple dish (candy, a hamburger, soup); add some crazy valuable ingredients (gold, truffles, crystal); and market it as "The World's Most Expensive."

Couple has Sex on the Beach in Front of 50 People (Plus Kids)


We're not sure what it is this week, but we seem to have an epidemic of hammered people behaving weirdly.

Baby star blasts jets of water into space


Astronomers have found a nascent star 750 light years from earth that shoots colossal jets of water -- a cosmic fire hose -- out its poles in bullet-like pulses.

Jerry Stiller on Jerry Seinfeld [Video]


Jerry Stiller discusses what it was like to work on the historic TV show.

Legislation To End U.S. Marijuana Prohibition Coming Thursday


The first bill ever introduced in Congress to end federal marijuana prohibition is coming on Thursday, June 23. Historic, bipartisan legislation which would end the United States' war on marijuana -- and allow states to legalize, tax regulate and control cannabis commerce without federal interference -- will be introduced by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas).

Lulzsec hackers get hacked and exposed? ABC Technology and Games (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


Hacking group TeamPoison has claimed it has hacked the notorious Lulzsec hacking group. A message was posted on an alleged Dutch Lulzsec member's website which has since been taken down. The group says it is planning to release names, addresses and pictures of the Lulzsec team.

5 Myths Atheists Believe about Religion


Despite their emphasis on reason, evidence and a desire to see through false truth claims, many atheists hold surprisingly ill-informed beliefs about religion.

Growing Human Organs in Pigs


Researchers think they may soon be able to grow human organs in pigs for use in organ transplants.

Sarah Palin baffles and frustrates fans by quitting bus tour


Sarah Palin quit her cross-country bus tour (or PAC-funded family vacation) about one region into the country. Everyone is so used to her quitting things that no one really noticed. Life went on. Jon Hutsman ran for president. Rick Perry preemptively denied gay rumors.

Obama hands military new cyber war guidelines


"You don't have to bomb them anymore"; U.S., allies contemplate rules of engagement for 21st century battle

Street Fighter's Future


We talk with Capcom's famous Street Fighter veteran about working with Tekken, the revival of Third Strike, and remaking the original 1987 Street Fighter arcade game.

Plasma vs. LCD vs. LED: Which HDTV Type is Best?


For a long time, it was tough to call, but today's rapidly evolving technologies have made it easier to crown a winner in the display wars.

Study Says Games to Blame for Decrease in U.S. Crime


If you want to find out how video games are destroying the country, feel free to tune your televisions to Fox News. If you want to take a gander at the other side of the coin, though, you should shift your gaze across the pond to the BBC, which is reporting video games might actually be a reason for a decline in U.S. crime.

Apple iPhone Patent Spells Trouble for Google


Apple's newly awarded patent gives it ownership of the capacitive multitouch interface, spelling big trouble for rival smartphone makers, say patent experts.

Climate of Denial


Can science and the truth withstand the merchants of poison?

Open Wi-Fi Is Not a Crime, BitTorrent Case Judge Hears


Defending the right to run an open wireless network, an accused BitTorrent user has written to a court explaining that his actions do not constitute a crime. The Doe further highlighted how mass-BitTorrent lawsuits are used to harass Internet users based on shoddy evidence.

Wii U: Bringing the Hardcore Home


Nintendo's next console pulls lost franchises back into the fold.

EFF: Government Domain Name Seizures Violate First Amendment


San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) urged a federal court to return two domain names seized in the U.S. government's fundamentally flawed anti-infringement campaign in an amicus brief filed Monday.This misguided intellectual prop...

Thrown Tennis Racquet Bounces Out of Wimbledon Court [VIDEO]


Wimbledon scores first unintentional viral video. Alex Bogomolov Jr decided to vent his fury on his racquet at Wimbledon this week. After returning a serve into the net, he threw his poor sidekick down to the ground...and it didn't stay down! Watch it here.

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