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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

5 of the Newest and Craziest Genetically Modified Foods (3 Are Animals)


Who would have known 20 years ago that so many of the foods that we eat would be produced in a lab rather than nature? Scientifically designed seeds are becoming a larger than ever portion of our diet and for...

Plan to reintroduce giant pandas to the wild


Scientists in China have been so successful at breeding giant pandas in captivity that they are now planning for their reintroduction to the wild with 15 years.

Teens Becoming Pregnant to Get on 'Teen Mom'?


Now that 'Teen Mom' cast members like Amber Portwood are in their twenties, MTV is looking for a new crop of teenage girls to keep its monster hits 'Teen Mom' and '16 and Pregnant' alive, and [surprise!] industry insiders tell me young ladies are so eager to be on reality TV that they are actually getting pregnant just to score an audition. OK, not much of a surprise....

DIY Star-Trek style air powered sliding doors are something from the future (Video)


So, we don't mind a small home renovation project every now and then, and this is one we're seriously considering. Instructables has posted a step-by-step guide on installing sliding doors which are powered by an air compressor, and which look super cool.

Study links mother's cellphone use to child misbehavior


Researchers studying the health effects of cellphones say they have found evidence that when pregnant women use them regularly, their children are more likely to have behavioral problems.

Russian spies: they can't take their eyes off us


If Katia Zatuliveter was spying for Russia, she is proof that a new breed of agent is operating, and on a scale that exceeds the Cold War, says former KGB officer Oleg Gordievsky.

Threat of being "Urkeled" keeps students from sagging (with Video)


Westside Middle School combined a popular TV character, an award system and zip ties to turn their campus into a no sagging zone.

The Cyberspace Gamble of TRON: Legacy


Disney has entrusted the $170 million sequel Tron: Legacy to the director Joseph Kosinski, a first-time feature filmmaker.

Why The Fixie Trend Should Die Now


Today you can find hordes of them flooding urban cities from coast to coast. Parked outside of the coolest dive bars selling the coldest PBR, they are a homing beacon to what is hip and fashionable in hipster/bike messenger nightlife.

Elizabeth Edwards Dies


Elizabeth Edwards died Tuesday afternoon after a six-year battle with breast cancer...

8 Decisions That Should Only Be Made While Sober


'Tis the season to get wasted. It's the time of parties and consequently, a ton of booze coming in a range of delicious traditional and festive forms. Guzzle up and avoid making these potentially catastrophic decisions while feeling warm and full of holiday beer, er, cheer.

Urban Avalanche Almost Kills Pedestrians in Scotland


Avalanches, yes they're something to worry about if you're in the Alps, but you don't exactly need to be mindful of them when walking around Edinburgh

Kim Kardashian Knocked Up By Kanye West


The always reliable gossip site MediaTakeOut is running with the report that Kim Kardashian is pregnant and the father is none other than Kanye West.

Nato Allies Have Secret Plan for Defending Eastern Europe From Russia


Nato allies have drawn up a secret plan for defending several eastern European countries in the event of aggression by Russia for the first time since the end of the Cold War, diplomatic cables released.

Top Ten X-Rated Xmas Treats (NSFW)


Who said Christmas has to be wholesome? Ass napkins, pecker pops and chocolate vaginas are just a few of the items on this delicious holiday list.

The Art of Making Out (Infographic)


A few kissing tips are sure to help in the game of love and dating. A key component to intimacy, kissing is a private moment shared between a couple—even in a crowded room. Whether it is a quick peck or a long smooch, kissing is a pleasant way to spread a little love.

Donald Trump’s Toupee Almost Flies Away (Video)


Trump was seated in the owner's box with Pats' CEO Robert Kraft, and when cameras caught his hair flip-flopping back and forth, we couldn't help but hold our collective breath in hopes that his toupee might suddenly fly off that billion dollar head of his.

Lego Keeps Making Awesome Mini-Figures... You'll Never See!


Damn you, Lego. I didn't think the Danes were a cruel people, but Lego has just released pics of series 4 or their awesome mini-figure line, and I still haven't seen a single figure from series one or two anywhere. Anywhere! So while I may be super-excited at the thought of owning a Lego Werewolf, Lego Frankenstein, Lego Geisha, Lego Swashbuckler, Viking, Punk Rocker, Hazmat Worker or whatever, this excitement is tempered by the knowledge that I'll never even fraking see one. Grr.

Pearl Harbor, 69 years ago today (PICS)


Sixty-nine years ago, on December 7th, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy launched a surprise attack against the United States naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Over 350 Japanese aircraft attacked in two waves, strafing, dropping bombs and torpedoes. Four U.S. Navy battleships were sunk, four other battleships were damaged, and eight other ships were either sank or damaged. 188 U.S. aircraft were destroyed, 2,402 personnel were killed and 1,282 were wounded. The following day, the United States declared war on Japan, officially entering World War II. This year's 69th anniversary coincides with the dedication of a new $56 million Pearl Harbor visitors center. Collected here are photos from that infamous day.

NVIDIA Launches New GeForce GTX 570 Midrange Graphics Goodness


HotHardware takes a detailed look at the new NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 DirectX 11 graphics card in this full performance review.

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