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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

If Every Movie Got a Straight-to-DVD Sequel


Hollywood is able to come up with an excuse to turn any movie into a sequel. Some sequels that we'd be surprised to see, even from them.

Julian Assange and 10 Other Agents Of Truth


Julian Assange's WikiLeaks has put the spotlight on other news-story-revealing sources. We walk you through the best 10.

40 years later, Nagasaki atomic bomb still causes disease


Survivors of the World War II atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki continue to fall ill today as a result of the radiation they received, a surprising Japanese study shows. (also, boob thumbnail for the win) Researchers

Obama administration sues BP, others on Gulf spill - Yahoo! Finance


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration sued BP Plc and four other companies tied to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on Wednesday, charging violations

Ability to recognize faces peaks in the 30s


A new online experiment has discovered that people between the ages of 30 and 34 are best able to remember faces. This finding contradicts the traditional belief that mental faculties all begin to decline from early adulthood.

God blocked those bullets


"I said to myself, 'I've been shot. It sure doesn't hurt like I thought it would,'"

'Mech-Steve' Ballmer vs. 'Navi-Steve' Jobs in latest video spoof


Banyan Branch, the social media marketing firm which last month attempted to see which smartphone device would last the longest on an EZ Grill, is back with their latest viral video.

Top 2010 Tweets On Movies and TV Revealed


The 2011 Golden Globe nominations are a great refresher, but why listen to the Hollywood Foreign Press Association when the Twitterverse has already spoken?

Homeless Veteran Finds and Returns Lost Wallet, Money


The wallet belonged to a bike messenger who really needed it.

Kinect Sales Reach 4 Million Units Worldwide


According to internal VGChartz estimates, sales of Microsoft's Kinect sensor passed the 4 million unit mark as of last week (week ending December 11th). This puts Kinect on pace to sell over 6 million units by the end of the year. Xbox360 hardware sales have seen a significant lift since the launch of Kinect with around 40% of all Kinect sensor sales worldwide coming via units bundled with Xbox360 hardware - clearly showing that Kinect has been selling outside of the existing Xbox360 userbase.

World will end May 2011: The Bible Guarantees It


Billboard: Judgement Day May 21, 2011 dispelling Mayan legend and John Cusack movie.

Little Tron Girl (Video)


"I'm in a computer"

"Family Guy: It's a Trap" Trailer


Once again, the Fam­i­ly Guy al­liance trav­els far, far be­yond the be­yond the bound­aries of good taste to bring you an out­ra­geous sci-​fi spoof filled with hi­lar­i­ous hu­mor, ad­e­quate an­i­ma­tion and a hap­py end­ing (gig­gi­ty)

Rachel Maddow Explains How Republicans Broke the Senate


On her MSNBC program Rachel Maddow recently sat America down and tried to explain to them how Republicans have managed to break the US Senate by abusing the filibuster. Maddow said, "Since they lost the Senate they have turned it into a stronghold for their own party by using power the senate minority is usually entrusted not to abuse. They've used that power to break the institution."

15 of the Sexiest Hotels Around the World (Pics)


When making travel plans in today's connected world, there are more decisions to make than ever before. Once you've decided on a budget, a destination, and your mode of travel, it's time to zero in on where you want to stay. When we are surrounded by beauty and excitement, we feel more beautiful and excited as well. We want to indulge and be indulged. So after all the airport scans, pat-downs and delays, you can enjoy the most tempting and tantalizing hotels in the world.

21 great sci-fi movies and TV workplaces for a geek to get a job


The economy's in the dumps, with unemployment at the highest levels in recent memory. So where's a geek going to find a job? While the politicians attempt to sort out how to fix things, we figured we'd point you in the direction of some major companies that might just be looking to hire.

Reindeer: It's What's For Dinner


Sing it with us! "Santa's horses are yum, yum, yum."

Senate Passes Obama Tax Cut Compromise Plan 81-19


The Senate voted 81-19 to pass the Obama tax cut compromise.

Facebook Founder Teams Up With Bill Gates For Charity


Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is apparently a really nice guy. Him and some of his nerdy mates have pledged to give all their stupidly vast fortunes away to noble causes either during their lifetimes or after their death.

9 Animals with Bionic Replacements


Prosthetics have changed the lives of disabled and handicapped people since the Egyptians first pioneered the idea, but only recently have prosthetic limbs and other artificial devices been used to assist other animals. Pets and farm animals are common recipients, but scientists have also created prosthetics for endangered species to ensure their survival.

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