digg post blog

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

Apple quietly drops iOS jailbreak detection API


Apple apparently has thrown in the towel, quietly dropping in iOS 4.2 an API that was intended to discover if the OS had been compromised and jailbroken.

Incompetent BitTorrent Researchers Strike Again


Over the past years we've seen dozens of BitTorrent and piracy studies that were not the most robust or accurate, but the reports from the University of Ballarat's Internet Commerce Security Laboratory top them all.

Free The Military Of Its Bigots


Here's one of the more intelligent comments I've come across on repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell. This comes from a senior aide to General David Petraeus, Command Sergeant Major Marvin Hill. "If there are people who cannot deal with the change, then they're going to have to do what's best for their troops and best for the organization and best for the military service and exit the military service, so that we can move forward — if that's the way that we have to go."

Madoff's son hangs self


One of Bernard Madoff's sons was found dead, hanging from a rope, on the second anniversary of his father's arrest.

Teen Hides in Airplane Wheel Well, Falls Out When Plane's Wheel Prepared to Land


A teenager whose body was found in a Boston suburb likely stowed away inside a wheel well, authorities said.

By This Photo You'd Never Think He's A Champion (PIC)


Can you guess who he is?

Hehehehehehe [PicZ]


Evil cat...

Venezuela's Hugo Chavez says he'll govern from tent while flood evacuees use presidential palace - Reuters


Venezuela's Hugo Chavez says he'll govern from tent while flood evacuees use presidential palace - Reuters

California Gets Wisconsin and Ohio's Rail Money


Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer of California asked if maybe other states that do want fast, efficient transportation could split that money and today, the Department of Transportation said yes.

Britney Spears to Come Out with First New Album Since 2008


It was Spears' birthday that prompted her to reveal the news.

New Skintight Astronaut Suit Could Reduce Bone Loss in Space


Researchers at MIT are working on a prototype for a skintight bodysuit that will help astronauts mitigate bone loss while outside earth's orbit. Made of elastic mesh, the suit applies pressure on the bones, much like what gravity does to landlubbers down here.

Judge rules against Miller in Alaska Senate race


Alaska judge rules against Miller's challenge of Murkowski write-in votes in US Senate race

Myths: Busted or Confirmed? [PICS]


On Wednesday, 2.2 million people watched as President Obama made a guest appearance on MythBusters to retest one of their favorite myths. Can you guess if these other popular myths were confirmed or busted by the MythBusters?

Cables show Ireland Ceded to Vatican Pressure


Newly released U.S. diplomatic cables indicate that Ireland caved in to Vatican pressure to grant immunity to church officials in the government probe of decades of sex abuse by Irish clergy in the predominantly Catholic nation.

Medical pot dispensaries in L.A. could reappear after court blocks ordinance - latimes.com


Medical pot dispensaries in L.A. could reappear after court blocks ordinance - latimes.com

10 Most Polluted Cities In The World


If your a neat freak avoid these ten cities.

Senator Bernie Sanders’ Filibuster Fires Up The Left


Senator Bernie Sanders spent 8.5 hours today schooling us by, "reminding the world that lack of jobs and declining incomes are bad things." Directing his speech to President Obama, the well spoken Senator expounded on the vast income inequality....

'Superscope' yields first glimpse of Double Quasar


The E-Merlin radio telescope array, recently upgraded with fibre-optic technology, has yielded its first image - of the intriguing Double Quasar.

Gaming WikiLeaks: The Biggest Leaks in the Video Game World


Embattled WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been attacked from all fronts this week, following the release of thousands of confidential memos from the state department. Apparently he's only released a very small portion, and he says he has a lot more stuff in his storage banks, including five gigs worth of Bank of America documents that he promises will rock their vaults.

6 Shocking Ways TV Rewires Your Brain


Watching enough television rewires your brain in a bunch of unexpected ways. The science for it is pretty much overwhelming.

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