digg post blog

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

How To Freak People Out On Facebook [Pic]


This is awesome!

Apple and Windows Merge


The world's largest Apple store is currently under construction in Hamburg, Germany. Watch as a couple of tricksters disguised as construction workers affix Windows logos to the side of the store in broad daylight.

Apple iOS 5, iCloud: What's Coming For Your Car


Apple has introduced its new iCloud service and mobile operating system, iOS 5. What does that mean for cars? Perhaps a lot.

E3: New Nintendo Console is Wii U, Controller is a Tablet


Nintendo's new system is known as the Wii U -- a "system we can all enjoy together, but also designed for you."

Why some humans eat dirt


In what is typically thought of as a "gustatory mistake," some people enjoy eating earth clay and dirt. There are multiple suggested reasons for this, but this metanalysis hints that the most likely reason is the protective effect of the earth on stomachs

The Creators Project At Nuits Sonores: Day 2


After the inaugural extravaganza at the Marché Gare on Wednesday night, we awoke to the rather unpleasant reminder that awesome nights are, more often than not, immediately followed by complicated mornings.

Why newspaper paywalls are still a bad idea


Frederic Filloux at The Monday Note argues that the metered paywall approach can have substantial benefits for papers that implement one, as the New York Times has. But those positives are more than outweighed by the negatives, including the opportunity that paywalls create for free competitors.

Gang Banger Beats Ex-Girlfriend, Then Orders Her Beaten Again From Jail


Simon Salinas, a known gangster with a murder beef in his past, was really, really mad at his former girlfriend. Not only did he attack her himself, but after being arrested and jailed, he arranged for the half-sister of his current girlfriend to punch his ex in the face while she slept.

It Takes A Woman: Michele Bachmann’s Strategy Against Sarah Palin


Sometimes it takes a woman, and in the case of Sarah Palin, no man - conservative or liberal, has been able to deal with her effectively. Enter Michele Bachmann.

Pot Goes Mainstream: At Least 1 to 1.5 Million Americans are Legal Medical Marijuana Patients


Market for these patients in sixteen states and D.C. estimated at between $2 to $6 billion annually.

NHTSA Gives 2011 Chevrolet Volt Five Star Overall Safety Ranking


Back in April we heard that the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety had awarded both the 2011 Nissan Leaf and 2011 Chevrolet Volt its highest possible award for safety - the IIHS Top Safety Pick.

Best public restroom rules ever!


Yes! Matt Smith is officially back for another season of Doctor Who


The BBC has just confirmed that Matt Smith's Doctor will be back for (at least) another 14 episodes of Doctor Who, presumably referring to a Christmas special plus thirteen episodes in series seven.

Please don't let this be the future of rap (Video)


Tupac died for this?

Somewhere in the Arctic


The French vs. Facebook


Why have regulators in France cracked down on references to 'Facebook' and 'Twitter'? Do we secretly love them for it?

Unacceptable (PIC)


Two Priests Walk Into a Bar...


The movie Priest was a surprisingly racist, semi-coherent piece of mindless Hollywood idiocy, complete with genocidal fantasies, derivative Blade-Runner-future stylings, and please-please-please-grant-us-a-sequel tripe ending. I've been assured, though, that the Korean comic Priest, on which the film was based, was quite different. I even had vague memories myself of it's being different—I read a few pages of it some years back. So when I saw that a collection of the first three volumes of the series were being re-released, I figured what the hey, I'll give it a try.

The Good and Bad of E3 Day 1


More Kinect games, a $249.99 PlayStation Vita and Battlefield. We highlight the good (and bad) of E3 so far!

Methane gas from cows -- the proof is in the poo


Scientists could have a revolutionary new way of measuring how much of the potent greenhouse gas methane is produced by cows and other ruminants, thanks to a surprising discovery in their poo.

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