digg post blog

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

Mexico Drug War: 70 Percent Of Guns Seized Originate In U.S.


About 70 percent of the guns seized in Mexico and submitted to a U.S. gun-tracing program came from the United States, according to a report released by three U.S. senators Monday. Of the 29,284 firearms recovered by authorities in Mexico in 2009 and 2010, 20,504 came from the United States, according to figures provided to the senators by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Nissan Leaf Secretly Leaks Driver Location and Speed to Websites


When using the Nissan Leaf's built-in RSS reader, the 100% electric car's precise geolocation, destination and speed are leaked to websites!

Infographic: Startup Bubble 2.0?


Are we really in the middle of another tech bubble? Some say we are, telling us we only have to look at valuations on the secondary market for proof. Facebook, to use one big example, has been valued at close to $100 billion.

Apple: Samsung attempting to 'harass' in legal dispute


A Samsung motion to see the iPad 3 and the iPhone 5 is an "improper attempt to harass Apple by demanding production of extremely sensitive trade secrets," Apple says

Bank Of America Threatens To Foreclose On Homeowner If He Doesn't Pay $0.00 ASAP


Oh, Bank of America... will you never cease to amuse/amaze/horrify us? Yet another computer glitch from this year's Worst Company in America runner-up had one Massachusetts homeowner scratching his head when he received a foreclosure notice from BofA warning him that his property would end up in foreclosure if he didn't immediately pay the amount of $0.00.

Why Facebook lost 6 million U.S. users: 4 theories - The Week


The social networking giant reportedly lost quite a few friends in May. Market saturation, or the beginning of the end?

21 Pictures of People Falling Off Bikes


Give up the bicycle stunts guys, you're almost 35 years old

INTERVIEW: John Carpenter on His Decade Away From Filmmaking & the Problem With Today’s Horror


Movieline sat down in Los Angeles for a frank and convivial chat with the 63-year-old Carpenter, who chain-smoked between stories and laughs about his return to filmmaking, the stress of making big budget films versus indies like The Ward, the community of horror legends and up-and-comers

Sean Bean Stabbed Outside A Bar, Goes Back In And Keeps Drinking


Instead of going to the hospital to get treated, he simply treated his wounds with the first aid kit the bar had on hand and then ordered another drink and kept enjoying his night with his hot 22-year-old model date.

Police Searching For Owner Of 38 Bales Of Marijuana


I can't tell you to leave spurious, humorous and insulting tips, because that would clearly be illegal and oh-so-disrespectful of the great state of Florida's harsh marijuana laws. No, really, stop it! Don't do that! You darn rascals!

6 People Who Had No Clue Their Faces Were World-Famous


Imagine that your face has been famous for years or decades, and you never had any idea. This happens -- people have found out that completely without their knowledge, they've become icons.

Pay Scales: Google vs Microsoft vs Amazon vs Facebook


Stats from PayScale survey highlight how the four tech giants pay their employees in comparison to the industry average

I think Netflix is broken…


This is a side of Jesus that I have not heard about.

Prop 8 Lawyers Seek to Destroy America's Judiciary


Yesterday a team of lawyers sought to undermine the U.S. legal system. I'm not speaking in hyperbole -- these members of the bar attempted to discredit every black, female, non-Christian, or gay judge in the country.

FDA announces stricter sunscreen rules


Consumers will soon have a way to know how well a sunscreen protects them from skin cancer and wrinkles, not just sunburns.

15 Surprisingly Memorable Sci-Fi Movie Cameos


Not all movie cameos are created equal. Some are genuinely clever and come completely out of left field. And those are the ones that deserve a second look. We've put together a list of 15 surprise appearances that left us scratching our heads and/or wanting more.

Batman: Arkham City from a Fangirl's Perspective


Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a... bat?

Stephen Colbert and Tom Ridge get awkward over fracking


The former Secretary of Homeland Security tried to defend fracking and dug himself a few holes.

The 10 Best Motion Comics


Just because you probably should read a graphic novel as opposed to watching one doesn't mean that there aren't some motion comics that are worth your time.

Investing like it’s 1999: Tech bubble 2.0 is here


With alarmists sounding the alarms and naysayers saying, "nay," it's certainly looking very similar to the way things were over a decade ago right before the dotcom bubble burst. Did we learn our lesson back then or are we in the process of repeating our mistakes?

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