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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

100% Scared: How the National Security Complex Grows on Terrorism Fears


Americans don't expect 100% safety from illness, car crashes, or even shark attacks. But our obsession with 100% safety from terrorism is fueling the military-industrial complex.

Bill Gates in China push against secondhand smoke


Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates is visiting China to raise awareness of the dangers of secondhand smoke.

Casey Anthony Trial, Day 14: Graphic Photos of Caylee's Remains Sicken Anthony


Minutes following the start of her murder trial's afternoon session, Casey Anthony struggled to remain sitting upright at the defense table and appeared nauseated following the state's morning and part-afternoon presentation of crime scene photographs.

Apple Halts Verizon iPad 2 Sales - Duplicate MEIDs Could be the Reason


Verizon customers who pre-ordered the Apple iPad 2 are in for an unpleasant situation here. Some of the recently shipped iPad 2's are said to have carried already-used identity codes of other Apple products.

Scientists create cow that produces 'human' milk


Scientists in Argentina have created the world's first cow to boast two human genes that will enable it to produce human-like milk.

Top 10 Sleepers of E3 2011


We pick out some of our favorite underdogs and sleepers from this year's show.

This Is Not Banksy (VIDEO)


People continue to wonder who Bansky is and where his art will show up next. One thing is for sure, this is not him.

Proud All Year: The Most Gay-Friendly U.S. Cities


With June's annual Gay Pride festivals just around the corner, a celebration of America's most gay-friendly cities is definitely in order. Unfortunately, not every city makes the cut.

Microsoft Sings “You’re The Controller” While Fails To Convince Everyone


Microsoft focus on Kinect during their E3 press conference leaves everyone questioning.

House Democratic Leaders Call on Rep. Weiner to Resign


Democratic leaders in the House called for Rep. Anthony Weiner to step down Saturday after he admitted he exchanged online messages with a Delaware teenager in the latest development to a sex scandal that has dominated the news for days.

Who Won The E3 Buzz Battle? [INFOGRAPHIC]


Now that Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have sung their spiels at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2011 (E3), let's find out which company, publisher and celeb got the most buzz during the week.

U.S. adds formaldehyde to list of carcinogens


The government on Friday added formaldehyde, a substance found in plastics and other commonly used products, to a list of known carcinogens and warned that the chemical styrene might cause cancer.

Bad news for Nielsen: TV ads to be bought more like online ads


TV ads will increasingly become performance-based, moving the industry beyond just trying to amass huge audiences, according to execs from media agency Initiative. That could change the way that brands and agencies think about media buying, and could be disruptive to Nielsen's ratings system.

Palin official e-mails released


US officials release thousands of pages of e-mails sent by Republican politician Sarah Palin during her tenure as Alaska governor.

How To Be A Person: A Guide To Life For The Recent Graduate


Greetings, graduating classes of 2011! Congratulations on accomplishing all you have accomplished to get here, and pre-congratulations on all the accomplishments you will surely accomplish in your accomplishful futures.

Strung Out On A Lazer Harp: Q&A With Radium Audio


Radium Audio are, an audio collective that plays around with sound. They create innovative sonic branding and audio design, always searching for that ever-elusive "sound that stirs emotion."

Sarah Palin emails: Ron Paul supporters saw governor as perfect VP Candidate


Long before Sarah Palin emerged as John McCain's running mate, political junkies contemplated a different 2008 ticket: Paul-Palin. Fans of libertarian Texas congressman Ron Paul emailed Palin to suggest she join his presidential campaign.

Sarah Palin's Emails Confirm She Needs Teleprompter For Interviews


Sarah Palin's own released emails reveal that while she criticized Barack Obama the former Alaska governor was powerless without her teleprompter.

Forgiveable Face


Palin received death threats after 2008 nomination


Sarah Palin received death threats after she was nominated as Republican John McCain's running mate in 2008 presidential elections, according to newly released emails.

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