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Monday, October 26, 2009



Mahmoud Abbas calls elections despite Hamas

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 05:50 PM PDT

Mahmoud Abbas, the moderate Palestinian leader, has defied his Islamist rivals Hamas by calling a general election that threatens to perpetuate a damaging divide between the West Bank and Gaza. The announcement was immediately condemned by Hamas, whose fighters violently wrested control of Gaza from Mr Abbas's Fatah party in June, 2007.

Welcome to the Neighborhood. Duck?! [PIC]

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 05:40 PM PDT

Might want to re-think your Halloween itinerary this year…

Ancient “monster” insect offers Halloween inspirations

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 05:10 PM PDT

Just in time for Halloween, researchers have announced the discovery of a new, real-world "monster" – what they are calling a "unicorn" fly that lived about 100 million years ago and is being described as a new family, genus and species of fly never before observed.

Say "WHAT" Again, I Dare You [Pic]

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 05:00 PM PDT


Top 8 Programs That Can Make Your Computer Run Faster

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 05:00 PM PDT

It's a common problem among computer users: after a few months, our computers become weighed down by programs and all sorts of other junk, and inevitably become sluggish. For the less tech-savvy users, this may induce thoughts like "Why is my computer so terrible?" or "I guess I could always upgrade this… what-cha-ma-callit RAM thing".

Gary Brolsma (Numa Numa Guy) Conducts MSU Marching Band

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 04:50 PM PDT


Tilera launches ultra-powerful 100-core processor

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 04:50 PM PDT

Semiconductor company Tilera is manufacturing a 100-core computer processor that offers four times the power of Intel's Nehalem-Ex, while using a third of the power.Tilera's new 100-core processor is set for a commercial release early in 2010. The processor us based around 40-nanometer technology.

First look: inside Mozilla's Raindrop messaging platform

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 04:50 PM PDT

Mozilla Labs has released a new open source messaging platform prototype called Raindrop. The project offers a powerful Web-based interface for interacting with messaging systems like Skype and e-mail—but installation is not for the faint of heart.

15 Celebs That Support Roman Polanski (and Rape?)

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 04:40 PM PDT

A list of almost 200 celebs is circulating now, including writers, directors, actors, all petitioning for Polanski's release and rallying against his extradition to the US.

"Man Up, Obama" and Other Nonsense

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 04:30 PM PDT

Our liberal op-ed writers don't think a president from Chicago is tough enough.. Again, whatever you may think of the president or his policies, this at least is a man who puts in long hours and faces danger on a daily basis and takes a lot of heat from all quarters and does more than suck his thumb for a living.

Batman Vanishing [Video]

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 04:20 PM PDT

You can run, but he can't hide.

10 things Google has taught us

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 04:10 PM PDT

What makes Google so revolutionary? Ken Auletta, author of a new book on the company, shares his insights on why it's uniquely successful and what that means for the media world

Time Warner Routers Still Hackable Despite Company Assurance

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 03:50 PM PDT

A blogger who stumbled across a vulnerability in more than 65,000 Time Warner customer routers says the routers are still vulnerable to remote attack despite claims by the company last week that it patched the routers.But according to Chen, the routers have not been fixed as of today.

Robot Can Fall Off a 28m Building and Keep Running (Video)

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 03:40 PM PDT

Have you ever tried to catch a running cockroach? They're fast little suckers, and resilient too, which is why scientists at the University of California Berkeley modeled their latest robot after them.

The pain of torture can make the innocent seem guilty

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 03:30 PM PDT

The rationale behind torture is that pain will make the guilty confess, but a new study by researchers at Harvard University finds that the pain of torture can make even the innocent seem guilty.

A Brief History of World War II Movies (PICS)

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 03:20 PM PDT

TIME looks back on some of the finest ever WWII flicks to light up the silver screen.

What Do Teens Want? Their Moms Off Facebook

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 03:10 PM PDT

With ages ranges ranging from 13 to 22, the "What Do Teens Want?" Panel at last week's Web 2.0 Summit was a sample of teen consumer behavior and a possible harbringer of what the web will look like when modern teens come of age. The panel was an IRL version of the onslaught of media articles sensationalizing the fact that teens don't use Twitter.

Design Firm Showcases Gadgets From the Near Future

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 03:00 PM PDT

A radio without any knobs. A bathroom where a clear display wirelessly streams vital statistics on your health. And a user interface that takes brain waves and translates them into commands for a computer...

Too Soon for an Obama Library?

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 02:50 PM PDT

Sources say the U of C is pushing to host their famous son's archives.

Can Video Games Help Us Learn?

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 02:40 PM PDT

Computers and games have been influencing the way we learn for quite some time now largely due to military foresight, primarily the US military's funding, and it appears to be paying dividends in some respects.

Muffin Tops Save Lives [Curb Your Enthusiasm]

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 02:30 PM PDT

A muffin top (unflattering midriff/body fat hanging over a pair of pants) might put you in an awkward situation...or possibly save your life one day. The last minute includes the funniest clip, but the entire video is hilarious...

'Modern Warfare 2' 3rd Person Mode Leaked

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 02:30 PM PDT

Someone very special seems to have a early copy of Modern Warfare 2 and recorded the hidden feature of the upcoming 3rd person game mode.

10 Extreme Dog Grooming Trends (Pic)

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 02:20 PM PDT

Have you ever seen a poodle groomed to look like a bison? Or a chow chow painted to personify a country's beloved endangered species? I hadn't either.

I Want a Slice of this Amazingly Freaky Dead Tauntaun Cake

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 02:20 PM PDT

Look at that detail! This is so gross, yet so damn cool. More gross cakes here http://gizmodo.com/5389285

Building NASA's Huge, New Rocket

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 02:00 PM PDT

NASA's first flight test of its Ares I-X booster is only slated to last two minutes, but it represents the culmination of years of work by the rocket-minded ATK Space Systems in Utah and almost 1,000 other NASA workers and private contractors across 17 states.

Who's gonna save you from me now? [Pic]

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 01:50 PM PDT


Videogame Character's Pick-up Lines

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 01:50 PM PDT

If Video Game Characters had their own pick-up line!

Madoff colleague Picower found dead at Palm Beach home

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 01:40 PM PDT

Palm Beach billionaire Jeffry Picower, who was found at the bottom of his South Ocean Boulevard pool Sunday afternoon, has died, according to a spokeswoman at Good Samaritan Medical Center and Palm Beach police.

Afghanistan, October, 2009 [Pics]

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 01:20 PM PDT

Over the past month in Afghanistan it became clear that a Presidential runoff vote between President Hamid Karzai and challenger Abdullah Abdullah would need to take place.

New Frontier: Construction at Sea

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 01:10 PM PDT

With land in urban areas becoming more expensive and even more scarce, developers are looking out to sea for future construction projects. With that in mind, we look at some of the current offshore schemes currently in development or under construction.

New Rule: Please Do Not Defecate In The Elevator

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 01:10 PM PDT

Keep the noise down, monitor your screaming kids... and don't poop in the elevators?

6 Creepy Urban Legends That Happen to be True (Part 3!)

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 01:00 PM PDT

Also, Urban Legend 3 the movie unfortunately really exists.

Complete Windows Start Up & Shutdown Noises Collection (VID)

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 01:00 PM PDT

Ever wanted to hear all the Windows startup and shutdown sounds from Windows 3.1 to Vista (suck it, Windows 7, you can't play with us!) in one short 1:11 video? Well you're in luck, cause here it is!! All Windows Start Up And Shutdown Noises put together, in chronological order for your special trip down Microsoft Memory Lane.

Goodbye GeoCities: 7 Retro Things We'll Miss Forever

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 12:40 PM PDT

Months after the initial announcement, today, it becomes official: Yahoo has shut down GeoCities. Let's make one last toast to a few of the relics they'll leave in the rubble.

I Hate My Hit! 10 Songs Disowned by the People Who Made Them

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 12:40 PM PDT

Sometimes musicians hate the songs that made them famous.

Top Ten Places Where Life Shouldn't Exist... But Does

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 12:40 PM PDT

Some of the most improbable, inhospitable and absurd habitats on Earth...

Internet set for change with non-English addresses

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 12:30 PM PDT

The Internet is set to undergo one of the biggest changes in its four-decade history with the expected approval this week of international domain names — or addresses — that can be written in languages other than English, an official said Monday.

Napping Common, Often Helpful, Say Pilots

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 12:00 PM PDT

Charles Lindbergh famously fell asleep while crossing the Atlantic, and despite strict federal rules against it, experienced airline pilots say it's not uncommon to sneak a nap inside the cockpit.

Hasta la Vista, baby: Ars reviews Windows 7

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 11:50 AM PDT

With much fanfare and even a few parties, Windows 7 has arrived. In this extensive review, Peter Bright dives deep into Microsoft's new OS offering to see what's new, what's still the same, and whether it's worth upgrading.

APOD: 2009 October 26 -Galaxy Zoo Catalogs the Universe

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 11:40 AM PDT

A different astronomy and space sciencerelated image is featured each day, along with a brief explanation.

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