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Wednesday, April 28, 2010



My Husband Had a Brain Hemorrhage Like Bret Michaels

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 04:50 PM PDT

Compelling read about a woman whose husband had a massive brain hemmorhage 9 months after they got married ... And while she was pregnant with their first kid.

How Americans See Europe (Map)

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 04:50 PM PDT

They know how to play football too?

Cagefighter, Suspect in Massacre of 6, Shot by Police

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 04:40 PM PDT

Police believe Denny Phillips may have been in involved in the execution-style slaughter of four people and two unborn babies. Among the dead was Brooke Phillips, who appeared in HBO's Cathouse series about a Nevada brothel.

EFF: Gizmodo Raid - Preview of Copyright Enforcement?

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 04:20 PM PDT

But here at EFF, we are also wondering if we've just seen the future of copyright enforcement. Although the Gizmodo seizure doesn't appear to be rooted in copyright, having cops kicking in doors over what seems like a private dispute reminded us of recent efforts by the big content industries to get law enforcement to go after "copyright thieves."

Best 3-Yr Old Baseball Hitter Ever? (Vid)

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 04:20 PM PDT

This is Beau. He likes the White Sox, Paul Konerko, and mashing the ball out of the park.

15 TV Show Remakes That Were Utter Disasters

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 04:20 PM PDT

Some classic shows are unlucky enough to have had their legacies soiled over the last couple of decades with horrifyingly bad remakes and reboots, while others can only wait until its their turn.

Can world's largest laser zap Earth's energy woes?

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 04:00 PM PDT

Scientists at a government lab here are trying to use the world's largest laser -- it's the size of three football fields -- to set off a nuclear reaction so intense that it will make a star bloom on the surface of the Earth.

Halo 2 Still Alive on Xbox Live with 14 Players Left

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 03:50 PM PDT

Microsoft had finally pull the plug on 'Halo 2' on Xbox Live and gamers had to say their goodbyes on April 15th. However, a bunch of gamers found a loophole through this by not turning off their Xbox and disconnecting from their games, which means until they either drop from the game or be forced off the server.

Dummy Never Fails: Shoot Rag-Doll Dummies To Reach Target

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 03:50 PM PDT

Throw crash dummies like a rag doll to reach the goal, less pain the better!

Future of Browser Based Games on the iPhone

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 03:50 PM PDT

Game examples from Akihabara show some of the possibilities of browser-based gaming on an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. One can only hope that others can build on this foundation to create something truly captivating.

10 Most Intriguing NFL QB Battles

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 03:50 PM PDT

It's a quarterbacks' world in the NFL, but it seems to change about every other week, so you have to stay current.

Hilarious Hacked Device Electrocutes You for Thinking (NSFW)

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 03:40 PM PDT

What do you do after hacking a brain computer interface to electrocute people when they concentrate? You invite over some comedians and film them flipping out. Awesome.

The Apple/Gizmodo Mess and the Future of Blogging

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 03:40 PM PDT

What does this have to do with blogs all over the Internet? Everything.

First Ever High School Homerun Fail

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 03:40 PM PDT

"My dad screamed to me from the parking lot, 'You smashed my car,'" the junior said. "I thought it was pretty ironic. My first career home run in high school and it happened to hit my dad's car."

Bill Banning Bongs in Florida May Become Law

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 03:40 PM PDT

The bill says that head shops would have to make 75 percent of their revenue from the sale of tobacco, and only 25 percent can come from drug paraphernalia (even if it can be used for tobacco).

Will Other States Follow Arizona's Lead on Immigration?

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 03:20 PM PDT

Politicians in at least five states are calling for their state legislatures to adopt immigration laws that mirror Arizona's controversial new measure.State lawmakers and others in Texas, Utah, Georgia, Ohio and Maryland are seizing on Arizona's hard-line approach to illegal immigration, which has the approval of many conservatives who say it...

Mahru robot dances, Kate Gosselin never had it so good (vid)

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 03:10 PM PDT

We are such suckers for a cute robot. Take Mahru, for instance -- every time it does a jig or grabs a slice of toast we are charmed just a little bit more. The video below shows the operator waving his arms and moving his torso, only to have the robot mirror his every move. Wild, huh? And if that ain't enough, the thing has learned a dance or two.

Is Ryan Howard the Next Mo Vaughn?

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 03:01 PM PDT

The Phillies gave Ryan Howard a 5 year, $125 million extension two years prior to free agency. Giving an aging, corpulent slugger that much money for that many years is both ridiculous and capricious.

What Will It Take to Save NASA’s 30 Yr Old Space Program?

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:50 PM PDT

Space exploration champions in Congress aren't about to let the sun go down on NASA's deep space Constellation rocket program, even though the Obama administration wants to put the costly project in a deep freeze.

Coffee: It's Actually Healthier Than You Think

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:50 PM PDT

Coffee drinkers may be at lower risk of liver and colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson's disease

Six Back to the Future Innovations We're Still Waiting For

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:40 PM PDT

Anyone who is anyone has seen Back to the Future. You've seen the weird gadgets that were invented by the "Doc" and used by Marty McFly. But we can't help but wonder where some of those gadgets that were dreamt up have been in our lives. We haven't seen many of them yet. But we want them — we are still waiting.

AOL Sells Instant Messaging Service ICQ To DST For $187.5Mil

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:40 PM PDT

AOL has officially sold the pioneering instant messaging service ICQ to Russian investor DST (who also is a big investor in Facebook) for $187.5 million. In a release, AOL CEO Tim Armstrong said "As AOL continues its turnaround effort, we're fortunate to find a great home for ICQ with DST."

13 Celebrities Who Fell From Grace

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:30 PM PDT

Just like real stars, there is an expiration date for every celebrity out there. If you are lucky, pop culture allows you a gradual and comforting decline in popularity as you exit the limelight. But for other celebrities, the journey into mediocrity and obscurity comes all too fast.

Ricky Gervais Will Host The Golden Globes Again

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:20 PM PDT

Despite casually tearing through the entire room last year, Ricky is just too delicious not to invite back...

HP buys Palm -- Engadget

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:16 PM PDT

Who saw this coming?

7 Real Medieval Castles You Can Buy Today [PICS]

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 02:10 PM PDT

Compared to a penthouse apartment in New York or a Beverly Hills mansion, you could pick up a fine European castle for not much more.

Government workers out-earn private sector workers

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:50 PM PDT

At one time, being a public servant included the likely sacrifice of not being paid as well as those in private industry. The calling to public service — and the prospect of job security — offset the sacrifice. The calling is still there for many. And the economic sacrifice? It no longer exists.

Drunk Stoner Ends Police Chase at His Own Grow House, Oops!

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:50 PM PDT

"Horatio, be careful, the tea I just gave you is black, it will taste awful""Relax"*Puts on Sunglasses*"We've just bumped into a room full of herbs"YYYEEEEEEAAAAAAA!

A Gallery of Star Wars Pin-Up Propaganda (Pics)

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:40 PM PDT

Tired of designing family friendly, toy-ready B.S. for George Lucas, Zhu has gone to the dark side and made this incredible series of propaganda posters featuring hot Imperial ladies beckoning young men to join the cause.

CONFIRMED: BYE BYE GOP, Charlie Crist runs as Independent

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:31 PM PDT

There has been widespread speculation that Crist might bolt the Republican primary, which polls show, he is losing badly to GOP contender Marco Rubio. Crist has given hints in recent days that he was considering an independent run after weeks of denials that he would make the switch.

Japan to launch 'space yacht' propelled by solar particles

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:30 PM PDT

Ikaros is a 'space yacht' that gets propulsion from the pressure of sunlight particles bouncing off its sail. Solar sails allow space travel without fuel for as long as there is sunlight.

Cleveland Indians are the Most Hated Team in Baseball?

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:30 PM PDT

Contrary to popular belief, the Yankees are only the fifth-most despised team in the majors, according to an Internet algorithm.

Scientists finds evidence of water ice on asteroid's surface

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 01:10 PM PDT

Asteroids may not be the dark, dry, lifeless chunks of rock scientists have long thought.

Will Arizona’s New Immigration Law Lead to Racial Profiling?

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:50 PM PDT

The measure bars officers from 'solely' considering race in deciding whose immigration status to check, but no one's quite sure what else they should take into account.

ISVs to blame for Vista/7 infections; Office updates ignored

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:40 PM PDT

Microsoft's latest Security Intelligence Report makes for interesting reading. Attacks on Windows Vista and Windows 7 users are much more likely to use flaws in third-party software than anything from Redmond, with Adobe's ubiquitous reader the most common target.

Grand Theft Auto Occurs Every 33 Seconds, Is Your Car Next?

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:40 PM PDT

For as many people out there who own a car, there is seemingly an equally large group of people who want to steal them.

20 Of The Most Memorable Green Characters Of All Time [Pics]

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:40 PM PDT

From Blanka to Yoda to the TMNT, here are 20 of the greatest/most memorable green characters from movies, television, and video games.

Worst Foul Call in the History of the NBA?

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:40 PM PDT

I've been watching NBA basketball a long time. This is definitely the worst call by a referee that i've ever seen.

Does 'gun free' Chicago need the National Guard?

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:30 PM PDT

Two Illinois state representatives have proposed deploying the National Guard to Chicago, to help quell the latest wave of "gun violence." Mayor Daley shows no enthusiasm for that idea, and instead says what's needed is more gun laws. Some speculate that the push for more gun laws was the real motivation behind the National Guard proposal.

Confessions of a Cranky Census Worker

Posted: 28 Apr 2010 12:20 PM PDT

Cranky Census Call-Center Worker breaks a confidentiality agreement to tell what different groups of people say about the Census........

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