digg post blog

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

10 Strange Facts About Dreams


Dive headfirst into the mysterious world of dreams with this fascinating list.

Don't try this at home kids.


Buffalo Bill’s Famous Chicken


It's a special mixture that he rubs on it. Like an oil, or a lotion, and he rubs the lotion on its skin.

Man pulled from path of incoming train at Madrid metro station


Spanish police have released CCTV footage showing an off-duty policeman rescuing a man who fell onto the tracks at a metro station in Madrid.

CALM Act passed, will quiet loud TV commercials within a year


... at least Democrats and Republicans can agree on one thing: TV commercials are too damned loud. After approval by the House, the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act is now on its way to President Obama's desk. The bill will require commercials to be at the same decibel levels as programs during which they play. ... Advertisers will have one year to implement technology to keep the volume levels in check.

Ancient Buried Lakes of the Sahara Discovered


An ancient lake bed 350 kilometers long has been discovered beneath the sands of Egypt's vast Sahara desert. Geologist Ted Maxwell at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC, and colleagues examined high resolution pictures. The lake appeared around 250,000 years ago - during a period of wet climate when the region would have been covered in grasslands - and dried up 80,000 years ago, covering an area of 68,200 square kilometers at its peak.

Innocent grandfather gassed himself hours after child porn police raided his home


Michael Curtis had laptop computers seized after intelligence led officers to his address for accidentally viewing an indecent picture for a matter of seconds 16 months earlier.

Bernie Sanders Tells it like it is on the Bush Tax cuts


Today In America We Have The Most Unequal Distribution Of Wealth Since The Great Depression!

Giant panda breeding breakthrough in China


A critical milestone in panda breeding is reached, one that could kick-start attempts to reintroduce the animals to the wild.

There are so many values we can ALL agree on...Atheists...Christians...Muslims...[VIDEO]


"One nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all"

All The President’s Captors


President Obama has seemingly been held hostage by Republican captors, surrendering his once-considerable abilities to act, decide or think.

Wanderlust: It's pronounced "fooking"


Fucking Austria is a popular sex tourism destination. At least for those with a sense of humor.

The Most Disturbing Museum On Earth [Pics]


The Mutter Museum of Pathology in Philadelphia, PA houses a bizarre collection of anatomical and pathological specimens and wax models of the human body.

The World's 10 Fastest Commuter Trains - And Not a Single One of Them is Made in the United States


State Department To Columbia University Students: DO NOT Discuss WikiLeaks On Facebook, Twitter


Talking about WikiLeaks on Facebook or Twitter could endanger your job prospects, a State Department official warned students at Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs this week. An email from SIPA's Office of Career Services went out Tuesday afternoon with a caution from the official, an alumnus of the school.

Attacks on WikiLeaks are part of an attack on free speech


The WikiLeaks affair is highlighting the Internet's soft underbelly: the intermediaries on which we all rely to store our information and make it available. We are learning, to our dismay, that we cannot trust them. Online, the censors are scoring big wins

TSA Policing Media's Use of Scanner Images


We knew the TSA was sensitive about this whole scanner thing, but not this sensitive: This morning, SF Weekly got a phone call and a wrist-slap from the Transportation Security Administration's press department. The TSA wants media outlets to use "accurate" images, and by accurate we mean images they approve of.

How an RC airplane buzzed the Statue of Liberty, with no arrests


A remote-controlled aircraft with two cameras takes a tour of New York City landmarks, with truly stunning footage to show for it. The police checked in, but no arrests were made. Prepare to pick your jaw up from the floor.

Meanwhile, in Norway...


Top 10: Highest-Paying Jobs In The U.S.


You might think that in order to make the big bucks, you have to get involved in the glamor professions, such as acting or professional athletics. However, you might be surprised to learn that none of those professions made the top 10 or even the top 25 list of highest-paying jobs, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

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