digg post blog

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

Why has the longest golf drive record not been broken?


The man said to have the longest drive ever was 64 years old at the time and the record is over 35 years old. So why has technology not made breaking this record much easier?

Photographers Are NOT Terrorists


If you plan to be out-and-about in public with a camera, or give a camera as a gift, know a photographer's rights. Even in this fear-filled world where everything might be considered suspicious activity, remember...being a photographer is not equal to being a terrorist and photography is not a crime.

Racists Demand Thor Boycott


White supremacist group hates the idea of Elba as Heimdall.

Why Shouldnt Freedom of the Press Apply to WikiLeaks?


Herersquo;s a thought experiment: Imagine for a moment that the quarter of a million secret government cables from the State Department had been leaked, not to Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, but to Bill Keller, the executive editor of the New York Times.

Favre! Favre! Favre! Favre! Favre! (Comic)


Comes with miniature cell phone and 1-megapixel camera for sending disproportionally small cockshots to unsuspecting coworkers and friends.**

Athlete Forgets How to Do Thing He Trained His Whole Life For


""Did I win?" "You've been sentenced to death for dishonoring your country." "So that's a no, right?"" Uploaded 0 likes so far. Be the first!

SNL Digital Short: "I Just Had Sex"


Gays celebrate repeal of 'don't ask, don't tell'


Word that the world's largest military power will allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military brought strong and swift reaction Saturday, with supporters declaring a civil rights milestone and detractors insisting it would weaken and divide the armed forces.

Kevin Spacey delves into 'the little things' to portray Jack Abramoff


"... it's the details - the little things, as Spacey calls them - that people may not know and that often work their way into "Casino Jack," a satirical, hyperbolic version of the events that led to the 2004 ethics scandal."

John McCain On Repeal Of DADT: "We Have Marines With No Limbs"


The controversial 'Don't ask Don't tell' was repealed today much to Senator John McCain's dismay. Once an advocate of repealing DADT, McCain, king of flip flops, has now become one of the most vocal opponent. The Arizonan suggested those who vote to repeal would have blood....

Dogs can tell canine size through growls


New research has demonstrated that dogs can tell the size of another dog by listening to its growls. They are able to do this so accurately they can match the growl to a photograph of a dog of the same size.

Barbara Newhall Follett, Disappearing Child Genius


In 1927, at the age of 13, Barbara Newhall Follett published her first novel to great critical acclaim. She was a famous child genius and destined to become the next great American writer -- until, one day, she just disappeared. Literary detective Paul Collins tells her heartbreaking story.

Why Google Voice is awesome


Brush It On Your Private Areas Everyday...WTF? (Video)


This three-step system is designed to give a woman "personal confidence" by making her "smell good, taste good and look good," while also allowing her to "put some bling in her fling!" We're not really sure if "fling" in this instance is referring to her muff or her sex life, but either way, who cares? The point is that girls love jewelry and they want their privates to taste and smell like strawberries, right?

The Digital Story Of The Nativity (video..funny)


How social media, web and mobile tell the story of the Nativity.Christmas story told through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Wikipedia, Google Maps, GMail, Foursquare, Amazon ...

Teen Kills Family Dogs With Axe After Fight With Mom


One of the sickest cases of general scumbagliness that's crossed our desk in some time.

Big Wheels 3.0 (PIC)


The Bipartisanship Racket


The No Labels political organization is well intentioned, but its leaders seem utterly clueless about why Americans of all labels are angry.

Big Discounts Awaits If You Get Car Insurance Information Online


With the roads getting more dangerous every minute, one needs to secure an insurance policy in order to protect

Julian Assange Rape Allegations Revealed in Detail


The confusion about what charges exactly have lead to the extradition hearings against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange reached a fever pitch this week and now the details are out

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