digg post blog

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

Music Is Better Off On BitTorrent, Than With Apple or Big Music


The music industry is changing rapidly. On the one hand there are tens of thousands of artists who use the Internet as a distribution channel and share their music online for free, but on the other side of the spectrum Big Music and Apple are tightening the bolts.

Six years after the 2004 tsunami disaster, technical setup of the early warning system completed


Six years after the tsunami disaster of Dec. 26, 2004, the set-up of the German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System for the Indian Ocean (GITEWS) has been completed.

Lost Dog Returns Home After A Year


"I felt joy for the first time in a very long time," Martin the dog owner said. "This reaffirmed my faith in people. Not only was my dog saved, but so was I."

So You Want to Be a Computer Programmer...


For whatever reasons, you believe that computer programming is the obvious career path for you. Before you pursue that dream job though, let's imagine how things would be after a few years.

Politicians, Pundits, And Other People (Video)


A few weeks back, VBS correspondent Eddy Moretti sat down with Lewis Lapham, the historian and wordsmith at the helm of Lapham's Quarterly. Published four times a year, the journal tackles sweeping cultural topics, pulling editorial support from friends like Sophocles, Groucho Marx, and George Packer. Prior to founding the eponymous magazine, Lapham was the editor of Harper's Weekly, where he still acts as correspondent and editor. Tune in as Lapham gives current events the historical treatment and explains the happy marriage between the media and money.

Merry crunkmas: five songs about holiday substance abuse


A list of five songs to listen to while you self-medicate your way through the holidays.

Fox News’ Host Admits Liberal Economist Is Right


The debt ceiling increase is up for a vote and Fox News' Stuart Varney on Megyn Kelly's show attempts to explain why it's a non-issue that Republicans are threatening to shut down the government at such a crucial time. The tide turns and Varney admits that a government shutdown would be a very big deal and also concedes that the GOP is playing a political game by....

Now THIS is a Christmas tree (Pic)


250 bottles of Rolling Rock, 1 set of lights, and a star. Rumor has it, this project only took 6 hours and 20 frat brothers. Not really, but it could definitely be done. 250 / 20 = 12.beers. 12.5 beers / 6 = a little over 2 beers per hour.

Kitschy Gifts from South Beach's Sleaziest Stores


Miami is geographically isolated from the rest of the nation, which has allowed it to organically sprout its own personal style. A style that is totally out of whack with good taste and the runways of New York, Milan, or Paris.

New Study: Placebo Effect Works Even If Patients Know They're Getting a Sham Drug


Study suggests patients benefit from the placebo effect even when told explicitly that they're taking sugar pills...

Star Wars Nativity Scenes: In A Manger Far, Far Away


A long time ago, in a manger far far away...people were revising their Christian iconography to fit a Lucasfilm agenda.

Sculptor Wall of Galaxies-The Clue to the Missing Matter of the Universe (A 2010 Great Discovery)


In May of 2010, Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA's XMM-Newton detected a vast reservoir of gas lying along a wall-shaped structure of galaxies about 400 million light years from Earth.

Silly Ideas That Made Millions


A few lucky inventors, entrepreneurs, and marketers have hit the jackpot with silly ideas that have just the right combination of humor and utility to move tons of units and bring in piles of revenue.

Democrats Seek Changes to Senate Procedures


Frustrated by regular filibusters and other blockades, Senate Democrats are urging their leadership to change the chamber's rules.

MegaUpload Dares RIAA To Sue Them


Yesterday, we reported on the RIAAs efforts to get Mastercard to cut off payments to MegaUpload. Today, we have received an exclusive response from MegaUpload

The 6 Most Terrifying Work Commutes in the World


Rape Victim Arrested for Refusing To Be Groped By TSA at Austin Airport [Video]


George Orwell would be proud.

What WikiLeaks revealed to the world in 2010


The Government has succeeded in convincing the citizenry that the true criminals are those who expose wrongdoing

10 Ways A Good Woman Improves You


Yes, we know you like women, but they'll actually make you a Better Man if you let them. Here are 10 examples.

The Inefficiency of Gift Giving: Why Economists Hate Gifts


Giving and receiving gifts can be a joyful thing — unless you're an economist. From an economic perspective, all those books that will never be read and ties that will never be worn are a huge waste. But a group of seventh graders may have found a solution: Trade.

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