digg post blog

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

How the Bahrain Regime Wants to Erase Its Bad Memories


Protest leaders have been arrested and the very location of the demonstrations uprooted. Will such physical acts cow the opposition?

James O’Keefe Asks Not To Be Taped And Opposes A Law Banning Secret Recordings


Speaking at a Bayshore Tea Party event, Conservative activist James O'Keefe who secretly tapes his targets, then heavily edits them selectively, does not want to be taped himself openly by an APP videographer.

Maher: GOP Governs Like “a Meth Addict”


Bill Maher chastised Republicans for focusing on "useless distractions."

The Secret Day Jobs of Indie Musicians


Before the White Stripes' colossally rich and famous Jack White was Jack White, he was John Anthony Gillis, a furniture upholsterer who ran Third Man Upholstery.

10 Weirdest Action Figures Ever


Ever since large corporations realized that people will pay anything for their cherished childhood memories, action figures have been churned out at an alarming rate. Also alarming? Some of the action figures themselves. Here are ten of the weirdest.

French military jet opens fire in Libya


French military jets on reconnaissance missions have flown over "all Libyan territory" on Saturday, French military sources say.

Sun.com name could fetch Oracle $1 million


Oracle may reap a tidy profit from reselling the about-to-expire Sun.com domain name

Current update of the eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i


A collection of images and videos from the Hawai'i Volcanoes Observatory in various parts of Kilauea National Park, Hawai'i. Sorted by most recent.

Coca-Cola says it won't put Coke machines in dispensaries, then backtracks


Does Coca-Cola have a corporate policy against putting Coke machines in medical marijuana dispensaries?

'My Works Are Like My Children'


This week Mimi & Eunice address two popular copyright maxims:

AMD: PC gaming is stifled by console development


It seems barely a week goes by without one format or the other being accused of "dying" -- but are consoles really choking the life out of PC gaming?

Nokia E6 gets the FCC approval


The up and coming Nokia E6 has just passed through FCC gates under the RM-609 codename. It will work on both AT&T and T-Mobile networks.

Why American Cable Systems Won't Carry the Al Jazeera Network


Why the English version of the Arab-owned network has seen a rise in U.S. Interest, but not in carriers.

8 Milestones in the Evolution of Jason Bateman


With every actor a direct line can be traced through their career in order to gauge their current place in the industry and with Bateman, that line starts high and ends high — but there's a pretty nasty valley right in the middle. Let's look at eight milestones in the evolution of Jason Kent Bateman.

Tonight's the BIG Night -- Here Comes Supermoon!


Look! Up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's...Supermoon! That's what you'll see when you gaze into the heavens in the east tonight right at sunset. It'll sort of be hard to miss as long as you have clear skies.

If Everyday Tasks Were Done Using Wile E. Coyote Logic (PICS)


If Wile E. Coyote taught us anything, it's that rollerskating is gay unless you're wearing a jet pack. But he also taught us that no task is too simple for a 17 part plan.

A radioactive hazard zone? Chernobyl's example


Mutated animal and plant life and a no-go area for humans - could the area around the Fukushima Daiishi nuclear facility become a radioactive hazard zone?

Britons call for iodine tablets in Japanese radiation panic


Constant assurances that Britain is safe from harmful radiation were not enough to prevent people trying to buy iodine pills at pharmacies up and down the country on Friday.

Huffpo Claims Its Bloggers Aren't Writers. Is That True?


Accused by the Newspaper Guild of undermining journalism and victimizing journalists, the Huffington Post says it's not the case. No surprise there. What's interesting is how the news-and-blogs site chose to justify itself in the face of the 26,000-member Guild's boycott: by insisting that "most of are not professional writers but come from all walks of life, from officeholders, students, and professionals to professors, entertainers, activists and heads of nonprofits."

How To Get Revenge On A Cheating Girlfriend - Alligator Sunglasses


How To Get Revenge On A Cheating Girlfriend

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