digg post blog

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

Five Things Facebook Should Fix Immediately


Let me start with two questions. Why is it that such a successful company as Facebook feels like it needs to change and reinvent its interface constantly? And why are we so complacent with these changes that, quite literally, disrupt our online social lives? We have seen how social media is changing the world around us, yet we don't have a say in its progress. Undeniably, Facebook is already part of all of our lives, even for non-users. Below, I highlight 5 critical problems that Facebook needs to fix immediately:

Lindsay Lohan Will Now Simply Be Known As "Lindsay"


In her latest attempt to distance herself from her father. Next she will known as the 'actress formerly known as.'

Dogboarding [Vid]



Serena Williams' Sexy Video Game Ad 'Unauthorized'


Can one truly believe that a sexually suggestive ad for 2K Sports' 'Top Spin 4' was released without the company's knowledge and that it accidentally became a viral success?

Professional Clown Allegedly Kidnapped/Raped Girl While in Costume


No wonder kids are scared of clowns. :/

And the Typo Award of the Week goes to...


I don't know, maybe he was.

What if Luke Skywalker Was Grossed Out by Making Out With His Sister?


A comic exploring the strange incestuous nature of Luke and Leia's relationship.



10 Most Iconic Photos of the War in Iraq [Pics]


The War in Iraq has been one of the most significant events of the last decade.

This time the aliens are going to help us for sure


Why do we always think the worst of aliens when they arrive planetside and start talking about peace? There are plenty of alien groups who exist only to make the world a better place. No, really!

Look at reality. Now look at me. (PIC)


The Sexy Women of Sucker Punch


It has guns, it has fighter planes, it appears to possibly have robots and it has girls. Man, does it ever have girls.

Urinception! (PIC)


A brief history of Time Zones [w/ Videos]


BBC News looks at how time zones affect all of our lives.

25 X-Rays That Will Make You Cringe


A few years ago we made a post about items that had been lodged into assholes. Today we're going to

Supercomputer Built on Sony PS3 Consoles Now Fully Online


We've discussed Sony's decision to shut down Other OS functionality and abandon the supercomputing market several times in the past 12 months. One of the expansions in progress even as Sony killed these programs, dubbed Condor, is now fully online for the first time. This new cluster is composed of 1,716 PS3s and, if it delivers as promised,...

How E-Books Are Coming Full Circle Thanks to Tablets


E-book device makers are increasingly looking to get into the tablet market for a few reasons: more control over the experience and revenues from apps are two big reasons. Ironically, this is move back to where e-books all started more than 10 years ago.

The Most Bizarre Music Instrument Manufacturers In Japan


Maywa Denki are known for wild, crazy instrument designs and their latest creation, OTAMATONE, is no exception.

It's The Oil: The Impact of Political Unrest in the Middle East


Few would argue that oil plays a major role in all decisions pertaining to the Middle East. We hear rhetoric about liberties and stability but oil is at the center of every action.

How To: Incite Panic In Your Pothole Infested Neighborhood


Let the terror begin!

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