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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

House Republicans seek IRS probe of AARP


AARP lobbied for the new health care law and now it stands to profit, Republican lawmakers charged Wednesday as they called for the IRS to investigate whether the powerful interest group deserves to keep its federal tax exemption.

Ladies...do you feel past your prime after the ripe old age of 29?


Women feel past their prime at the ripe old age of 29, a new survey shows.A majority of the 1,000 people polled on the company's website said 29 is when women don't have "it" anymore.

Obama rolls out plan to cut oil imports


President Barack Obama outlined a plan Wednesday to cut America's imports of foreign oil by a third by 2025 -- a response to growing global energy demands and instability overseas.

Twitterers clarify rumours of Jackie Chan's death


Twitter has been buzzing with micro-reports of Jackie Chan's heart attack and subsequent passing, but the martial arts star is not dead. It's just another Twitter hoax that has crept into the trending topics.

Shih tzu saved her 83-year old owner from the Tsunami.


A miracle survivor story out of the tsunami in Japan. A 12-year-old shih tzu named Babu insisted that her owner take her for a walk the morning of the tsunami, and it's a good thing she did. The pair was saved when the 30-foot wall of water consumed their home and the entire district surrounding it.

Street Fighter II is 20 Years Old


Happy birthday to the most important fighting game of all time!

Duck Hunt Portrait (PIC)


Point your air-gun at the portrait and hope you hit the Nintendo duck!

A Historic First Image From Mercury's Orbit


NASA on Tuesday released an image of Mercury captured by its Messenger spacecraft - the first ever obtained from the planet's orbit.

More trouble for Top Gear team as show is sued over 'rigged' electric car test | Mail Online


Tesla Motors Inc issued a writ at the High Court over an episode featuring 'the ultimate test for an electric car' – a drag race between its Roadster and a petrol-powered Lotus Elise.

$6.8 Billion Needed to Ready US for the Next Big Quake


A new report sets out what the US needs to do to become earthquake resilient

Facebook's Middle East Censorship Problem


Some groups are pushing the social network to police its website

NJ Teen Arrested For Recording Police Officers Sues After They Take It Too Far


Fitchette's decision to snap a few minutes of footage caused her to spend time in handcuffs, according to a federal lawsuit filed Monday, accusing police of illegally detaining the teen.

U.S. Obesity Epidemic Now Requiring Fatter Crash Test Dummies - Food - GOOD


The super-sizing of all forms of American transit continues apace, in response to the country's obesity epidemic.

Google Maps Ban in China Likely As Licensing Deadline Nears


Google's volatile relationship continues with Chinese Government, Google Maps now could get blocked in China as Google so far has failed to file for a license through the Chinese Bureau of Surveying and the deadline is tomorrow. The bureau blocks websites in China that are not licensed to operate in the country so google maps is now likely to get blocked

Study: US digital music will overtake CDs in 2012


Digital music should overtake CDs in the US for the first time next year, Strategy Analytics said in a new study. It expected CDs to continue dropping a steep 40 percent from $3.8 billion in revenue for 2010 to just $2.7 billion in 2012.

Google Settles FTC Privacy Complaint over Google Buzz


Google settled a privacy complaint with the Federal Trade Commission brought by the Electronic Privacy Information Center, the center's chief Marc Rotenberg said. The complaint involved Google's social networking service, Buzz.

Spider Defenses For a Flood (Pic)


An unexpected side-effect of the flooding in parts of Pakistan has been that millions of spiders climbed up into the trees to escape the rising flood waters.

Why Is It So Hard to Quit Smoking? (Graphic)


With more than 5 million people dying each year from its effects, tobacco smoking is one of the leading causes of death around the world.

Gym 'Fines' Members For Missing Workouts


Looking for some motivation to keep you going to the gym? One Boston-based company may have figured out the ultimate way to ensure you don't miss a workout.

Battlefield 3 Fault Line Episode 3 Trailer Shows Amazing Melee Combat (VIDEO)


Battlefield 3 Fault Line Episode 3 Video: Get That Wire Cut shows melee combat and more outdoor gameplay

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