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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Digg / upcoming

Digg / upcoming

Six people charged in US over support for Pakistani Taliban

Posted: 14 May 2011 03:11 AM PDT

FBI agents announced the four-count indictment against three U.S. citizens resident in Florida and three others in Pakistan

Amateur's 5000-megapixel image provides an interactive view of the Milky Way

Posted: 13 May 2011 07:23 PM PDT

The 5000-megapixel image provides a 360-degree interactive view of the Milky Way and more than 20 million stars.

Glenn Beck Responds To Meghan McCain Controversy (VIDEO)

Posted: 14 May 2011 03:07 AM PDT

Glenn Beck addressed the controversy surrounding his comments about Meghan McCain during his weekly appearance on Bill O'Reilly's show on Friday—but did not apologize for making them.

Charlotte Motor Speedway Installs World's Largest HDTV

Posted: 14 May 2011 04:05 AM PDT

And it plays games!

Toyota Production Recovering Faster Than Expected

Posted: 13 May 2011 10:34 PM PDT

Just last month, the future looked bleak for Toyota.

How Google Chromebook Will Feel for Music Fans

Posted: 14 May 2011 04:30 AM PDT

As it tends to do around this time of year, Google is making waves this week with its Google I/O developers' conference in San Francisco, where it announced not only the innovative WebGL-enabled music video we profiled Wednesday, but — more importantly for the future of computing — its Chromebook series of netbooks, which sit somewhere between the tablet and the laptop and are designed from the ground up for cloud computing.

Galaxy NGC 4214: A star formation laboratory

Posted: 14 May 2011 03:24 AM PDT

Hubble's newest camera has taken an image of galaxy NGC 4214. This galaxy glows brightly with young stars and gas clouds, and is an ideal laboratory to research star formation and evolution.

Real-Life Octomom Gives Birth to Baby Octopuses on Video

Posted: 13 May 2011 11:39 PM PDT

Here's something you don't see every day: the birth of thousands of octopi, caught on film.

How Not To Load A Car On A Trailer (VID)

Posted: 14 May 2011 01:31 AM PDT

The absolute worst possible way to do it.

5 Things That Aren't Nearly As Dangerous As Hollywood Thinks

Posted: 13 May 2011 10:02 PM PDT

For some reason, it's not a big deal to jump away from an erupting fireball, but we're supposed to believe that encounters with the things on this list are certain death.

The Life & Death Of Osama Bin Laden [Infographic]

Posted: 14 May 2011 03:21 AM PDT

Ever since Osama Bin Laden's death, there has been a heated debate about whether this meant the War on Terror was won. While many people are happy about the result, a considerable number of people question the benefits of a war that stretched out for so long and ended with a 40 minute operation.

Shirley Sherrod Returns To USDA To Work On Civil Rights

Posted: 14 May 2011 12:26 AM PDT

Shirley Sherrod is back at the United States Department of Agriculture, almost a year after she was forced out by a misleading video spread by conservatives falsely accusing her of discriminating against white farmers.

The 10 Best Hip-Hop Album Skits

Posted: 13 May 2011 10:42 PM PDT

A staple of hip-hop records of years past, album skits have gone the way of the dodo bird it would seem. From Big Pun to Cam'ron, here's our 10 favorite skits- light one up and enjoy!

The Political Meddling Of Anti-Gay Bigot Archbishop Timothy Dolan

Posted: 14 May 2011 04:17 AM PDT

During the same week that the Presbyterian Church announced it will ordain out gay and lesbian people in same-sex relationships as ministers, New York's Archbishop Timothy Dolan wrote a poison-pen blog against the civil rights of his LGBT fellow citizens.

Fan Creates Wearable Master Chief Outfit Entirely Out of Legos

Posted: 14 May 2011 12:47 AM PDT

Here are some of the residual pictures from the photoshoot.

Top 10 Awesome Android Features that the iPhone Doesn't Have

Posted: 14 May 2011 02:32 AM PDT

We love both Android and iOS, but the open nature of Android just means it can do things others just can't. Here are our favorite Android apps and features that you won't find on its Apple-clad brethren.

Upping your terrorism game: 10 ways to share secret information

Posted: 13 May 2011 01:33 PM PDT

I don't know if the C.I.A. set up some Google Alerts, had an intern hunched over who.is or what, but as far as I can tell, the Obama administration seems suspiciously shocked by Osama bin Laden pulling off one of the most elementary Internet trickeroos of all time.

Reuters: Expert Finds "Security Flaws in Sony's Networks"

Posted: 14 May 2011 03:06 AM PDT

Not all is well at Sony. Reuters spoke with an Internet security expert who found plenty of things for the company to be worried about.

Press the Advantage in Afghanistan

Posted: 14 May 2011 12:20 AM PDT

When you are in a fight and have your opponent down on the pavement with your boot on his neck, the last thing you want to do is step off. You keep the boot firmly planted, pressing even harder, until he yields. Otherwise it's a certainty that he'll get back up, start throwing punches again, and drag out a fight that should have been settled sooner. Such is the case in Afghanistan with the American-led counterinsurgency against the Taliban and its jihadist allies. It's becoming increasingly clear that we have the boot on our opponent's neck.

Scholastic kills coal industry-funded lessons.

Posted: 13 May 2011 10:51 PM PDT

Textbook provider Scholastic is scraping a curriculum it developed that was sponsored by the American Coal Foundation and criticized for not including the negative effects of mining and burning coal.

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